• And the animals usually avoid their own waste, so that reduces the amount of good grazing space even more.

    VOA: special.2010.01.19

  • Die early and avoid the fate.


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选

  • But story, that's what the plot is about, and if that's what the plot is about, how can we avoid calling it content?


    耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选

  • She nodded her head as she touched and smelled the flowers that her father had been so careful to avoid.

    VOA: special.2009.05.23

  • So a third way has emerged in the last 20 years, or 15 years or so, and it's one that seeks to avoid this dichotomy between polytheism and monotheism.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • He said it permitted them to avoid the legally binding targets and international supervision proposed by developed countries.

    VOA: special.2009.12.26

  • You would, to avoid the horrors of genocide, you would crash into the five and kill them?


    耶鲁公开课 - 公正课程节选

  • But some hotels and ski areas away from the city are offering special rates for people who want to avoid the crowds.

    VOA: special.2009.01.19

  • But if you take an animal and you give it a new food and then you shock it very painfully it won't avoid the new food.


    耶鲁公开课 - 心理学导论课程节选

  • The computer then takes the signal and gives the driver spoken directions on how to drive the car to avoid an accident.

    VOA: special.2009.11.03

  • The only way to avoid that is to lobotomize me, and that's not desirable.


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • And the Global Fund is open in its work to avoid corruption or the appearance of corruption.

    VOA: special.2010.03.10

  • in his great depiction of hell in Books One and Two) to avoid the standard epic scenes of the torture of the damned, for example, with which we're familiar if we've read Homer or Virgil or, of course, Dante much later.


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • The Purdue Online Writing Lab also explains how to organize papers and avoid plagiarizing other peoples' work.

    VOA: special.2010.02.11

  • The middle class he says is able to achieve the confidence of both extreme parties where at least it is sufficiently numerous to avoid the problems : of class struggle and factional conflict.


    耶鲁公开课 - 政治哲学导论课程节选

  • The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is advising people to avoid travel to Mexico.

    VOA: special.2009.04.29

  • But if you avoid all of these minutia and focus really just on the idea, it looks like what was a blue say block, a so called statement, is now going to be something called printf where the F happens to stand for formatted.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • Then,in eighteen fifty, Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky offered a compromise to avoid secession, and a likely war between the North and the South.

    VOA: special.2009.03.26

  • I don't know a word of Russian, and so I actually try to avoid using the rather well-known Russian equivalents for these terms because I feel like an idiot.


    耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选

  • Now,the question is how and when to withdraw that support without harming a recovery, and how to avoid a repeat of the financial crisis.

    VOA: special.2009.09.26

  • Presumably, a part of his brain quickly mobilized his faculties to scope out how to flee and how to take steps to avoid a vulnerable predicament in the future.


    耶鲁公开课 - 心理学导论课程节选

  • Still,he says he worries that more people will avoid cooperating with the police, and that officers will have less time to fight more serious crimes.

    VOA: special.2010.07.03

  • The slave trade revolving around tobacco or cotton or coffee or sugar would tend to mix slaves and laborers from different language backgrounds, in part deliberately, so as to avoid the possibility of revolt.


    耶鲁公开课 - 心理学导论课程节选

  • People should know the causes of their asthma symptoms and try to avoid these triggers.

    VOA: special.2009.07.28

  • And blind here is a technical term meaning she had no idea what the baby saw, and the point about this is to avoid either intentional or unintentional sort of trying to get the answer you want.


    耶鲁公开课 - 心理学导论课程节选

  • The next year, American Secretary of State Madeleine Albright called for the two countries to "explore further ways to build mutual confidence and avoid misunderstandings."

    VOA: special.2010.09.25

  • My favorite moral dilemma is as I'm walking down the street and I see somebody I sort of know, do I avoid eye so we don't have a conversation or do I say, "Hey. How are you doing?"


    耶鲁公开课 - 心理学导论课程节选

  • But last year, increasing gas prices and decreasing sales forced the company to seek billions of dollars in government aid in an attempt to avoid failure.

    VOA: special.2009.10.09

  • They can order online. Gift registries help the bride and groom get things they want and avoid things they do not want -- like three of the same gift.

    VOA: special.2010.08.09

  • Better to avoid the unstable hammocks altogether, since they're filled with snakes, occasional bears, and flesh-eating plants that, helpfully,feed on mosquitoes.

    VOA: standard.2010.03.29

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