• 哈佛大学法学院刑法教授

    He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school.


  • 哈佛大学授予荣誉学位

    Harvard awarded him an honorary degree.


  • 今年毕业哈佛大学

    She graduated from Harvard this year.


  • 哈佛大学课程直到明年重新开始。

    His course at Howard University will not recommence until next year.


  • 50年前哈佛大学科学家什么

    What did Harvard scientists do 50 years ago?


  • 哈佛大学招收任何优秀学生,不分宗教肤色背景

    Harvard University takes in any outstanding student regardless of religion, color or background.


  • 哈佛大学学生马克·扎克伯格推出Facebook

    Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg launched the Facebook.


  • 现在我们哈佛大学食品法律政策研究中心位发言人

    We turn now to a spokesperson from Harvard University's Food Law and Policy Clinic.


  • 这个节目只有一个主持人就是来自哈佛大学苏珊·鲍威尔教授

    The show will have one host only, and this will be Professor Susan Powell from Harvard University.


  • 这个节目只有一个主持人,那就是来自哈佛大学苏珊·鲍威尔教授

    The show will have one host only, and this will be loinbo Professor Susan Powell from Harvard University.


  • 现在我们哈佛大学食品法律政策事务所位发言人了解更多内容

    We turn now to a spokesperson from Harvard University's Food Law and Policy Clinic for more on the story.


  • 哈佛大学认知神经学家乔舒亚·吉伦,对我们大多数人来说,说谎需要努力

    Harvard cognitive neuroscientist Joshua Gireene says, for most of us, lying takes work.


  • 哈佛大学科学家大卫·爱德华兹设计了一种可食用袋子可以保护里面食物饮料

    David Edwards, a scientist at Harvard University, designed an eatable bag which can protect the food or drink inside.


  • 哈佛大学已故的理查德·哈克曾经说过,“坚信,团队的确可能具有创造非凡事物魔力。”

    The late Richard Hackman of Harvard University once argued, "I have no question that when you have a team, the possibility exists that it will generate magic, producing something extraordinary."


  • 喜欢故事哈佛大学担任校长时,我得到了机会在新生研讨班上讲课

    One of the stories I always like to tell is of a freshman seminar that I had a chance to teach at Harvard when I was president of the university.


  • 因为美国大学里发生一些奇妙的事情,哈佛大学英语教授路易斯·梅南很巧妙地捕捉到了一点。

    For something curious has been happening in American universities, and Louis Menand, a professor of English at Harvard University, captured it skillfully.


  • 总是很喜欢故事哈佛大学担任校长时,我得到了个能在新生研讨班上讲课机会

    One of the stories I always like to tell is about a freshman seminar that I had a chance to teach at Harvard when I was president of the university.


  • 哈佛大学研究没有证明两者之间直接联系指出了这种接触行为问题风险之间的强烈关联

    Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.


  • 如果哈佛大学利特能够如愿以偿,这个金字塔我们应该不应该摄入脂肪碳水化合物类型做出大的区分。

    If Harvard's Willett has his way, the pyramid will make a greaterdistinction between the types of fats and carbs we should and shouldn'teat.


  • 哈佛大学一位人类学家提出做饭可以追溯到200万年前可以解释人类的一些特征比如大脑牙齿

    A Harvard anthropologist has proposed that using fire to cook food could be dated back to almost two million years and that it could explain hominid features like having a large brain and small teeth.


  • 通过使用眼球追踪技术哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院朱丽亚·明森得出结论眼神交流可以情况而定传递截然不同的信息。

    With the use of eye-tracking technology, Julia Minson of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government concluded that eye contact can signal very different kinds of messages, depending on the situation.


  • 哈佛大学公共卫生学院生物统计学家、SBORE 小组成员乔瓦尼·帕尔米贾尼表示希望委员会主要发挥咨询作用”。

    Giovanni Parmigiani, a biostatistician at the Harvard School of Public Health, a member of the SBORE group, says he expects the board to "play primarily an advisory role".


  • 哈佛大学伯克互联网社会中心Judith Donath 认为,联系激增会对我们社会结构产生深远影响

    The explosion of weak ties could have profound consequences for our social structures too, according to Judith Donath of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.


  • 哈佛大学2011年的一份报告显示马萨诸塞取得了堪比韩国和芬兰数学成绩密西西比州分数则更接近特立尼达多巴哥

    A 2011 report from Harvard University shows that Massachusetts produces math scores comparable to South Korea and Finland, while Mississippi scores are closer to Trinidad and Tobago.


  • 哈佛大学报告说女性男性有可能心脏病发作年内死亡”,而且许多女性她们医生有时甚至没有辨认出这些症状。”

    Harvard reports that women are "much more likely than men to die within a year of having a heart attack" and "many women say their physicians sometimes don't even recognize the symptoms."


  • 研究小组哈佛大学的格雷厄姆·雷诺兹博士带队,这位科学家组织样本进行基因分析确认条蛇一个此前不为人知种类

    The team was led by Dr. Graham Reynolds, from Harvard University, the scientist confirmed the snake was a previously unknown species after conducting a genetic analysis of tissue samples.


  • 研究小组哈佛大学的格雷厄姆·雷诺兹博士带队,这位科学家组织样本进行基因分析确认条蛇一个此前不为人知物种

    The team was led by Dr. Graham Reynolds, from Harvard University, the scientist confirmed the snake was a previously unknown species after conducting a genetic analysis of tissue samples.


  • 哈佛大学哥伦比亚大学学者们进行的“黄金标准研究发现即便是极度贫困的学校教师也始终会产生巨大的,积极消极影响

    The gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars found that even in high-poverty schools, teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact.


  • 法纳尔大厅比肯山再哈佛大学从保罗·里维尔故居波士顿大屠杀的发生地,游客们可以下午的时间里找到大块国家遗产

    From Faneuil Hall to Beacon Hill to Harvard, Paul Revere's house or the site of the Boston Massacre, visitors can find a huge chunk of the nation's heritage in one afternoon.


  • 法纳尔大厅比肯山再哈佛大学从保罗·里维尔故居波士顿大屠杀的发生地,游客们可以下午的时间里找到大块国家遗产

    From Faneuil Hall to Beacon Hill to Harvard, Paul Revere's house or the site of the Boston Massacre, visitors can find a huge chunk of the nation's heritage in one afternoon.


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