• 那么怎么再说齐州刚刚结束场战事,好容易平息下去,不可能轻易大乱

    So far, how beat, again say state together that just ended a warfare and kept on suppressing very accessible, impossibly again easily ascend greatly disorderly.


  • 一定程度是因为竞选战场的在稳步缩小一位财政带有浓厚保守色彩州长米齐•丹尼尔斯(印州州长)在本周退出竞选。

    In part, that is because the field is steadily narrowing: Mitch Daniels, another governor with a strong following among fiscal conservatives, bowed out of the race this week.


  • 今年五月份,麦考其他26名反对堕胎者一齐印第安纳州天主教会学校圣母大学礼堂里拘捕。

    In May, McCorvey was arrested along with 26 other anti-abortionists inside the grounds of the Catholic university of Notre Dame in Indiana.


  • 罗莎莉·戴维美国宾夕法尼亚州维拉·诺瓦大学迈克尔·齐默尔曼说:“可能现代社会致癌物十分普遍有关。”

    "This might be related to the prevalence of carcinogens in modern societies," write Rosalie David and Michael Zimmermann of Villanova University, Pennsylvania.


  • 如果特拉华州威尔明顿齐格·弗里德集团换作著名处理器制造公司齐格·弗里德科技的话,就将成为风险投资家们的美餐了。

    If the Siegfried Group, of Wilmington, Delaware, were instead known as Siegfried Technologies and worked with silicon transistors, it would be the toast of venture capitalists.


  • 联邦陪审团指控六名新奥尔良现任警务人员一起司法部负责调查丹齐格枪击事件有关

    Six current and former police officers in New Orleans were charged by a federal grand jury in connection with the Danziger Bridge shootings in an investigation led by the Justice Department.


  • 这个齐佩瀑布(位于威斯康辛州)·约瑟夫医院出生的婴儿出生体重77盎司

    The infant weighed in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Chippewa Falls.


  • 精确机器加工产品联合会罗伯特齐纳引用了一个俄亥俄州生产商向当地银行贷款但银行要求人寿保险作为抵押品例子

    Robert Kiener, of the Precision Machined Products Association, cites the case of one Ohio manufacturer whose bank asked for his life-insurance policy as collateral.


  • 其他宠物很快送往密西西比州纳齐兹。

    Other pets will soon be headed to Natchez, Mississippi, where the Humane Society of the United States announced it would help establish a temporary shelter.


  • 原谅Google了,我原谅Google了,我原谅Google了,”俄亥俄州居民达拉·麦肯齐(Darla Mackenzie)在家中的浴缸双手抱着到。

    "I forgive Google, I forgive Google, I forgive Google," said Ohio resident Darla Mackenzie, sitting on the edge of her bathtub, her head in her hands.


  • 如果父母不是的很近,开车几分钟就能赶到,恐怕早就死掉了。”泰勒·齐格尔,今年26岁,一个人离父母在伊利诺伊州,迈特·默拉(Metamora)的住处英里的地方。

    "I'd be dead if my parents weren't within driving distance," says Tyler Ziegel, who is 26 and lives in his own place about ten miles from his family's home in Metamora, Illinois.


  • 马萨诸塞州综合医院遗传学鲁道夫坦齐认为这些有着敏锐思维年轻研究人员生命耗尽了”。

    Rudolph Tanzi, a geneticist at Massachusetts General Hospital, believes thissucks the life out of young investigators with sharp ideas.”


  • 新泽西州罗伯特伍德强生医学院外科大夫安吉拉蓝弗朗齐是早期发现堕胎伤害女性身体的学者,一再解释堕胎是如何增加了女性患乳腺癌的风险

    Surgeons like Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey who has extensively explained how abor


  • 加利福尼亚州临近佩尔布洛瑟姆羚羊闪电与彩虹齐飞,蓝天与暮色呼应。 最近,南加州遭遇更加极端的酷热,同时受到雷雨电击的威胁,很有可能引发更多沙漠森林大火

    Southern California faces more ferocious heat coupled to the threat of thunderstorms and lightning strikes that could ignite more desert wildfires.


  • 一个七名陪审员名男陪审员组成的陪审团进行事实之前,该案件正在安克雷商业区法庭举行听证。

    The trial is being heard in state court in downtown Anchorage before a jury of seven women and five men.


  • 1997年,塞林格同意奥齐斯出版社(一家位于弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的出版商)发行《哈普·沃兹》的单行本,在最后关头取消了这个协议

    In 1997, Mr. Salinger agreed to let Orchises Press, a small publisher in Alexandria, Va., bring out "Hapworth" in book form, but he backed out of the deal at the last minute.


  • 照片中,来自密歇根州齐兰新娘佩奇奇·埃德额头抵在父亲墓碑上手中紧握着鲜花婚纱在身后飘起

    In the photo, bride Paige Eding of Zeeland, Michigan is seen pressing her forehead against her father's tombstone and clutching a bouquet of flowers, her white gown billowing behind her.


  • 世界山核桃百分之八十来美国佐治亚州美邦山核桃最高的地域

    About 80 percent of the pecans eaten in the world are grown in the United States, and Georgia is the country "s top producer."


  • 世界山核桃百分之八十来美国佐治亚州美邦山核桃最高的地域

    About 80 percent of the pecans eaten in the world are grown in the United States, and Georgia is the country "s top producer."


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