• 为了观察进行情况,他用黄色蛋白标记耐脱氧土霉素大肠埃希菌,蓝色蛋白标记对脱氧土霉素敏感的细菌。

    To see what was going on, he labelled the doxycycline-resistant strain with a yellow protein and the sensitive strain with a blue protein.


  • 蚂蚁嫩叶顶端黄色结构这些结构富含蛋白除了吸引蚂蚁外似乎没有作用

    The ants also eat yellow structures at the tip of leaflets: these are protein rich and seem to have no function for the tree except to attract ants.


  • 蚂蚁小叶顶端黄色组织这些结构富含蛋白质,除了吸引蚂蚁外,似乎没有任何其他作用

    The ants also eat yellow structures at the tip of leaflets: these are protein-rich and seem to have no function for the tree except to attract ants.


  • 甚至匆匆忙忙时候还有更好的,试着用3个炒蛋白1个带有黄色柿子椒新鲜菠菜乳酪蛋黄混合——另一低脂的美味

    Even better yet when you're in a hurry, try 3 scrambled egg whites and 1 yolk mixed with yellow bell pepper, fresh spinach, and low fat feta cheese - another tasty low fat dish.


  • 相信你们可以想象如果,需要蛋白标记绿色,一个标记红色,一个标记黄色这样你就可以研究非常复杂生物学过程

    And I'm sure you can imagine that if you want to label onw protein green and one red and one yellow, now you can start looking at really complex biological processes.


  • 这种黄色红色橙色棕色于一身鸟类能够呈现如此多的色彩,得益于它的羽毛蛋白间质里含有色素。

    The yellow, red, orange, and brown birds of the world assume their hues because of a pigment embedded in the keratin matrix of feathers.


  • 他们黄色豌豆中提取豌豆蛋白水解产物,并且每日剂量这些产物喂养患有一种名为多囊严重肾病模型的大鼠

    They extracted pea protein hydrolysate from the yellow garden pea and fed a small dose each day to laboratory rats bred to have a severe type of kidney disease called polycystic kidney disease.


  • 这个DNA分子自己弯曲特殊蛋白周围形成非常如一段一样(如黄色部分所)。

    The single piece of DNA molecule winds itself around special proteins to form into very tight coils like a string (shown in yellow).


  • 蛋黄鸟类爬行动物蛋内黄色通常球形部分,回周蛋白作为哺育鸟(仔)的营养物。

    The yellow, usually spherical portion of an egg of a bird or reptile, surrounded by the albumen and serving as nutriment for the developing young.


  • 另一半不做任何处理作为对照,这些黄色棋盘浸入蛋白溶液中,允许溶液中的蛋白质与棋盘上的固定蛋白结合,最后把棋盘全部浸入加热铁盐溶液中。

    They then dipped the gold into a solution containing the protein, allowing it to bind to the treated squares, and dunked the whole lot into a heated solution of iron salts.


  • 鳄鱼中提取蛋白有可能产生新的抗生素治疗“超级病菌”,MRSA(耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌)。

    Proteins isolated from alligator blood may lead to new antibiotics to treat "superbugs", such as MRSA.


  • Aluko食用天然黄色豌豆不会与食用他们实验室提取豌豆蛋白提取物健康具有相同益处这些益处特定激活

    Aluko said eating yellow peas in their natural state won't give you the same health benefits as the pea protein they extracted in the lab, which can only be activated with special enzymes.


  • 血管内皮细胞核内见棕黄色颗粒pcna蛋白染色阳性

    Those with brown granules in the nucleus of vascular endothelial cells were PCNA protein positive.


  • 面片的色泽主要蛋白含量黄色含量以及ppo活性有关。

    The color of dough sheets were high correlated with protein content, yellow pigment content and PPO activity.


  • 实验室测试中微量这些蛋白提取物就可杀死一种所谓的“超级细菌”——即所谓的耐甲氧苯青霉素黄色葡萄球菌或者MRSA

    In laboratory tests, tiny amounts of these protein extracts killed a so-called "superbug" called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA.


  • 大豆全球重要农作物用于获取食用油蛋白,形态大小各异,有各种皮外壳颜色包括黑色褐色兰色黄色和杂色。

    Soybeans, an important global crop grown for oil and protein, come in various sizes and in several hull or seed coat colours, including black, brown, blue, yellow and mottled.


  • 由于黄色葡萄球菌表面丰富A蛋白能结合大量抗体大大提高了检验方法敏感性,缩短了检验周期

    Because the rich protein a can conjugate a lot of antibodies, the sensitivity of detection is much increased, and the cycle period of detection is reduced.


  • 结论千里光黄色葡萄球菌作用机制可能通过抑制细菌的DNA,RNA蛋白聚糖的合成有关,作用的有效成分可能是黄酮类化合物

    ConclusionThe antibacterial mechanism of SSB on S. aureus may be involved with the inhibition of DNA, RNA, protein and peptidoglycan synthesis, its effective ingredients may be flavonoid compound.


  • 大珠母贝珍珠结构由文石板片蛋白质层构成多层薄膜结构黄色的共同作用决定的。

    The structural color of nacre in bivalve shells of Pinctada maxima is derived from the combination effects of aragonite-protein multilayer structure and yellow pigments in nacre.


  • 灰色羊草蛋白含量高于黄色羊草。

    The coarse protein of the grey content more than the yellow.


  • 从而了解到完全抗原只能用灭活金黄色葡萄球菌或者纯化的荚膜多糖结合蛋白来实现。

    In a word, the whole heat-killed staphylococcus aureus or carbohydrate-binding protein can be complete antigen.


  • 研究玉米粗蛋白黄色超声提取法(95%乙醇作为溶剂)。

    In this paper, ultrasonic wave was applied during the extraction of yellow pigment from the corn protein powder has been studied (the solvent was ethanol solution with the concentration of 95%).


  • 慢慢地混杂蛋白黄色混合

    Add mixed egg white into the egg yellow mix slowly.


  • 不要任何液体蛋白黄色混合

    Please do not add any liquid egg white into the egg yellow mix.


  • 蛋白是以不蛋白为主含量达到65%,可直接用于饲料的添加剂另外还可制造玉米朊、玉米黄色素等。

    The protein powder mainly contains the insoluble protein with its content of 65%. It can be used as the fodder additive or for making maize protein.


  • 蛋白黄色

    The whites are never yellow...


  • 蛋白黄色

    The whites are never yellow...


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