• You move out to someplace that nobody bothered to farm before, because it wasn't profitable enough, because you need more land.


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  • I would like to, sometime before we move out of New York. I would like to ice skate there.


    第一次来纽约 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Then as you move out to the equity markets where it's harder to price things as efficiently--large-cap stocks -there are two-fold percentage points,first to third quartile.


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  • It's like they're not smart enough to figure out that it's not there anymore, even if they see it move.


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  • It does so because there are some molecules in the surface of the membrane that allow glucose to move in and out.


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  • Figure out how you can make it move a little to the left, a little to the right, up and down and then repeat in some kind of looping structure.


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  • So you can see that we're starting to have a very complicated equation, and it turns out that it's mathematically impossible to even solve the exact Schrodinger equation as we move up to higher numbers of electrons.


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  • There are all kinds of little abbreviations they make, ; and it suggests that language has to be wrenched out of its conventions; syntax can be set aside; language needs to move at the speed of experience and at the speed of ecstasy.


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  • We talk in terms of high pitch and low pitch although we'll fine tune that next time, and then we have this idea of duration or time, which we tend to write out in symbols that move from your left to right.


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  • I move out of the room toward the bathroom, planning to brush my teeth. As I enter the bathroom, it's much more light, I look in the mirror and-- here's where things get really weird--I don't see anything.


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  • But the difficulty is, if you take your left flank and move it out here so you can flank this guy, one of two things has to happen to your army.


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  • but you've got to be certain when you get out there. And make a positive move.


    我使用自行车 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • There are processes that go from my nervous system, from my brain and spinal cord out to the tips of my fingers that allow me to move muscles there, or down to your toes.


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