• Don't you feel it in certain details: the eerie lack of people in this place? "No one left and no one came."


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  • I don't know if you know this, but for a long time when movies took place in New York,


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  • Now when we put insulin in this place behind the right promoter, the cell thinks that it still has the lacZ gene present which it needs for its metabolism.


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  • He's covering his head in a traditional religious fashion, so in order to enter this holy place he covers his head.


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  • It says finally it came to place, according to this concocted system, and I've underlined in red, very many undiscovered members.


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  • And I mean, it's probably a lot of this straight-ups are going all over the place in a product.


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  • Then Moses the servant of God died there, in the land of Moab, as God had said, and he buried him in the valley, in the land of Moab...but no man knows the place of his burial, to this day.


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  • This is the place where people typically slip up in debugging. They don't think in advance what they expect the result to be.


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  • Naming doesn't always make sense in chemistry, so I like to point out this is a place where naming does make a lot of sense.


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  • How they treated women,different ways that women could take a place in this movement.


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  • It's not taking place in this life, so it has to have happened before.


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  • That's including me and that's why I went into the subject in the first place cause I was aware of how little I really know of this.


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  • It used to be a lot easier to be physically active then it is today, and we'll discuss this later in the class, but energy saving devices all over the place.


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  • The trouble is, you just don't know when that explosion took place, and since there are several periods in this general area that we're talking about now, in which something big happened, some great change takes place, it turns out different people want to have their explosion at different times.


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  • include cs50 h But this says include and this says include a file called cs50.h that lives in some special place on the server that the cs50 staff wrote.


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  • The nice thing about this place is that you can find an apartment in three days,


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