• 西特拉可尝尝扁豆沙拉蒸粗麦粉蔬菜菠萝片配开心果香椰冰淇淋

    At Sinatra, try the black lentil salad, couscous with poached veggies, pineapple carpaccio with pistachios and coconut ice cream.


  • 何况处境不能更为恶劣,困境到了某种程度无法升级,本人不能使夜更

    Moreover, the situation could not be made worse, a certain degree of distress is no longer capable of a crescendo, and Thenardier himself could add nothing to this blackness of this night.


  • 最终取得胜利但是胡子没有轻言放弃

    Maynard eventually prevailed, but Blackbeard didn't go down easy.


  • 最终,当时弗吉尼亚州州长亚历山大·斯波茨伍德派遣一位海战经验丰富的海军上尉,罗伯特·抓获或者除掉胡子。

    Eventually, the then-Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, commissioned Lieutenant Robert Maynard, an experienced naval commander, to capture or kill Blackbeard.


  • 虽然雅各布森模型自己的实验结果仍有很大确定性,但拉马·不会排除全球变暖第二大因素。”

    While the uncertainty in the results from Jacobson's model and his own experiments is large, Ramanathan said he "wouldn't rule out that black carbon is the second-largest global warmer."


  • 伊夫出生于1985年11月19Athens,Ca.,2004年秋天作为享有很高声望摩尔奖学金获得者来到卡罗莱

    A native of Athens, Ga., Eve was born Nov. 19, 1985. She came to Carolina in the fall of 2004 as the recipient of a prestigious Morehead Scholarship.


  • 按照康涅狄格州耶鲁大学医学院细胞分子生理学家格德·舒尔曼(Gerald Shulman)的说法,锻炼可以预防甚至是医治糖尿病

    According to Gerald Shulman, a cellular and molecular physiologist at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., exercising may prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes.


  • 维吉尼亚·格·德大风夹杂暴雨痛吹大西洋海岸之后海滨别墅的庭院覆盖海水泡沫

    A beach house patio is coated in sea foam in Nags Head, Virginia, after a drenching, wind-driven rain lashed much of the Atlantic seaboard.


  • (Bk)、(db)(Hs)分别命名这些人工元素诞生地美国加州伯克利杜伯俄罗斯德国森州

    Berkelium (Bk), Dubnium (Db), and Hassium (Hs) were named after Berkeley, CA, Dubna, Russia and the German state of Hessen, respectively, where these man-made elements were created.


  • 新泽西州普林斯顿大学同事斯·普里托里厄斯(FransPretorius)计算机模拟研究如何运行的。

    Lehner and colleague Frans Pretorius of Princeton University in New Jersey used a computer simulation to study how black strings would behave.


  • 瓦奈先生老掉牙地来非的外国记者描述成这样一群人,“仅仅只是挖掘打动人心、最惨绝人寰,具有普利策奖价值的新闻;寻找最需要乐施会援助小孩,只想找眼神最空洞,形容最枯槁的 ”。

    Mr Wainaina lamely treats foreign correspondents in Africa as drones in search of the “most heart-wrenching and Genociding Pulitzerest, most black big-eyed Oxfam child starvingest”.


  • 美国蒙大弗拉·特印第安人居留地的动物为了鹿麋鹿美洲动物通过

    Animals' Bridge lies on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana, and was designed to be used by bears, deer, elk, mountain lions, and others.


  • 军团热衷于多哥射手但是阿森强烈抵抗希望能够留下

    The Rossoneri were keen on signing the Togolese striker but Arsenal were resistant to letting him go.


  • 阿美里格·伯·塞拉跟着根,走房子角落那个房间里面去,发现教父正坐在一张桌子后面

    Amerigo Bonasera followed Hagen into the corner room of the house and found Don Corleone sitting behind a huge desk.


  • 军团下定决心签下大牌球员来加强他们进攻但是巴塞罗那距离阿森的阿德近的以后,他们目标又重新回到了尔迪尼奥身上。

    The Rossoneri are determined to draft in a big star name for their attack, but after Barcelona closed in further on Arsenal's Emmanuel Adebayor, the target is drifting back towards Ronaldinho.


