• So, its genetic material wouldn't be released and even if it was released, the genetic material is also cross-linked, and so it can't be transcribed and translated or replicated.


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  • Now, I'm not introducing any genetic material at all so I don't have to worry about it replicating because there's no genetic material, all I do is deliver the particles.


    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • And these aren't necessarily so incompatible but the evolutionary perspective I think would argue that you can feel that kind of love for more than one person or at least it would facilitate the passing on of your genetic material to a larger array of the next generation.


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  • The virus then can self-assemble, that is, you've made a lot of genetic material, you've made a lot of the structural pieces, there has to be some way that the virus can reassemble, repackage itself into active forms.


    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • HIV is a member of the family of viruses called retroviruses, and retroviruses all use RNA as their genetic material.


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  • They enter the cell after recognizing, they fall apart inside the cell, they reproduce their DNA, or their genetic material using host mechanisms.


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  • This might be a polio virus, for example. The example I've given here is a virus that contains DNA as its genetic material.

    例如 这个应该是,小儿麻痹症病毒,我曾在这里展示过,一种将DNA作为遗传物质的病毒

    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • You know that some viruses use RNA as their genetic material and so their lifecycle is going to be slightly different than this.


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  • It breaks down into its component parts and I show two of those component parts here, one is the genetic material, in this case DNA, and the other is all the proteins that form the structure of the virus.


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