• Abbas Milani, an analyst at The Hoover Institution, "I certainly know of no time in Iranian history where the democratic discourse, and the social basis of democracy have been as strong."

    VOA: standard.2010.06.11

  • What place can it occupy in each type of discourse, what functions can it assume, and by obeying what rules?"


    耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选

  • and a lot of students like, offer, like, a good intellectual like, discourse.


    都是天才 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Derrida, as I said, believes in a kind of seamless web of discourse or discursivity. We are awash in discourse.


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  • Because they represent dimensions of experience formerly excluded from the elevated, idealized discourse that is poetry, dimensions of experience excluded as prosaic.


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选

  • But the fact that this type of report the goverment published itself suggest that they are thinking about it and once it becomes part of the public discourse this typle of issue... some action is likely to follow.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会课程节选

  • Well, it is the disclosure of error that other forms of discourse supposing themselves to refer to things remain unaware of.


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  • Again and again he says that the important thing is to insist on the difference between literature and other forms of discourse.


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  • Simply because of doubt about the generic integrity of various forms of discourse.


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  • Foucault continues, Instead, these questions will be raised: "How, under what conditions, and in what forms can something like a subject appear in the order of discourse?


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  • That's why the poem, the lyric poem, is privileged among the forms of literary discourse in the New Criticism.


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  • One can speak hesitantly of literary discourse, political discourse, anthropological discourse, but one doesn't want to go so far as to say literature, political science, anthropology.


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  • This question of determinism is as important in the discourse of literary theory as the question of skepticism.


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  • Notice, in fact, the cleverness of all this discourse in the poem!


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  • There's no sense that we're making God up in this kind of discourse.


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  • One of the reasons this understanding seems so problematic is the idea that we don't appeal to the authority of an author in making our mind about the nature of a given field of discourse.


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  • There are relevant and interesting fields of discourse and there are completely irrelevant fields of discourse, and some of these fields are on the sides of angelic discourse and some of these fields are on the side of the demonic.


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  • In the interest of time, I'm going to skip over a few other passages that I was going to read to you in reinforcement of this insistence, on de Man's part, that literature differs from other forms of discourse, the remaining question being: literature differs from other forms of discourse how?


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  • Sidney's talking about the various kinds of discourse: - divinity, hymnody, science, philosophy, history-- in other words, all the ways in which you can contribute to human betterment and human welfare. He says in the case of all but one of them, each discourse is a "serving science."


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  • There is discourse, and to think about the field of texts is to think about something which is full of difference.


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  • Metaphor is the bringing together in a statement of identity of the discourse that's attempting to articulate itself.


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  • Foucault couldn't possibly allow for that because plainly the whole texture of their discourse would be undermined by introducing the notion that it's okay to be a master, and yet Ricoeur feels that these figures dominate modern thought as masters.


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