  • 特辣七十时,生了亚巴郎哈郎

    And Thare lived seventy years, and begot Abram, and Nachor, and Aran.


  • 军团圣西罗西耶顽抗球门之外,延续对利沃诺里尔进球

    The Rossoneri were kept out by Siena at the San Siro, as the goal drought continued after the stalemates with Livorno and Lille.


  • 菲尔-杰克逊山区牧场回来,皮肤晒得有点看上去非常放松毋庸置疑,菲尔赛季的忙碌生活即将开始。

    Phil Jackson returned from his Montana ranch, looking tanned and relaxed. It belied, however, his eagerness for the season to begin.


  • 这里,尤其是盐沼地区周围数以千计尾牛羚斑马羚羊的栖息之地。

    The park is the home to thousands of wildebeest, zebra and gemsbok, especially around the nxai pan area.


  • 思嘉怀疑是- 威尔克森,因为常常天快看见埃米一起在路上走。

    Scarlett suspected Jonas Wilkerson, for she had frequently seen him walking down the road with Emmie at nightfall .


  • 军团兵工厂射手联系在了一起,尽管阿森始终表示不会放人但是米兰还是将视为了最佳选择并希望签下

    The Rossoneri have been linked with the Gunner's hit-man and it seems as if they are favourites to sign him even though Arsenal are playing hardball.


  • 欧比-万了阿的小腿左臂身体残缺不全的阿金滚落到了穆斯塔烧灼砂上

    Kenobi's blade sheared from him his lower legs and his left arm, and his crippled body tumbled onto the searing black sands of Mustafar.


  • 夏礼文律所中其他准备加入希尔的合伙人包括之前该律所驻珀斯顾问塞尔·布鲁以及去年新加坡合伙人身份加入所的詹姆斯·修。

    Other Holman Fenwick partners set to join Sher include Hazel Brewer, who was previously a Perth-based consultant to the firm, and James Donoghue, who joined the firm as a Singapore partner last year.


  • 北卡罗来大学研究表明牛奶巧克力中添加花生中的酚类化合物可以使具有与巧克力一样抗氧化性能

    Researches from North Carolina State University claim that adding phenolic compounds from peanut skins to milk chocolate gives it the same antioxidant property of dark chocolate.


  • 军团给阿森前锋衷心的祝福,希望他早日重返赛场

    The Rossoneri's family wishes the Arsenal striker all the best and a quick return to playing.


  • 这只阿森在辛苦的找啊找啊找进球可是半场结束他们不幸再下城。角球开出,只见又长的维埃拉旱地拔葱,皮球乖乖应声入网,2-0咯。

    Arsenal were sensing a goal but before half-time they conceded another one instead, Vieira rising to meet a corner from the right to make it 2-0.


  • 例如加拿大彻梅作为旅游目的地成功很大程度上归于一个主动性推广(巴尼斯特1992)。

    For example, the success of Chemainus, Canada as a tourism destination is largely attributable to the initiative and promotion of one person (Barnes and Hayter 1992).


  • 他们看到赶鸡一样把桑儿了老头子的办公室然后向亚美利哥•瑟拉弯起手指

    They saw Hagen shoo Sonny through the French door into the Don's office and then crook a finger at Amerigo Bonasera. "Why do they bother your father with business on a day like this?" Kay asked.


  • 墨西哥维达臀鹱正由于山羊以及绵羊引进面临威胁,在采取了根除计划数量已经回升。

    On Mexico's Natividad Island, the black-vented shearwater was at risk from the introduction of cats, goats and sheep, but its Numbers are now recovering following an eradication programme.


  • 墨西哥维达臀鹱正由于山羊以及绵羊引进面临威胁,在采取了根除计划数量已经回升。

    On Mexico's Natividad Island, the black-vented shearwater was at risk from the introduction of cats, goats and sheep, but its Numbers are now recovering following an eradication programme.


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