• 地下走廊暖色调黄色

    The basement hallway is painted a warm yellow.


  • 样品仍然办公中的书架里,被黄色胶带密封了起来。

    The sample still sits on a bookshelf in the office, sealed with a strip of yellow tape.


  • 也试这部作品运用——美国式地下中的温和黄色灯光剧场、表演摇滚的闪光——传达出来。

    I tried to convey the two types of light the production employed: the bland yellow light of the American basement, and the light of theater, performance, and rock and roll.


  • 但是应聘者不能计算1010%等于几人数众多,这令人难以置信了”,。 她坐在办公,办公粉红色香皂块黄色塑料鸭子的很高。

    But the number of job applicants who cannot calculate 10% of 10 is staggering, ” she says, sitting in an office piled high with pink bars of soap and yellow plastic ducks.


  • 办公黄色袋子一个办公绿色袋子。

    Yellow bags are used for one office; the green ones are used for the other one.


  • 那天傍晚遇到个有趣但又有些拘谨年轻人披着一头黄色直发。他走进办公,站右侧

    Later that day, in the late afternoon, I was approached by a young, animated, slightly nervous guy with long, straight, blond hair, who entered my cubicle and walked right up to me.


  • 弗莱明(上图)是细菌学教授,那次外出度假前,几个装有他研究黄色葡萄球菌培养皿自己实验桃花心木工作台上

    Going on holiday, Fleming (above), then a professor of bacteriology, left several Petri dishes containing staphylococci, which he had been studying, on the mahogany workbench of his lab.


  • 地下发现黄色明细册,该馆第一次了解这些失踪

    The library first learned of the missing books when it discovered a yellowed ledger in its basement.


  • 明亮地板颜色标志用途黄色普通房间绿色走廊播放多厅橙色餐厅和蓝色的行政管理。

    Bright floor colors are marking the use: yellow for common rooms, green for corridors, playing rooms and multi-hall, orange for dining rooms and blue for administration.


  • 休息空间一侧一个黄色体量用作储藏

    A small yellow block to one side of the lounge is used as a store room.


  • 经历了穿不黑暗之后邓布利办公柔和黄色灯光哈利觉得有些刺眼

    The soft golden light in Dumbledore's office seemed to dazzle Harry's eyes after that impenetrable darkness.


  • 大厅连接储藏一个黄色橱柜展示主人心爱的高速自行车

    In the hall, which is connected to the bathroom and storage room, a yellow-coloured cupboard displays the owner's beloved road bike.


  • 实验测试中微量这些蛋白提取物就可杀死一种所谓的“超级细菌”——即所谓的耐甲氧苯青霉素黄色葡萄球菌或者MRSA

    In laboratory tests, tiny amounts of these protein extracts killed a so-called "superbug" called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA.


  • Aluko食用天然黄色豌豆不会与食用他们实验提取豌豆蛋白提取物健康具有相同益处这些益处特定激活

    Aluko said eating yellow peas in their natural state won't give you the same health benefits as the pea protein they extracted in the lab, which can only be activated with special enzymes.


  • 一看到句话,立马环视了一下办公——房间里黄色塑料设备它们充斥着我的生活,但是全都丑陋不堪看上去十分廉价,好像在努力躲开人们的视线,”米萨回忆道。

    "When I saw that, I looked around my office at all of the beige plastic devices that had populated my life and were trying to hide from view because they were so ugly and cheap," Komisar recalls.


  • 办公大堂6.8、开放区挑高3.8米,所有工位落地窗一个非常轻松; 设计采用大量原木色,米黄色,少量绿色调的点缀活泼跳跃,整体氛围简洁明亮,创造出家的温馨感觉。 。

    Office hall choose 6.8 meters high, 3.8 meters high, open to all location area all have French window, give a person the feeling of a very easily;


  • 办公大堂6.8、开放区挑高3.8米,所有工位落地窗一个非常轻松; 设计采用大量原木色,米黄色,少量绿色调的点缀活泼跳跃,整体氛围简洁明亮,创造出家的温馨感觉。 。

    Office hall choose 6.8 meters high, 3.8 meters high, open to all location area all have French window, give a person the feeling of a very easily;


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