• It's first of all a depiction of an underworld, and so it provides Milton with an important Christian representation of a hell.


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  • God, it's just so awesome there with all the like lights and everything.


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  • So if we're talking about the third period, that starts with sodium and it goes all the way up to argon.


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  • One of the motives for his selection of this genre, the pastoral genre, is the tradition -and it's a tradition that goes all the way back to Theocritus and Virgil -that associates shepherds with poets.


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • Well, that's the sense of theory that I like to work with, and I would pause over it by saying that after all, there is a difference and practice and we shouldn't too quickly, at least, confuse the terms.


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  • it's this paper mend with a plastic cover and there's all these black magnetic particles here.


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  • And then, they take that receipt, take the other receipt, staple it together with a little coffee card and then give me all that and I throw that paper away.


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  • All these components have to be compatible with each other and it has to work according to a plan, which ultimately is informed by this theory.


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  • What's this thing doing? It's walking along the list looking for the smallest thing in the back end of the list, keeping track of where it came from and swapping it with that spot in the list. All right?


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  • They tell you precisely what the gases were, what the characteristics of those gases were, and it squared beautifully with all details that we heard about the Delphic Oracle.


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  • - On the other hand, we have to ask ourselves-- and this the question that I left us with last time- whether it would really, all things considered, be better to know how much time you had.


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  • The finding is that if your race or your group has a negative stereotype associated with it in any particular domain, being reminded of it serves as a stereotype threat and hence damages your performance in all sorts of domains.


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  • We have a table of the elements with properties varying periodically with atomic mass, so we compress all of that information and refer to it as the Periodic Table.


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  • And it's done with song, it's done visually, all sorts of things are embedded in there.


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  • That's why it's all in French, because it's not copyrighted, and we have to be careful with that in here with these camera rolling--cameras rolling.


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  • And then, I mean when I started thinking about all the people issues and doing Psychology, it was like being in the university interacting with a lot of people that it kind of occurred to me that this would be something I was interested in, and like I knew how to do it so I just did.


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