• and Nolan says Inception goes on an even deeper inner journey: "I've been fascinated by dreams my whole life, since I was a kid.

    VOA: standard.2010.07.16

  • So that it's a good thing to be born, " even though your life is going to be followed by death."


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  • And now that I'm becoming a professor, hopefully, that work-life balance will be even better,


    为什么是会计学呢? - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Even after the Israelites will settle in their own land, the life of the desert pastoralist remained a sort of romantic ideal for them.


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  • Even those of us who do not necessarily think of himself as having a writing life.


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  • Even what we think in our vulgar ways to be inanimate objects - even they seem to have within them something like a potency, a potency of life or an infusion of divine spirit.


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  • The Hobbesian state was intended to secure the conditions of life, even a highly civilized and cultivated life but one calculated in terms of self-interest and risk avoidance.


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  • Some people argued that there are certain things that are just categorically wrong even if they bring about a good result, even if they saved five people at the cost of one life.


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  • And he had a miserable life until then because he always had illnesses, some of which might be even psychosomatic. So he was the optimist and the one who lived well with the pessimist.


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  • But even if you do survive-- let's the ground floor-- even if you do survive, you would lead a life of constant frustration-- refusing to accept something that is there whether you like it or not.


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  • They have to pay--the premium has to cover the costs, so it was tough to get someone to buy life insurance even though they really needed it--it was such a good idea for them.


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  • It had established Athens as a mighty and redoubtable naval power and it created an unprecedented level of artistic and cultural life even today known simply as Periclean Athens.


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