• 本文以下部分网络环境高校道德教育问题进行探讨

    This article is divided three parts to discuss the question of the university moral education under the network environment.


  • 道德教育缺乏实效性,目前高校道德教育迫切需要解决重要问题

    Colleges and universities are confronted with the problem in moral education: moral education lacks efficacy.


  • 诚信我国传统道德体系中的重要道德之一也是高校道德教育重要内容

    Sincerity is one of the important category in our traditional moral systems, and it is the main contents of university moral education.


  • 本文梳理当代大学生道德失范表现,反映高校道德教育实效性低迷

    Morality absence phenomena of the up-to-date undergraduate was stated. It was reflected that actual effect of moral education in college and university is low.


  • 分析当今大学生道德缺憾及其原因提出了构建高校道德教育模式

    The article analyzes the characteristics and reasons of the moral imperfection of today's college students and proposes a new model of forming school moral education.


  • 解决高校道德教育定位问题改变我们德育教学方式达到高校道德教育目标关键

    Solving the orientation problem of moral education in the university well, and changing the moral teaching way is the key to reach the moral educational objective of university.


  • 提高高校道德教育实效性提出学会负责为基点,以教会选择为途迳道德责任教育

    Moral duty education that is based on responsibility and selecting is advanced to improve actual effect of moral education.


  • 有效开发高校互联网络道德教育资源的目标体现新的高校道德教育观念,包括人学课程教学观转变

    The object of effective development is to incarnate new idea of moral education in universities, which are changes in concept of human being, concept of curriculum, and concept of teaching.


  • 目的在于教导人们保护生命存在提升生命境界,追求生命意义,所以生命关怀应当成为高校道德教育价值选择。

    Its purpose is to teach people to protect the existence of life, to enhance the state of life, and to pursuit of the meaning of life.


  • 第三部分孔子道德教育思想高校影响

    The third part: Impact on university of Confucius' moral education thought.


  • 高校德育工作一项极其复杂系统工程,是进行思想道德教育主渠道阵地课堂

    The work of college moral education is an extremely complex system engineering, it is the main channel, main position and main classroom for moral education.


  • 西方高校道德教育模式西方德育评估思想体现更是西方传统文化的体现。

    The evaluation systems of morality education in western universities are the reflection of their morality evaluation thoughts and furthermore the reflection of western traditional cultures.


  • 因此,积极探索财经类高校职业道德教育新途径,显然具有重要的现实效应。

    Therefore professional moral education is of great importance in universities of finance and economics.


  • 高校教育加强环境道德教育提高我国大学生环境意识

    Environment moral education should be paid attention in the higher education in order to improve environment consciousness of students in the colleges and universities.


  • 社会信用环境不良学校道德教育不力信息运行管理不善以及信用约束机制?等共同造就高校信用缺失现状。

    Poor social credit circumstance, the declination of the school moral education, bad management of information running and the disorder of credit control system, lead to this phenomenon.


  • 随着计算机网络走进高校校园大学生网络道德教育问题日益受到社会关注

    With computer network into campus of university, all the society and the theoretical circles increasingly pay attention to the online morality of university students.


  • 高校学报编辑继续教育内容包括加强编辑职业道德教育现代意识教育知识与能力素质教育

    The education consists of training in codes of conduct, education in the modern awareness, and competence-building training.


  • 加强网络道德教育探索网络时代道德教育内容措施当前高校德育工作的课题

    Developing network moral education and exploring the content and measures are a new task of moral education in colleges and universities.


  • 因此,高校需要采取强有力的措施在校大学生进行环境道德教育

    So universities need take measures to carry out environmental education of morality for university students.


  • 高校图书馆工作人员应加强学历教育职业道德教育专业知识技能教育计算机和外语知识教育

    They have to stress on the education of academic certificates, professional ethics, professional knowledge and skills, computer and foreign language knowledge.


  • 大学生思想道德教育高校教育一项重要内容。

    The morality cultivation of contemporary undergraduate students is very important to university education.


  • 最后,对杜威道德教育思想主要特征及其评价进行分析基础上得出杜威道德教育思想高校德育的启示。

    Finally, mainly analyzes the characteristics and evaluation of Dewey's moral education. On the basis we can get the moral enlightenment to colleges.


  • 高校思想道德教育塑造大学生崇高的理想信念良好道德品质健全的个性心理发挥重要作用

    The college ideological moral education plays an important role in cultivating students' lofty ideal, good moral quality and perfect individual psychology.


  • 当前高校德育重点难点之一是如何提高大学生网络道德教育的实效性。

    It has become one of the emphases and difficulties of moral education of university to improve network moral education of university students.


  • 因此认真界定法律职业道德教育内涵以及充分认识高校法学教育法律职业道德教育必要性探索法律职业道德教育途径具有非常重要现实意义。

    Therefore, it is of great practical significance to carefully define the meaning, to fully understand the necessity, and to explore ways of legal professional ethics education in the university.


  • 高校学生道德教育社会道德建设导向作用,社会道德进步动力

    The morals education of the college students is a progressive motive of social morals and in rises to the morals construction of whole society direction.


  • 高校图书馆利用资源优势进行引导开展网络道德教育加强网络管理等方面引导大学生正确地利用好网络。

    Academic library should be used resource advantages to conduct guide and to carry out the network moral education and to strengthen the network management, guid


  • 中国高校金融人才培养应当接受美国金融危机的教训,调整金融教学内容加强职业道德教育,重视职业迁移能力培养,形成自己特色金融培养人才模式。

    China 's financial institutions in the training should adjust the financial instruction content, enhance the professional ethics and professional training and ability to build his own character.


  • 中国高校金融人才培养应当接受美国金融危机的教训,调整金融教学内容加强职业道德教育,重视职业迁移能力培养,形成自己特色金融培养人才模式。

    China 's financial institutions in the training should adjust the financial instruction content, enhance the professional ethics and professional training and ability to build his own character.


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