• 我们幻想,犹如麦道夫骗局十年最终可能会带来的段漫长痛苦萧条

    The odds are that the legacy of our time of illusion — our decade at Bernie’s — will be a long, painful slump.


  • 尽管两起案件的数量范围以及具体细节有所不同庞氏骗局麦道夫骗局无疑标志着其各自金融时代

    Though the magnitude, scale and details are different, Mr. Ponzi’s scheme and the fraud that Mr. Madoff has been charged with each reflect their respective, super-heated financial eras.


  • 有关71麦道生活的详细报告约瑟·科切特(Joseph Cotchett)律师撰写,麦道夫骗局几千受害者其中十几代表

    The insight into the 71-year-old's new life comes in papers filed by Joseph Cotchett, a lawyer who is representing about a dozen of Madoff's thousands of victims.


  • 自从伯尼·麦道因涉嫌经营6500万美元庞氏骗局而被捕以来很多文章我们这些投资者应该知道发生什么

    Since Bernie Madoff's arrest on charges of running a $65 million Ponzi scheme, I've read many articles about how we investors should have known what was going on.


  • 麦道夫声称这个巨大的骗局独自干的,似乎不大可能

    Mr Madoff claimed he pulled off this massive fraud alone, but this seems unlikely.


  • 这一骗局格外使人震惊因为麦道夫技术高超华尔街内部人士,亨利科丝写道

    The fraud was especially jarring because Mr Madoff was the consummate Wall Street insider, writes Ms Henriques.


  • 亨利科丝强有力地证明麦道妻子两个儿子安德鲁马克,并不了解这一骗局尽管公众观念与相反。

    Ms Henriques forcefully argues that Mr Madoff's wife, Ruth, and sons, Andrew and Mark, were ignorant about the scheme, despite public speculation to the contrary.


  • 甚至可以这么说信贷庞氏骗局破灭足以将我们所有人都投入监狱麦道夫一起。

    You might even say that the bursting of the credit Ponzi scheme has left us all in jail now with Madoff.


  • 调查人员依旧不遗余力深入追究,麦道公司中究竟还有是金融骗局幕后推手

    Investigators are still trying to work out who else at Mr Madoff's firm might have had a hand in the affair.


  • 普遍预测认为,伯纳德·麦道夫会就所构建的骗局认罪历史最大诈骗案

    Bernie Madoff was expected to plead guilty to charges relating to his Ponzi scheme, the biggest fraud in history.


  • 纽约大都会棒球队老板送给麦道夫的礼物,同其他很多一样也是这场骗局受害者之一。

    It was given to Madoff by the owners of the New York Mets, who like so many others, fell victim to his schemes.


  • 以前曾是一个庞氏骗局受害人但是,他证实【确保了】他是麦道最大受益人之一

    He had been the victim of a Ponzi scheme before but, before he died, he made sure he was one of Mr Madoff's largest beneficiaries.


  • 那些分析家们设想麦道开始就蓄意制造一个巨大骗局因此而毁掉了成百上千的生活。

    These analysts assumed that Madoff intended from the outset to create a gigantic fraud and destroy thousands of people.


  • 不是麦道那个数十年的超级大骗局

    And I don't mean Bernard Madoff for his decades-long Ponzi scheme.


  • 伯纳德·麦道夫周四早上重回联邦法院庞氏骗局骗取投资者数十亿美元所有指控一一认罪。

    Bernard L. Madoff returned to federal court on Thursday morning and pleaded guilty to all the charges against him in a vast Ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of billions of dollars.


  • 麦道骗局看起来困难入局。

    Madoff made it seem impossibly difficult to invest with him.


  • 麦道(Bernie Madoff)骗局挫伤美国欧洲投资者对冲基金信心。这样的骗局发生巴西的话一定会引起注意

    Frauds like Bernie Madoff's, which have dented investor confidence in hedge funds in America and Europe, are less likely to go unnoticed in Brazil.


  • 11月中旬伯纳德麦道承认其旁氏骗局星期,一个小偷佛罗里达的房子里偷出了一1万美元硬币做成的雕像。

    A WEEK after Bernard Madoff’s vast alleged Ponzi scheme came to light in mid-December, a thief made off with a $10,000 copper statue from his Florida estate.


  • 由于伯纳德麦道设下庞氏骗局吸金10亿美元,因此这项法案又被称为麦道夫法案」;此法案将有助减轻每年10亿美元用在监禁囚犯庞大开销

    Dubbed the "Madoff Bill," after billion-dollar Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff, the legislation is designed to ease the $1 billion annual cost of incarcerating prisoners.


  • 使伯尔尼。麦道夫嫉妒庞氏骗局

    A Ponzi Scheme That Would Make Bernie Madoff jealous.


  • 就是委员会最近发生涉案金额高达500亿美元的伯纳德·麦道夫案做出的解释。 “这起庞氏骗局简直就像是史诗一样的庞大而令人吃惊。”

    That is how the SEC described the recent Bernard Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scheme, "a stunning fraud that appears to be of epic proportions."


  • 在这个号称史上最大庞氏骗局伯纳德伯尼)·麦道夫回报承诺引诱富有投资者却抽资金用于自己奢华的生活

    Widely touted as the biggest Ponzi scheme in history, Bernard "Bernie" Madoff lured wealthy investors with promises of high returns only to siphon away funds to finance his own lavish lifestyle.


  • 这件夹克衫极讽刺意味。纽约大都会棒球队老板送给麦道夫的礼物,同其他很多一样也是这场骗局受害者之一。

    The jacket carried particular irony. It was given to Madoff by the owners of the New York Mets, who like so many others, fell victim to his schemes.


  • 市场担心再有麦道夫斯坦福德之后,还再出现另一个庞氏骗局

    And worries remain that another Ponzi scheme could be brewing, along the lines of Bernie Madoff or Robert Allen Stanford.


  • 他们将目光转向麦道庞氏骗局吓跑富有个体投资者,不再是美国综合基金管理公司

    They catered more to rich individuals, the kind scared off by Mr Madoff, than American funds of funds.


  • 伯纳德·麦道夫表示意识到操纵一个巨大庞氏骗局的风险性,现在清算的日子终于来到

    Bernard Madoff says he realized the risk of running a massive Ponzi scheme and that this day would eventually come.


  • 但由于一些客户陷入伯纳德。麦道榨取500亿美元巨款骗局桑坦代其承担了23亿欧元损失此后,人们开始深思存在的管理问题

    There have been sobering questions about Santander's management, however, after it lost 2.3 billion euro on behalf of its clients in Bernard Madoff's alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme.


  • 但由于一些客户陷入伯纳德。麦道榨取500亿美元巨款骗局桑坦代其承担了23亿欧元损失此后,人们开始深思存在的管理问题

    There have been sobering questions about Santander's management, however, after it lost 2.3 billion euro on behalf of its clients in Bernard Madoff's alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme.


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