• 如果拥有相关资源,就没有兴趣去保护培育鱼类就是最好例子

    If no one owns the resource concerned, no one has an interest in conserving it or fostering it: fish is the best example of this.


  • 波罗的鱼类资源逐渐减少

    Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline.


  • 了解决这些问题,中国在今年年初出台了一项为期10年的休渔令,以保护鱼类资源

    To solve these problems, China put a 10-year fishing ban at the beginning of this year to protect fish resources.


  • 机构警告说世界鱼类遗传资源缺乏协调一致管理正在成为一个严重的问题

    A lack of coherent management of the world's fish genetic resources is becoming a serious problem, the agency warned.


  • 斐济拥有森林矿物鱼类资源虽然仍然面临重大生存问题,但它已太平洋经济开发最好国家。

    Fiji, endowed with forest, mineral, and fish resources, is one of the most developed of the Pacific island economies, though still with a large subsistence sector.


  • 有人索马里好的渔业捕捞生态系统破坏,且无法修复了,其结果是蒙受永久丧失鱼类海洋资源之痛。

    By some accounts, Somalia's rare corral ecosystem has been damaged beyond repair, thus risking the loss of fish and Marine resources for good.


  • 这个周围富含鱼类资源石油天然气岛屿所有权争议已经持续了好几十年

    The ownership of the islands — in waters rich with fish and oil and natural gas deposits — has been disputed for decades.


  • 需要技巧使渔民相信,他们长远利益鱼类资源的利益一致大于他们仅仅快速获得一些剩余的小鱼的短期利益。

    The trick is to persuade them that their long-term interest, which coincides with that of the fish, trumps their short-term one, which is to extract the last minnow as quickly as possible.


  • 多个国家争相探寻海洋能源开发鱼类资源

    Countries are also competing to tap the sea's energy resources and exploit its fish stocks.


  • 因为没有足够鱼钩来诱捕,某些鱼就逃劫,这会导致对以往鱼类资源存量的低估,再者早期的延绳钓时代,许多已经住的鱼会落入鲨鱼的口中。

    Furthermore, in the early days of longline fishing, a lot of fish were lost to sharks after they had been hooked. That is no longer a problem, because there are fewer sharks around now.


  • 尽管这些浮游生物十分微小,但它们减少几乎影响所有海洋生物,同时波及鱼类资源

    The decline of these tiny plankton will have impacted nearly all sea creatures and will also have affected fish stocks.


  • 直接导致了东南亚森林火灾南美鱼类资源崩溃以及威胁到巴布亚新几内亚700,000人口干旱

    It led directly to forest fires in South East Asia, to a collapse of fish stocks in South America and a drought threatening 700, 000 people in Papua New Guinea.


  • 海豹猎人补充说道:有利于帮助阻止鱼类资源减少(虽然科学家否认一点)。

    The sealers add that it helps to preserve diminished fish stocks (though scientists dispute that).


  • 海鲜餐世界各地都很流行。丰富健康鱼类资源国家日本,甚至他们独特的海鲜食谱专属烹饪方式

    It is eaten around the world, and countries with a healthy supply of fish those, such as Japan, have their own specific recipes and ways of preparing seafood.


  • 航线》将人们视线引向了急剧减少的鱼类资源以及继续消耗濒危鱼种海洋环境带来的危害

    End of the Line draws attention to the rapid depletion of fish stocks, and the danger to the seas and environment of continuing to consume endangered fish species.


  • 数据显示我们必须采取更多措施来保护现存的鱼类资源研究者他们已经全球鱼类供应的主要问题进行了研究

    The data shows more must done to ensure existing fish stocks are protected, said the researchers, who have done other studies outlining problems with the world's fish supplies.


  • 专家非洲许多国家本国水域捕鱼权力卖给鱼类资源枯竭富有发达国家

    Many nations in Africa have sold the right to fish in their waters to wealthy developed countries that have exhausted their own stocks, the experts said.


  • 亚洲地区靠近城市中心水域污染同样也伤害鱼类资源

    Pollution in waters near the region's urban centers also hurts fish stocks. Another threat is climate change.


  • 我们掌握时间通过建立严格捕鱼条例更多海洋鱼业保护区,我们就越早的停止鱼类资源的不断减少。”合作者安克萨拉份声明中

    "The sooner we come to grips with it... the sooner we can stop the downward spiral by creating stricter fishing regulations and more Marine reserves," co-author Enric Sala said in a statement.


  • 鱼类资源来说,第二世界大战期间在北欧发生的一种情况是非常好的,在过去的150年里没有这么好的事情了:捕捞船被保存在港口里,使得渔业得以恢复

    Nothing did so much good for fish stocks in northern Europe in the past 150 years as the second world war: by keeping trawlers in port, it let fisheries recover.


  • 水产养殖来讲,鱼类遗传资源影响养殖鱼性能有助于养殖渔民满足消费者需求甚至可以影响养殖鱼类野生鱼类自然环境相互作用的方式

    For aquaculture, they affect the performance of farmed fish, help fish farmers satisfy consumer demands and even influence how farmed and wild fish interact in nature.


  • 过去25年里亚洲鱼类资源减少百分之30。

    In Asia, they have gone down by up to 30 percent in the past 25 years.


  • NeON项目(网络本体生命周期支持)组织者选择了粮农组织全球渔业信息系统专业资源帮助建立鱼类资源枯竭警报系统

    Organizers of the NeON project (Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies) selected FAO's expertise in global fisheries information systems to help develop a warning system for depleting fish stocks.


  • 我们检验十个系统里,其中有五个,其决定着鱼类资源是否会耗竭捕捞正在降低,这个结果令人鼓舞

    The encouraging result is that exploitation rate, the ultimate driver of depletion and collapse, is decreasing in half the 10 systems we examined.


  • 应当引起警醒预测——正越来越多的科学数据所支持的是,该如何应对水坝鱼类资源造成的影响

    But the most alarming projection, backed by more and more scientific data, has to do with the impact of the DAMS on fish stocks.


  • 近年来,随着传统主要经济鱼类资源的衰减,导致小型经济鱼类获得充分繁殖生长机会,其相对与绝对数量明显增加。

    The decrease of main valued fish resource in recent years has resulted in the opportunity for full growth and reproduction of small fishes.


  • 鱼类资源消耗用水量增加导致地下水贮备迅速枯竭

    The depletion of fish stocks Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.


  • 鱼类资源消耗用水量增加导致地下水贮备迅速枯竭

    The depletion of fish stocks Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.


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