• 熔点钼常用作灯丝支架汞灯电极

    Due to its high melting point, pure molybdenum is used as lamp filament supports and electrodes for mercury vapor lamps.


  • 并且熔渣与耐火材料反应产物熔点的CA2CA6MA尖晶石连续交错分布时,堵塞液相扩散通道抑制向耐火材料内部进一步渗透。

    When the reaction products form as high melting point CA2, CA6 and MA spinel in a continuous solid phase it will clog the liquid channel and resist the further diffusion of fused slag in the brick.


  • 认为硅的熔点非常

    He says it will have a high melting point.


  • 这里巨大能量库仑熔点沸点

    These are huge energies, Coulombic forces, high melting points and boiling points.


  • 然而熔点使得纯化处理过程较为困难

    Silicon, however, melts at a much higher temperature, making its purification and processing more difficult.


  • 相反有着的多熔点

    In contrast, iron has a much higher melting point.


  • 也许金属重要用途作为还原剂生产熔点金属比如

    Perhaps the most important use of sodium metal is as a reducing agent in producing high melting point metals, such as titanium and hafnium.


  • 锌基合金具有优良力学性能、耐摩性能、机加工性能、以及密度小、熔点原材料来源丰富成本低等优点

    The Zn-Al alloy has many advantages, such as good mechanical property, strong antifriction property, processable property, small density, low melting point, affluent raw material, low cost and so on.


  • 探讨熔点泡沫铁制过程中,采用超声波搅拌泡沫产品结构性能影响

    The effects of ultrasonic stirring methods on the structure and performance of high melting point foam iron products during preparation were explored.


  • 笔者认为电磁搅拌制备浆料方法中的搅拌无接触搅拌,更适用熔点钢铁材料

    It is believed that the slurry making method using electromagnetic stirring which is contactless stir ring will be suitable for high melting point iron and steel material.


  • 熔点稳定具有优异渗透性流动性,适于焊接薄膜温控电器装置接触面的工件;

    Alloys with a high silver content, small melting range, excellent capillarity and fluidity. Used for brazing thin joints such as diaphragms, thermostats, electrical equipment, etc.


  • z材料熔点溅射近年来受到越来越关注,但是难熔材料的脆性问题仍然类材料应用的一大障碍。

    More attentions are paid to high Z materials because of their high melting point and low sputter rate, but such materials remain the problems of brittleness to which is harmful for their application.


  • 同时指出活性态膜起“钉扎”作用的熔点温热处理保护涂料必备成分

    Furthermore, it can be concluded that an active viscid membrane and a high melting point constituent which can fix viscid membrane are the esse.


  • 橡胶防护熔点石蜡熔点石蜡、微晶蜡聚乙烯蜡制成的。

    Rubber protective wax is made from paraffin wax with low melting point, paraffin wax with high melting point and polyethylene wax.


  • 及铌合金以熔点腐蚀良好的强度成为重要结构材料

    Nb-based alloys are important high temperature structural materials because of their high melting temperature, corrosion resistance, and high temperature strength.


  • 一种宝贵稀有熔点金属,是生产合金刚、不锈钢耐热合金铸铁的重要合金化元素。

    Molybdenum is the rare metal with high melting point, which is often used to prepare alloy steel, refractory steel and stainless steel.


  • 结果表明,添加微量熔点金属焊料熔融特性影响小于2%。

    The results indicated that small amount of high melting point metals had less than 2% effect on melting properties of previous lead-free solders.


  • 将此温效应用于烧结熔点材料——铈钨合金获得了很好的效果

    It was used to sintering high melting point material-cerium-tungsten alloy, and gained good effect.


  • 加氢技术北美市场提供了稳定熔点植物蜡供给

    Hydrogenation technology brings more stable vegetable waxes with higher melting points to market primarily in North America.


  • 钛酸一种优异的熔点膨胀无机非金属材料

    Aluminum titanate is an excellent inorganic non-metal material with high melting point and low expansion.


  • 结果表明技术表面合金化技术领域中,适合熔点金属表面合金化采用高熔点金属对铁基某些熔点的有色金属表面进行合金化的实用工艺。

    The results show that the technology is fit for high melting point metal surface alloying and surface alloying in surface of high melting point metal and some coloured metal.


  • 概述了德士水煤浆加压气化局限性,介绍了淮化熔点淮南煤气化方面研究成果

    The article describes the limitation of Texaco pressurized gasification of coal slurry, and also the research result for gasification of Huainan coal with high ash fusion temperature .


  • 概述熔点熔点无铅开发动向

    This paper describes the development trend of low melting point and high melting point type Lead-free solder paste.


  • 这些天然复合矿物具有较低熔点并且能满足流动性好的碱度炉渣硫作用

    These natural minerals with low melting point, accelerate the dissolution of lime, and form a slag of high basicity and good fluidity suitable for desulphurization.


  • 所选相变材料熔点潜热相变防护性能重要影响,潜热大且熔点相变材料的防护性能

    It is found that the phase change protective clothing has excellent protective performance in both environments, significantly prolonging the the time of operation by the wearer.


  • 碳化锆一种重要熔点强度腐蚀的结构材料

    Zirconium carbide, ZrC, is an important high temperature structural material with very high melting point, excellent strength and good corrosion resistance.


  • PBS作为一种降解熔点成本聚酯用于改良其它聚酯。

    PBS, as a fully biodegradable polymer with relatively low cost and higher melting point, can also be used to modify other polyesters.


  • 过渡金属碳化物氮化物具有硬度、高熔点、耐磨损和耐腐蚀优良特性广泛应用于切削刀具和用作硬质涂层。

    In this thesis, a first principles study of the electronic properties and mechanical properties of transition metals, transition metal carbides and nitrides is presented.


  • 进一步推导出预测自由表面纳米微粒镶嵌熔点基体中基体形成共格界面的非自由表面纳米微粒熔解和熔解的计算公式。

    Furthermore, we have obtained the relations accounting for the size and shape dependent melting entropy and melting enthalpy of nanoparticles with free and non-free surface.


  • 进一步推导出预测自由表面纳米微粒镶嵌熔点基体中基体形成共格界面的非自由表面纳米微粒熔解和熔解的计算公式。

    Furthermore, we have obtained the relations accounting for the size and shape dependent melting entropy and melting enthalpy of nanoparticles with free and non-free surface.


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