• 黑海各共和国已经斯堪的纳维亚国家求助了。

    The Baltic republics have called on the Scandinavian countries for help.


  • 土耳其控制着进出黑海通道

    And Turkey controls the passage from and to the Black Sea.


  • 欧洲东南部国家沿黑海海岸线

    A country of southeast Europe with a short coastline on the Black Sea.


  • 爆炸发生临近黑海松古达克卡拉

    The blast took place at the Karadon mine near the Black Sea port of Zonguldak.


  • 黑海海底沉没船只可以保存数千

    On the bottom of the Black Sea, sunken ships may be preserved for thousands of years.


  • 这一地区位于黑海东岸条通往印度商路之上

    On the eastern shore of the Black Sea, the region lay on a trade route that stretched to India.


  • 东方黑海黑海另一边是富饶的帕提亚王国。

    To the east lies the Black Sea, and beyond that the rich lands of Parthia.


  • 在那段时间,将近2000名卡尔梅人通过黑海港口逃离俄国

    During that time, close to 2, 000 Kalmyks fled from Russia by way of the Black Sea ports.


  • 家公司计划投入总额超过30亿美元来勘探北冰洋黑海石油和天然气

    The two companies are planning to put a total of over $3bn into exploration of the Arctic Ocean and the Black Sea.


  • 黑海一个北部海湾,位于苏联欧洲部分南部浅海重要渔场

    The northern arm of the Black sea in southern European U. s. s. R. the shallow sea has important fisheries.


  • 就在7年之内黑海死寂之已经很大程度地消失,同时捕鱼业得到恢复

    Within seven years the Black Sea's dead zone had largely vanished and fisheries had recovered.


  • 黑海水流37公里抵达海洋大陆架边缘时,就消失深海之中。

    The Black Sea river flows only for around 37 miles until it reaches the edge of the sea shelf and dissipates into the deep sea.


  • 格鲁吉亚外高加索地区一个小国地缘地理位置十分重要,扼守里海能源进入黑海咽喉

    Georgia is outside the Caucasus region, a small country, an important geographical location, the guardian of the Caspian energy resources to the throat of the Black Sea.


  • 苏联欧洲部分南部座城市位于黑海东北部海岸一个受欢迎的疗养地。人口310,000。

    A city of southern European U. S. S. R. on the northeast shore of the Black Sea. It is a popular health resort. Population, 310,000.


  • 黑海一个繁忙港口是从乌克兰罗马尼亚摩尔多瓦贫穷部分通往西欧阿拉伯国家的门户。

    The bustling port on the Black Sea was an easy gateway from the poorest parts of Ukraine, Romania and Moldova to western Europe and the Arab states.


  • 用尽所有心思,只读懂了这么黑海海岸上,有可以任何东西变成金子鹅卵石

    But try as he might, he could not make out any of it apart from one paragraph stating that on the Black Sea shores existed a pebble that could turn anything into gold.


  • 她们这样西方观察家历史学家命名由于她们与安娜·托利亚和黑海半神话中的亚马逊人非常相似

    They were so named by Western observers and historians due to their similarity to the semi-mythical Amazons of ancient Anatolia and the Black Sea.


  • 一举措包括重启能源项目工作例如修建土耳其的首座核电站以及俄罗斯南部黑海石油管道

    The move would include restarting work on energy projects, such as work on Turkey's first nuclear power center and a pipeline from southern Russia to the Black Sea.


  • 米兰---来自黑海现象球员舍甫琴科于1999夏天来到了米兰,之后他获得了欧洲冠军联赛冠军

    MILANPhenomenon from the Black Sea Andriy Shevchenko arrived at Milan in the summer of 1999 and just four years later Milan lifted the Champions League title.


  • 即使是以资金运作要求高而著称的埃克森石油公司也也已冒着更大的风险俄罗斯罗斯纳尔福德公司签订了大西洋黑海开采合同

    Even Exxon, renowned for its capital discipline, has struck riskier-than-usual deals in the Arctic and the Black Sea with Russia’s state oil firm, Rosneft.


  • Buesseler对海洋污染进行了研究,,根据世界上最严重乌克兰契尔诺贝利灾害之后黑海经验海水中的风险没有陆地上的风险

    Experience with the Black Sea after the world's worst nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine, shows the risk in water may not be as great as that seen on land, said Buesseler, who has studied issue.


  • Prokudin - Gorskii穿着西装帽子,坐在Karolitskhali河边石头上,Karolitskhali位于巴(在黑海东海岸)港口附近高加索山脉里面。

    Prokudin-Gorskii in suit and hat, seated on rock beside the Karolitskhali River, in the Caucasus Mountains near the seaport of Batumi on the eastern coast of the Black sea.


  • 1916年,俄国黑海舰队帮助俄国军队占领奥斯曼帝国雷比松。

    In 1916, the Russian Black Sea fleet helped the Russian army to take the Ottoman city of Trebizond.


  • 我们鱼子酱油煎白鱼,这种黑海产的鱼夏末时罗马尼亚乌克兰方向游到这里。

    We order a couple of dollops of white caviar and lightly fried palamud, a Black Sea whitefish that passes by from Romania and Ukraine in late summer.


  • 封信梅德韦杰夫的视频博客中被宣读,衬托着那不吉利黑色外套,黑海巡逻俄罗斯军舰。

    The letter was publicised in Mr Medvedev’s videoblog, which showed him ominously dressed in black and overlooking the Black Sea coast patrolled by two Russian warships.


  • 坐落黑海沿岸的港口敖德萨乌克兰具多样化最有情调城市之一。

    Nestled in a harbour along the Black Sea, Odessa is one of Ukraine's most diverse and atmospheric cities.


  • 苏联时期名成功官僚往往可以进一间适度舒适,而且配有现代家具的三一厅公寓,还享有到黑海度假假期

    During Soviet times a successful bureaucrat could expect to live in a good but modest three-bedroom flat, with modern furniture. He could expect holidays on the Black Sea coast.


  • 苏联时期名成功官僚往往可以进一间适度舒适,而且配有现代家具的三一厅公寓,还享有到黑海度假假期

    During Soviet times a successful bureaucrat could expect to live in a good but modest three-bedroom flat, with modern furniture. He could expect holidays on the Black Sea coast.


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