• 吸积黑洞双星认识黑洞物理最重要目标之一。

    Accreting black hole binaries are important objects to learn black hole physics.


  • 专业水准科学家十分困惑宗教崇拜正围绕量子物理时空相对论黑洞爆炸不太可能话题形成

    Much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and the big bang.


  • 第一个水平仅仅只制造黑洞不对创造宇宙中的物理定律施加影响。

    The first is just to manufacture black holes, without influencing the laws of physics in the new universe.


  • 然而如果超新星残核大于三个太阳质量按常规物理法则来说,就成为黑洞

    However, if the supernova remnant exceeds three solar masses, conventional physics suggests a black hole should be left behind.


  • 研究黑洞哥伦比亚大学天体物理专家说:“我们相当幸运——合适时间地方研究灭蚊激光器。”

    "You can say we are very luckythe right place at the right time," says astrophysicist Szabolcs marka, a Columbia University specialist in black holes.


  • 奇点位于黑洞中心物理时空法则这里失去作用。

    The singularity is located at the heart of a black hole, and is the place where the laws of physics and space-time break down.


  • 奇点这个单词来自天体物理学:是时空中(例如黑洞内部)所有物理理论都失效的一点。

    The word singularity is borrowed from astrophysics: it refers to a point in space-time - for example, inside a black hole - at which the rules of ordinary physics do not apply.


  • 我们知道我们银河系里几十恒星黑洞但是知道它们年龄。”位于伯克利加利福尼亚大学天体物理学家Alex Filippenko

    "We know of several dozen stellar black holes in our galaxy but don't know their ages," said Alex Filippenko, an astrophysicist at the University of California at Berkeley.


  • 最新天体物理杂志》讲更详细的介绍关于M87特大质量黑洞这项研究。

    The study of M87?s supermassive black hole will be detailed in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.


  • 假使我们生活某个典型宇宙中,那么这个宇宙应该具有能够优化黑洞产生所需要的物理规律物理常数只是至今我们还无从知道,我们所处的宇宙是否符合这个要求

    If we live in a typical universe, then it ought to have physical laws and constants that optimise the production of black holes. It is not yet known whether our universe fits the bill.


  • 我们可以很多发生黑洞合并时气体环境吸积盘里物理过程引力辐射联系起来。

    We'd be able to connect a lot of the physics happening within the gaseous environment and accretion disk to the binary black hole merger to the gravitational radiation.


  • 现在一个物理学家团队认为这样情况不会发生的,因为实际上黑洞在完全形成之前就会消失殆尽。

    A team of physicists now proposes that such a scenario may never occur because the black hole actually disappears before it forms.


  • 天体物理发现一个巨大的黑洞快速吞噬宇宙中的气体尘埃产生辐射足够摧毁周围星系初期形成星体

    Astrophysicists have found that when a supermassive black hole quickly devours gas and dust, it can generate enough radiation to abort all the embryonic stars in the surrounding galaxy.


  • 物理学家们表示这种黑洞普通粒子不会有损害。

    Physicists say that such black hole would harmlessly decay into ordinary particles.


  • 我们黑洞爆炸超新星极端天体物理令人难以置信能量联系起来,所以很显然科学家们不能实验室真正地把它们制造出来。

    We associate black holes, Big Bangs and supernovae with extreme astrophysics and mind-boggling destructive energies, so obviously scientists can't really build the genuine article in a lab.


  • 理论物理学家已经黑洞究竟发生了什么探索良久,然而他们结论可以说实在令人费解。

    Theoretical physicists have thought long and hard about what goes on inside black holes and their conclusions are mind-bending to say the least.


  • 他们的计算显示崩塌恒星事件穹界从来不会完全形成,或者至少远处观察黑洞那位物理学家来说是不会完全形成的。

    Their calculations suggest that the event horizon for collapsing stars never quite comes into existence, at least, not for the colleague watching from far away.


  • 备受尊崇的天体物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金教授我们保证,即使是最巨大、最无情黑洞终究会蒸发消失。

    The esteemed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has assured us that even the biggest and baddest black holes will just evaporate away.


  • 研究小组本周《天体物理杂志通讯》在线版上报道结果早期的黑洞最初的两亿年多里成长了不到1%。

    As a result, the team reports online this week in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, the earliest black holes grew less than 1% over 200 million years.


  • 通过LHC发现一些让人兴奋物理现象:小型黑洞大型额外维度大量奇异亚原子粒子只有部分被命名

    It could turn up some exciting new physics, too: mini black holes, large extra dimensions, and a host of exotic subatomic particles, just to name a few.


  • 然而20世纪70年代剑桥大学物理教授霍金量子力学预测实际上黑洞不是片黑暗。

    In the 1970s, however, Dr Hawking, a physicist at Cambridge University, used quantum mechanics to predict that black holes are not, in fact, completely black.


  • 哈佛大学史密森天体物理中心天体物理学家PaulGreen目前流行理论认为星系黑洞同时产生的。

    Astrophysicist Paul Green, with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, says prevailing theories suggest galaxies and black holes formed synchronously.


  • 一旦开始任何物理力量阻止坍塌一个黑洞诞生了

    Once it starts, the collapse cannot be stopped by any physical force, and a black hole is created.


  • 除了至今尚未观察到微型黑洞变体,物理学家已经发现了太阳质量黑洞的明显特征。

    Apart from the as-yet-unobserved microscopic variety, physicists have spotted numerous telltale signs of black holes that weigh several times the mass of the sun.


  • 大多数天体物理学家接受这个情形自从依照广义相对论,充份密度物质任何集中一定必然坍缩一个黑洞

    Most astrophysicists accept that this is the case, since according to general relativity, any concentration of matter of sufficient density must necessarily collapse into a black hole.


  • 其后不久,理论物理学者约翰·勒铸造了“黑洞说法运用

    Shortly thereafter, the use of the expression "black hole" was coined by theoretical physicist John Wheeler.


  • 似乎天方夜谭,物理学家们一直以来都在思考有朝一日黑洞是否可以用作能源之地。然而,这可能吗?

    It might seem like an absurd idea, but physicists have long pondered whether black holes could one day be tapped for energy. But how possible is it?


  • 似乎天方夜谭,物理学家们一直以来都在思考有朝一日黑洞是否可以用作能源之地。然而,这可能吗?

    It might seem like an absurd idea, but physicists have long pondered whether black holes could one day be tapped for energy. But how possible is it?


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