• 龙河母亲星期三早晨家里发现尸体

    Park's mother found his body in his home early Wednesday morning, the news agency reported.


  • 阐述龙河农场水蚀沟成因危害预防治理措施

    This paper discusses the causation, damage and controlling and harnessing measure to the rain channel in Yinlonghe Farm.


  • 漓江旅游业效应,对于龙河的生态环境构成了潜在威胁

    The effect of tourism on the Li River is also a potential threat to the environment along the Yulong River.


  • 原籍内蒙古自治区龙河乡满达斡尔族编入满族白旗

    Nehe City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of origin-Man is he Xiang Tuen, Daur, after the Manchu are included in the white flag.


  • 吉伦法国西南一个港湾龙河多尔多涅形成的,通往比斯开湾。

    An estuary of southwest France formed by the Garonne and Dordogne rivers and opening into the Bay of Biscay.


  • 旅舍附近公共交通到达各个景区我们亦有脚踏车出租骑车30分钟可以龙河景区

    Hostel close to public transport to reach various spots, we have bicycle rental, 30-minute ride to scenic Yulong He;


  • 整个阳朔以及附近村子龙河两岸,纷纷出现了中档旅馆甚至还有豪华酒店。

    Midrange hotels and even a few luxury ones sprouted throughout the town, as well as in nearby villages and on the Banks of the Yulong.


  • 一建议在广西旅游学者不乏支持者,他们表示桂林阳朔,漓江和遇龙河,应该同等看待。

    The proposal has supporters among provincial scholars of tourism, who say that Guilin and Yangshuo and their two rivers should be regarded as equals.


  • 分布重庆龙河古代南宾沿岸丰都石柱棺葬,墓葬形态主要长方形横穴式。

    Cliff tombs distributed in Fengdu and Shizhu counties of Chongqing city, along the Long River (Nanbin River in antiquity)are special in their forms.


  • 家里一位朋友称,龙河国内支持率不及日本的支持率,感觉在国内获得大的名气压力很大。

    According to a family friend, Mr Park felt burdened by the search for greater fame at home, where his popularity did not match what he achieved in Japan.


  • 天上午,邓宏友(音)双手紧握着船划着竹筏载着一对夫妇他们两岁的女儿沿平静的遇龙河

    With both hands gripping a pole, Deng Hongyou rowed a bamboo raft carrying a couple and their 2-year-old daughter down the quiet Yulong River one morning.


  • 香洲科技工业区里的公司我们记者找到了在这里实习法国学生龙河一位充满朝气21小伙

    Our reporters found Long he, a French student in the Longshen Company in the Xiangzhou Science and Technology Industrial Zone. He is an energetic 21 year old guy.


  • 韩国汉城记者人群拥挤一个医院太平间里,演员龙河的遗体2010年6月29日开始就存放在那里。

    South Korean journalists crowd a Seoul hospital morgue where the body of actor Park Yong-Ha is being held on June 29, 2010.


  • 汉城韩国(CNN) -龙河一个受到公众总欢的韩国演员歌手,周三发现汉城,看来自杀韩国联合通讯社报道

    Seoul, South Korea (CNN) — Park Yong-ha, a popular Korean actor and singer, was found dead in Seoul Wednesday in what appeared to be a suicide, Yonhap news agency reported.


  • 探讨与香具有相似纬度、相似长度流域面积,同为长江上游支流龙河和冈曲大型底栖动物的群落结构特征与香溪的差异。

    The three streams had similar latitude, river length and watershed area. All were the tributaries of the Yangtse River and located in the upstream areas.


  • 龙河位于法国西南部,流程约563公里(350英里),大致源于西班牙比利牛斯山西北部波尔多北部多尔多涅汇集形成吉伦特海湾。

    A river of southwest France flowing about563 km (350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne river north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.


  • 这座位于将分成半的奥·特斯两岸城市成了座鬼城

    The city is a ghost town on both sides of the Orontes river which divides it.


  • 印尼200英里长的芝塔(Citarum)沿岸分布着500工厂,这条可能是世界上污染严重的

    The 200-mile long Citarum river in Indonesia hosts more than 500 factories along its Banks and is quite possibly the most polluted river in the world.


  • 加(Yeronga)地区图片左下方)同样是灾情严重地区——这块布里斯班岸边的地方,位于圣露西亚(St.Lucia; 图片中心南部公园高尔夫球场;

    The suburb of Yeronga (image lower left) also has evident regions of flooding, as does a park and golf course located along a bend in the Brisbane River to the south of St. Lucia (image center).


  • 白水祁连山东段冷岭南麓大通支流其谷口保存有形态较完整的冰川终碛。

    Baishuihe River is a tributary of Datong River, located on the southern slope of Lenglongling in the eastern part of the Qilian Mountains.


  • 此后,陆续都的家沟广、和一带发现了不止长颈鹿化石

    Since then, one after another in the long Wudu River Formation and wide, and political area found more than one fossil of a giraffe .


  • 七台宾馆么?

    Dragon Hotel Jubilee Qitaihe have it?


  • 包括虹桥景区、大沙坝景区、三脚洞景区、阿路景区、明月湖景区(即石滩水库) 、马蹄景区。

    The sceneries are including piled rainbow bridge, big sand dam, e lu long, moon lake ( chai shi tan reservoir ), and ma ti river.


  • 因此,金平矿区具有寻找“ 生权”式大型铜矿前景,成果区域找矿工作战略指导意义

    There is a good prospecting to seek Shengquan-type large copper deposit in Longbohe copper mine area. The results have the strategic and guiding meaning for the regional prospecting work.


  • 看起来

    The river looks like a dragon.


  • 江北溪上游,目前有百分之九十以上监测断面总磷超标。

    Longjin River is on the upper reaches of the north branch of Jiulong River.


  • 中游岩土侵蚀环境地质问题极为实出 ,岩土侵蚀地质背景主要地质构造、地形地貌、地层岩性等方面

    The geological environmental problems concerning to rock soil corrosion at the Helong portion of the middle reach of the Yellow River have become more seriousl than before.


  • 看起来一条曲曲折折不断伸像远方,十分的壮不雅看到一小我十分震动。

    The river looks like a dragon, winding, has been stretched like distance, very spectacular, let every man saw it very shocked.


  • 看起来一条曲曲折折不断伸像远方,十分的壮不雅看到一小我十分震动。

    The river looks like a dragon, winding, has been stretched like distance, very spectacular, let every man saw it very shocked.


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