• Both Hartman and Fish argued that the rhetorical strategies of Milton's similes work to reinforce the theological categories of good and evil.


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  • The simile sets out to establish the moral polarities between good and evil, but it then works almost systematically to undo that understanding.


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  • So, for example, impurity was often connected with belief in evil spirits and impure demons.


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  • In other words, his point is that good is only possible because of the prior existence of bad.


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  • Is it part of your nature to be good or bad or is it largely due to the situation that you fall in?


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  • So to explain all this we need now a sort of crash course in Plato's metaphysics.


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  • No, they come from the polis when its laws are good and therefore when what the government provides is eunomia rather than the opposite.


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  • Milton's interest in moments of blurriness and of visual indistinctness suggest that the distinction between good and evil is actually never that clear.


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  • You can figure Milton asking in this poem Lycidas if it's true: is it true what the Elder Brother said, ? that virtue is always rewarded and evil punished?


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  • That's because it's here where the rigid polarities between light and dark and good and evil, all of these absolute oppositions, begin to collapse.


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  • No divine evil agents. Again, in the pagan worldview the primordial womb spawns all sorts of beings, all kinds of divinities, good and evil that are in equal strength.


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  • The similes work not to sew everything up but make it impossible for us to maintain anything like the official position on a moral distinction between heavenly good and satanic evil.


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  • So just as there are good gods who might protect human beings there are also evil gods who seek to destroy both humans and other gods.


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  • Adam at the Fall didn't simply come into a knowledge primarily of evil.


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  • It used to be thought before people were very careful- we know that they do every terrible thing in the world in the Peloponnesian War.


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  • So they learn in this story that the moral choices and actions of humans have consequences that have to be borne by the perpetrator.


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  • The idea of The Matrix is explicitly built upon Cartesian— Descartes' worries about an evil demon.


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  • Adam, by tasting the apple, came into a knowledge of good, and he was only able to know this good by means of the experience of the knowledge of evil.


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  • To so many readers it has seemed that Eve is actually quoting Milton's much earlier writing, Areopagitica, in her defense, and it has an incredibly unsettling effect. Evil has to be challenged.


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  • in his great depiction of hell in Books One and Two) to avoid the standard epic scenes of the torture of the damned, for example, with which we're familiar if we've read Homer or Virgil or, of course, Dante much later.


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  • For it is peculiar to man as compared to other animals that he alone has a perception of " good and bad, just and unjust and other things."


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  • People have names. People have distinct, individual names that mark them as people and once you know somebody's name you are less likely to do bad things to them.


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  • Morality is extremely central to our lives, and a deep question, which we will struggle with throughout most of the course, is the question of good and evil, evil and good.


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  • There's a fear here that the ambition of this bid for paternal light is presumptuous, perhaps it's even satanic Satan of course in the next book, Book Four will have his invocation to light.


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  • This almost certainly is not the right story but again, just as in phobias, some ideas of classical conditioning may play some role in determining what we like and what we don't like sexually.


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  • These three pictures exemplify different sorts of evil.


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  • Now since God is himself the transcendent source of all being and since he is good, in a monotheistic system there are no evil agents that constitute a realm that opposes God as an equal rival.


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  • Maybe more surprising, Freud's insight that our likes and dislikes are due to factors that we're not necessarily conscious of, has a lot of empirical support--a lot of empirical support from research into social psychology, for example.


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  • The way to do terrible things--One way to do terrible things is to lose yourself so you're not an individual anymore but another way to do terrible things is so that the person you're doing it to isn't an individual.


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