• 黑暗太阳温德林的被损坏的手指

    Ruined finger of Dark Sun Gwyndolin.


  • 例如如果信鸽太阳罗盘进行导航,它必须根据日光/黑暗循环所提供线索正确设置时间

    For instance, if a homing pigeon is to navigate with its Sun compass, its clock must be properly set by cues provided by the daylight/darkness cycle.


  • 前一天下了——年中几乎没有黑暗的时候,会一种奇怪感觉——周日太阳照耀着湖面

    It snowed the day before — giving a strange feeling at a time of year when there is virtually no darknessbut on Sunday the sun blazed across the water.


  • 做巧克力,首先我们要将豆子置于黑暗中几天,然后再在太阳下晒干。

    To make chocolate, first we leave the beans in the dark for a few days, and then dry them in the sun.


  • 闪光过去,刚才更黑暗还有死寂······等清醒过来,太阳已经升得老高了,森林到处的叫声。

    Then there were darkness blacker than before, and silence; and when he returned to consciousness the sun was high and the wood vocal with songs of birds.


  • 水星一半固定地面对太阳相似,行星总是始终保持一面朝向恒星使得星球的一半永久处于阳光之中,另一半则永久位于黑暗

    Just as Mercury is locked facing the sun, the planet is tidally locked to its star, so that one side basks in perpetual daylight, while the other side remains in darkness.


  • 对于伊伯带探索动机可能部分来自与人们终于认识到,我们太阳边缘寒冷黑暗区域实在知之甚少。

    Part of the motivation for exploring the Kuiper Belt was the recognition of just how little we know about this cold, dark region at the fringe of our solar system.


  • 极地气层云,或者说晚霞,通常那些黎明看到云朵,伴随着地平线以下落幕太阳黑暗地球表面

    Polar mesospheric, or noctilucent ("night shining"), clouds usually are seen at twilight, following the setting of the sun below the horizon and darkening of Earth's surface.


  • 即使物种大灭绝事件不会可预测周期中发生一观点上达成科学共识我们没有理由怀疑太阳有一黑暗伴星

    Even if the scientific consensus is that extinction events don't occur in a predictable cycle, there are now other reasons to suspect a dark companion to the Sun.


  • 灰尘遮蔽太阳整个天空黑暗无光

    The skies darkened as ash blotted the sun from sight.


  • 起居室里面我最喜欢那张椅子,我会时间黑暗里面安静的与共处,然后太阳升起的时候,我就能够着公鸡叫,鸟儿吱吱喳喳的声音。

    I spend some time in the dark quiet in my favorite chair in the living room, listening to roosters crow and birds chirping as the sun comes up.


  • 看着太阳空中骤然坠落,以及世界顿时陷入一片黑暗托斯意识到,不是神发出的指引

    Seeing the sun plummet through the sky and the world plunge into darkness, Kratos knew this was not a sign from the Gods.


  • 这个红袍白天休息黑暗时段中则一直清醒的看顾神圣火焰这样黎明时太阳才会回归他们

    The red priest rested by day but kept vigil through the dark hours, to tend his sacred flames so that the sun might return to them at dawn.


  • 不见黑暗,吹奏长笛光明韵律群星太阳之间旋转,在思绪和梦中旋转。

    The unseen dark plays on his flute, and the rhythm of light eddies into stars and SUNS, into thoughts and dreams.


  • 阴霾黑暗中忧伤,竟忘了它们自己遮住太阳

    My clouds, sorrowing in the dark, forget that they themselves have hidden the sun.


  • 宇宙飞船中的宇航员,在距地球大气层很远上方飞行,完全处于黑暗宇宙中,因为没有尘埃微粒水汽反射太阳光线

    Astronauts in a spaceship, traveling far above the atmosphere of the earth, are in totally dark space because there are no dust particles or droplets of moisture to reflect the rays of the sun.


  • 但是太阳逐渐攀升巨大阴影笼罩了原本就一片黑暗可怕风景

    But as the sun climbs higher, deep shadows shield the landscape that remains dark and forbidding.


  • 推测,太阳可以死去法老协助太阳ra黑暗魔王Apep进入永恒战斗

    It is presumed that this solar boat would allow the dead Pharaohs to assist sun-god ra in his eternal battle with Apep, demon of darkness.


  • 日全食正在经过太平洋,这时候太阳月亮地球处于直线上,形成黑暗走廊比较罕见的。

    A total solar eclipse has been making its way of crossing the South Pacific with a rare alignment of the sun, moon and earth, plunging a narrow corridor into darkness.


  • 可怖黑暗笼罩太阳

    The sun enveloped itself in awful darkness.


  • 这种突然黑暗太阳绚丽光环月亮周围变得清晰可见

    In the sudden darkness, the magnificent corona of the Sun became visible around the Moon.


  • 我们不是太阳火种沉寂黑暗中的火种,需要学习擦亮

    We are not the sun, is the fire and died in the fire in the dark, need to learn to polish.


  • 对于那些眼看天空通过镜头黑暗凝视太阳人,这里一些追捕行星x成功失败例子

    For those squinting at the sky or peering through dark lens at the Sun, here are some examples of success and failure in the hunt for Planet x.


  • 强烈的太阳光能让的光感受器延长你黑暗适应时间

    Bright sunlight bleaches the photoreceptors and lengthens the time it takes for your eyes to adjust to the dark.


  • 太阳电池一个电池即使是黑暗之中,通常表现几个微安电流

    The solar cell is a battery even in the dark and will usually show a few microamps of current.


  • 夜晚那么黑暗很难想象太阳究竟不会再次升起。

    It's so dark out that it's hard to imagine that the sun will ever come out again.


  • 大部分彗星主要冰块构成,环绕太阳黑暗边缘运行,几乎超出了太阳引力范围。

    Composed primarily of ices, most comets circle the dark fringes of the solar system, barely within the sun's gravitational grasp.


  • 大部分彗星主要冰块构成,环绕太阳黑暗边缘运行,几乎超出了太阳引力范围。

    Composed primarily of ices, most comets circle the dark fringes of the solar system, barely within the sun's gravitational grasp.


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