• 主机电机直接启动差速器调速调整变频器来完成

    Host by motor direct start running, differential speed and drum rotational speed adjustment accomplished by frequency converter.


  • 涡电流隔离器自从20世纪90年代早期就开始得到使用它是由长瓶状一个快速磁力组成的,速度会慢。

    Eddy-current separators, in use since the early 1990s, consist of a rapidly revolving magnetic rotor inside a long, cylindrical drum that rotates at a slower speed.


  • 控制器中的一部分传感片相互通电的。

    Some of the strips in the drum controller are electrically interconnected.


  • 本文一起离心机破裂事故原因材料使用过程等方面进行了分析

    This paper analyzes the cause of a burst accident on centrifuge rotating drum through its material and the use proceeding.


  • 设计实例表明程序对于处理可压缩性物料真空过滤机设计计算具有较高准确度

    The designed instances show that the program has considerably high accuracy for design calculation of rotary drum vacuum filter processing compressible material.


  • 应用过滤过程数学模型分析连续式真空过滤机生产能力机理,过滤效率进行了分析。

    Using the mathematical model of filtration process analyses the production capacity of the continuous revolving drum vacual filter and the filtration efficiency.


  • 工程采用沉淀氧好生化污水处理工艺真空吸污泥干化处理系统取得较好的处理效果

    An integrated system composed of precipitation, anaerobic and aerobic biological process and rotate vacuum drum sludge for dewatering was adopted and good result has been obtained.


  • 笔者提出采用算法最优预估控制算法,dsp为核心硬件提高球团矿合格率、抗压率、率。

    The author puts forward: using uncoupling algorithm, optimal predictive algorithm based on DSP hardware, it can promote the percent of pass, bearing, rolling drum.


  • 结果表明阳极机械力作用可以缓和阳极钝化提高硬质合金废料电解的电流效率

    The results show that the anode passivation can be decreased through the mechanical force of the drum anode, and the current efficiency can be improved.


  • 物料离心液压引起最大应力最大径向位移都随着减小而增大

    With the decrease of thickness of drum wall, the maximum of stress and radial displacement created by materiel pressure increase.


  • 改进穿孔机结构,采用整体浮动消除螺纹间隙提高了性能

    The upgraded drum locking device has integral drum locking blocks and a float screw rod, with the antivibration performance improved and the thread clearance eliminated.


  • 本文介绍一种清洗机工作原理特点技术参数主要机构应用范围

    This paper introduced the working principles, characteristics, technical parameters, main structure and its applications of a drum cleaning machine with brushes.


  • 利用第三强度理论,推导分离机计算公式,根据黄河水特性计算壁厚。

    Based on the nature of Yellow River, the data of the drum thickness were figured out by this formula.


  • 结果表明半径轮胎接地正应力、切应力接地面积等都显著影响

    The results show that the drum radius has significant effect on the positive and tangetal stresses and area of the tire touching ground.


  • 真空过滤PTA生产工艺中的重要设备之一工业应用中存在过滤效率低,能耗较大的问题。

    Rotary vacuum filter is one of the most important facilities in PTA production, but it has low filtration efficiency and large energy consumption in industrial application.


  • 结果表明,高品位攀精矿烧结性能差,烧结强度成品率冶金性能不利影响

    The results show that the sintering ability is poor, and will possess unfavorable effect on sinter tumbler strength, product rate and metallurgical property.


  • 提出正确试验方法并用试验进行验证。

    Finally, the correct test method is given and verified by dynamometer test.


  • 结果表明这种新型具有生产效率能源消耗使用范围广优点

    The result showed that the new leather drum had the advantages of high production efficiency, less energy consumption, and wide usage and so on.


  • 本文采用弹塑性有限元法解析,对分离机主要零件进行超速自增强的变形分析

    The deformation analysis of the main parts of the disc-separator bowl is performed for the overspeeding process using elastoplasticity FEM and analytical method.


  • 干燥通过传热方式,将物料带状物料进行加热干燥一种连续操作过程

    Drum drying is a continuous operation process to heat and dry materials or strip shaped materials attached on external wall of the drum by heat transfer method when the drum is rotating.


  • 介绍型钢联轴器结构原理性能以及制革上的应用效果。

    The structure, mechanism and properties of limit moment type steel ball coupling are introduced, its application on the drum is also described.


  • 实际使用证明,改进穿孔机完全满足二次穿孔工艺要求具有一定的推广价值。

    Two years' practice shows that the upgraded drum locking device of a piercer can fully meet the requirements of a twice piercing process and is worth wide application.


  • 对于某些具有宽圆盘(离心机)悬臂这种近似引起较大计算误差

    For some overhung rotors of great-width disks, such as the rotor of the vertical centrifuge, this kind of approximation will cause larger calculating errors.


  • 造粒生产线目前复混肥生产普及一种,由于设备工作环境,各设备因不同的原因而出现故障。

    The production line of compound fertilizer with rotary granulator is very popular, unfortunately some equipment are often out of order for poor operation condition.


  • 三足离心机采用有限元方法进行应力分析,并进行了安全性评定

    This paper presents the stress analysis of three-column centrifuge drum by fi-nite element method, security assessment is also performed.


  • 结果表明这种新型具有生产效率加工质量稳定使用范围广等优点

    The result showed: the new leather drum has many merits, for example, high production efficiency, stable processing quality, and wide usage and so on.


  • 首次利用混合机原理设计的真空后喷涂抛散混合机构可以缩短最佳混合时间提高了混合均匀性。

    A special mixing device was developed by improving the traditional rotation mixer, the best mixing time was shorten, and the homogeneity was improved.


  • 本文有限元应力分析基础建立了虹吸离心机整体优化计算数学模型,并对实际进行了优化计算。

    In this paper, base on the finite elements stress analysis, the mathematic model of the optimum calculation of siphon peeler centrifuge basket is been built.


  • 本文有限元应力分析基础建立了虹吸离心机整体优化计算数学模型,并对实际进行了优化计算。

    In this paper, base on the finite elements stress analysis, the mathematic model of the optimum calculation of siphon peeler centrifuge basket is been built.


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