• 控制着21%高等教育市场格劳·希尔3月里报告称数字内容销售额在2015年首超过了纸质

    McGraw Hill, which controls 21% of the higher education market, reported in March that its digital content sales exceeded print sales for the first time in 2015.


  • 其实一点也不遗憾,”小保罗谈到采访时说道,“说实在的,我甚至愿意再上一那个节目

    Actually, I don’t regret it at all, ” Paulsaid of the interview with Maddow. “In fact, I might even go back on [the show]again.


  • 发布会上,山克曼凯尼克说:“我们认为史蒂夫和亚一对完美奥斯卡主持人

    "We think the team of Steve and Alec are the perfect pair of hosts for the Oscars, " said Shankman and Mechanic in a statement.


  • BBC一个录音室里第一看到这个效果的:那位正在播音职员平行线线条空白上下跳动的阴影错觉得很不耐烦

    MacKay first observed this effect on the wallboard of a BBC studio: the broadcasting staff had been annoyed by illusory shadows running up and down blank strips between columns of parallel lines.


  • 同时发现,通过蔬菜水果方式摄入纤维,将降低患上癌症风险能起到保护作用

    It found that eating fibre, in the form of vegetables, fruit and wholegrain cereals, lessened the risk of cancer and that fish, eaten at least every other day, was also protective.


  • 吉尼斯经历之前事件,表明需要时间这些海草才能恢复原貌,大约正是海马繁殖周期。

    Masonjones said the experience of earlier oil spills suggested it could take five years for seagrass to make a complete recovery, which represents about three generations of seahorses.


  • 去年达成协议预定要召开正式部长级会议科马克,这个会议仍然举行新加坡的这会议不会取代正式的部长级会议。

    The agreement reached last year anticipates a formal ministerial level conference and McCormack said such a meeting will still be held, and that the Singapore discussion is not a substitute for it.


  • 由于比索美元的比价下降零售部门受重挫,尽管卡伦仍然购物中心

    The retail sector is also suffering because the peso has once again dropped against the dollar, though McAllen is still a shopping hub.


  • 我们上士达德身上的美国特质,负责伊拉克的一埋伏拯救了同伴海军陆战队队员

    We see it in Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.


  • 维尔·先生对于研究近距离的了解,有理有据的对研究的缓慢粗疏做了批评,但他认为阴谋论的说法有根据。

    Mr Vermes, who was close to that research effort, finds good reason to criticise it for slowness and carelessness-but no ground to assert a conspiracy.


  • 著名电视工作者希瑟•密尔斯•卡特尼本人是1993年严重事故之后输血受益者,她主持庆祝典礼

    Television personality Heather Mills-McCartney, herself a beneficiary of blood transfusion following a serious accident in 1993, will preside over celebrations.


  • 这个家族第四行政总裁保罗基尔亨尼,1999年接管公司。 他介绍道:“我们沙司第一卖是装在喷洒盖头的小香水瓶子里的,到现在我们仍然保持这个风格。”

    "Our sauce was first sold in old cologne bottles that had sprinkler tops and we kept the style, " notes Paul McIlhenny, the company's fourth generation chief executive, who took control in 1999.


  • 表示没有爸爸的气,但是准备等爸爸出院谈一

    Meagan said she was not upset with her father, but she planned to have a talk with him when he returned home from the hospital.


  • 比尔·凯基来自苏格兰的球员,带领过曼联队出战,分别是1934-35以及1939 -40

    Bill McKay was a Scot who also captained United for two spells, from 1934-35 and 1939-40.


  • 金利第二访华。

    It was the second official visit by McKinley to China.


  • 我们第一接触揭露

    AAM: We mean First Contact and Disclosure.


  • 已经来回走了5看到相同银行,相同的,相同的洗车店没完没了地飞越而过。

    He's driven this way five times already, watching the same Banks and donut shops and car washes fly past in a never-ending reel.


  • 第一握住的手》,·奥法瑞。

    The Hand That First Held Mine, Maggie O 'farrell.


  • 今天英国电脑黑客加里·金农(Gary McKinnon)最近法律尝试失败告终按照法庭裁决将被引渡美国,在那里面临一项审判——监禁戒备森严的监狱中,最高期限可60

    The British computer hacker Gary McKinnon failed today in his latest legal attempt to avoid extradition to the US where he could face a sentence of up to 60 years in a high-security prison.


  • 但是每年10月可以跟随历史学家吉姆·卡利斯特(Jim McAllister)萨勒姆进行烛光恐怖小道(Terror Trail)”之,其间游客们会去参观当年犯罪现场,大现在已经更名为加德纳-皮格利家(Gardner-Pingree House)。

    But, every October, you can go on historian Jim McAllister’s candlelightTerror Trailtour, which includes a stop at the scene of the crime, now known as the Gardner-Pingree House.


  • 作为2届得分王,7全明星第一来到突破首轮边界,遭受到了强烈的嘘声

    He’s lead the league in scoring twice and he’s a 7-time All-Star but he made a huge boo boo when he was on the verge of escaping the first round for the first time.


  • 酒店享受难忘的假期

    Enjoy an unforgettable vacation at The Wort Hotel.


  • 发现我们听不时,’的时候太多。我记得午餐会,有位服务生朋友,‘白面包还是面包’?

    "I also found that we say 'yes' a lot when we don't understand. I remember once at a brunch, a waiter asked my friend "white or wheat"?


  • 虽然之前登上圣母峰顶,但他的队友而言,原本是他们的第一

    While Mazur had summated Everest before, it would have been the first time for the others.


  • NBA球星最近跑福克斯电视台气象主持艾米一起播报了天气预报

    The NBA star Tracy McGrady appeared in a Fox TV news program presenting the weather with forecast host Amy Freeze.


  • 教授起身,锐利眼睛房间里扫视着,目光哈利卢娜地方扫过。

    Professor McGonagall stood up and her beady eyes swept the room. Twice they passed right over the place where Harry and Luna stood.


  • 美国著名拳师科伊小子醉汉喝并且挑战

    Kid McCoy, distinguished US boxer, was once harangued and challenged to a fight by a drunk.


  • 打开面粉开始心灵疗伤之旅

    I opened up the jar of whole wheat flour and once again began to heal.


  • 同意决定信任火箭

    Agreed. I decide to trust Tmac and the rockets one more time.


  • 同意决定信任火箭

    Agreed. I decide to trust Tmac and the rockets one more time.


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