• 理想中的黄金国正在重新蜕变沙漠

    El Dorado is fading back into desert.


  • 当时的英国宠臣沃尔特·雷利爵士到圭亚那寻找黄金国

    English courtier Sir Walter Raleigh made two trips to Guiana to search for El Dorado.


  • 没有重返月球愿望,更不用说推动传说中的黄金国火星空间探索

    There is no appetite to return to the moon, let alone push on to Mars, El Dorado of space exploration.


  • 其他所有不朽传说一样黄金国故事包含一些支离破碎真实成分。

    And like all enduring legends, the tale of El Dorado contains some scraps of truth.


  • 西班牙没有找到黄金国他们1545年找到了瓜达维达试图排干。

    The Spaniards didn't find El Dorado, but they did find Lake Guatavita and tried to drain it in 1545.


  • 1617世纪欧洲人相信在新大陆某个地方一个黄金国,那里拥有巨大财富

    In the 16th and 17th centuries, Europeans believed that somewhere in the New World there was a place of immense wealth known as el Dorado.


  • 每天早晨,迪欧夫夫人要去海边恳求那些堵上自己性命寻找欧洲黄金国年轻人们不要出海

    Every morning Madam Duff goes on to the beach to plead with young men intent of gambling their lives in a quest for an eldorado in Europe.


  • 胶州号称“海表名邦”,明清以来胶州”多拉多”(德语理想黄金国”的意思)的美誉

    Jiaozhou, known by reputation as "Renowned Land", has been reputed as "Golden Jiaozhou" and also "El Dorado" (which means "an idealized gold country" in German) since Ming and Qing Dynasties.


  • 黄金国传说能够长盛不衰就是因为希望真的”,伦敦大学考古学院讲师JoseOliver说道

    The legend of El Dorado endures because "you want it to be true," says Jose Oliver, a lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology at University College London.


  • 巴涅特格雷厄姆D。《所有调查主导者:探索,地理学大不列颠黄金国》。芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,2000。ISBN:0226081206。

    Burnett, Graham D. Masters of All They Surveyed: Exploration, Geography, and a British El Dorado. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. ISBN: 0226081206.


  • 一国财富很大程度上受其自然资源影响,比如煤炭黄金其他矿物质水源等等

    Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country's natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on.


  • 如果债权国要求,债务国必须黄金偿还债务,如果允许自由流通,黄金通常流向(1)最安全的国家,(2)有利可图的国家。

    Nations must pay their debts in gold (if asked) and, allowed to choose its home, free gold will always go where (1) it will be safest and (2) make the most money.


  • 一国另外一国黄金作为准备金想法确实存在并且也确实能够发挥作用,前提是该国能够清楚地意识到这种做法的争议性。

    But the idea of a country's using another's gold as a reserve does exist and does work, if only with the din of controversy in its metaphorical ears.


  • 目前乌兹别克斯坦世界第三棉花出口国黄金和天然气主要生产者化学药品和武器的重要地域性生产者。

    Uzbekistan is now the world "s third largest cotton exporter, a major producer of gold and natural gas, and a regionally significant producer of chemicals and machinery."


  • 南非已经非洲最大能源生产国消费国,也是最大的黄金钯生产国

    South Africa is already the largest energy producer and consumer on the continent, and a top producer of gold, platinum and palladium.


  • 中国年前超越南非,成为全球最大黄金生产国。

    China surpassed South Africa three years ago as the world's largest producer.


  • 卢旺达乌干达突然间成了重要钻石黄金出口国

    Rwanda and Uganda suddenly became significant diamond and gold exporters.


  • 黄金投资者受两个因素支配,一是货币波动二是含金首饰需求量后者目前仍然很低特别是印度——这个世界上最大黄金消费国

    Investors are at the mercy of currency fluctuations and jewellery demand - which remains low, particularly in India, the world's largest consumer of gold.


  • 场倾盆大雨之后,当居住Vani山区(格鲁吉亚共和国)居民们走出家门时,他们发现就在泥泞街道上竟有许多古代的做工精美黄金珠宝

    Residents of the hilly area of Vani, in what is now the Republic of Georgia, stepped out after a downpour and found a collection of beautifully crafted, ancient gold jewels lying in the muddy streets.


  • 八国部长警告说,失业人数未来数月内大幅上升批准增加黄金销售量以充实国际货币基金组织(IMF)的现金

    Ministers warned that unemployment was set to rise sharply in coming months and sanctioned more gold sales to increase cash to the International Monetary Fund.


  • 5月13日阿联酋首都阿布扎比台“黄金ATM”的在阿布扎比酋长国大酒店启用。ATM机根据世界黄金市场金价出售黄金。

    On May 13, the "Gold to Go" vending machine, an ATM machine that dispenses gold in exchangefor cash based on the latest prices, was unveiled inside Abu Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi.


  • 分析师表示并不意味着实物黄金两个最大消费国不再喜欢黄金——而是人们购买黄金方式开始改变

    But analysts say this does not mean the two largest consumers have lost their love for the bullion - rather the way people buy gold is starting to change.


  • 不是中国不会继续买进黄金尤其是中国可能会自己生产的黄金。中国是全球最大的黄金生产国

    That's not to say China won't continue to purchase, particularly from its own production. China is the largest gold producer in the world.


  • 机构资料数据2008年的初步数据显示南非黄金产量达到一个世纪以来的最低点,成为世界第三产金国落后美国

    The consultancy's archive data and provisional 2008 figures show that South Africa's output reached its lowest point in a century, demoting the country to world number three, behind the US.


  • 机构资料数据2008年的初步数据显示南非黄金产量达到一个世纪以来的最低点,成为世界第三产金国落后美国

    The consultancy's archive data and provisional 2008 figures show that South Africa's output reached its lowest point in a century, demoting the country to world number three, behind the US.


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