• 有人告诉我们简捷方法就是从它最近邻近走。

    The easiest way to sneak into Hashima, we were told, is to go to the closest neighboring island, Takashima.


  • 也许古怪的是,商店穿上高岛制服,还给她的脸化妆

    Perhaps even more bizarrely, the shop has decked her out in a Takashimaya uniform and put make-up on her face.


  • 现在居民600人,他们大部分都居住中心公寓大楼里。

    The population of Takashima has now dropped to about 600, the majority of whom live in one large apartment complex on the center of the island.


  • 三菱公司所有,一样,小镇也是随着煤炭开采繁荣起来

    The island was owned by Mitsubishi, and the town grew and flourished on the success of its coal mining, just like Takashima.


  • 新加坡海岸不远实马PulauSemakau原先是个垂钓的好去处,但自1999年起小变成座垃圾填埋场

    The island of Pulau Semakau, off the coast of Singapore, originally dedicated to fishin, was turned into a landfill in 1999.


  • 所有进入能量资源——其中一些10,7000多公斤重——都来自这个

    All the energy and resources that went into the moaisome of which are ten metres tall and weigh over 7,000 kiloscame from the island itself.


  • 据悉,日本将派出无人驾驶遥控直升机飞越第一核电站4个反应堆上空,拍摄工作人员无法进入辐射非安全区域受损状况。

    An unmanned drone helicopter is scheduled to fly over 4 reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant to video the extent of damage in areas where workers are unable to safely enter due to high radiation.


  • 随着散发着硫磺海面持续蒸腾,位于艾尔希洛(加那利南端屿)附近的岩浆已有20

    Magma off the Canary Island of El Hierro has been spewing 20 metres high as the sea boils with a smell of sulphur.


  • 上周核电站附近海水进行放射检测的结果要比普通海水1,250——但是周末数据已经攀升1,850倍。

    Just outside the coastal Fukushima nuclear plant, radioactivity in seawater tested about 1,250 times higher than normal last week - but that number had climbed to 1,850 times normal by the weekend.


  • 上周对福核电站附近海水进行放射能检测的结果要比普通海水1,250——但是周末数据已经攀升1,850倍。

    Just outside the coastal Fukushima nuclear plant, radioactivity in seawater tested about 1, 250 times higher than normal last week - but that number had climbed to 1, 850 times normal by the weekend.


  • 沃尔特·雷利当时年事已,只得在特立尼达营地中。

    But Walter Raleigh, then an old man, stayed behind at a base camp on the island of Trinidad.


  • 星期一地震引发的10英尺巨浪袭击苏门答腊附近的明打威

    Monday's quake generated a 10-foot tsunami that struck the Mentawai islands, just off the Sumatran coast.


  • 已经不仅仅相关问题了,因为阿尔伯·克基市墨西哥圣达的新墨西哥特快通勤铁路特快铁路运营,就使用第25号洲际公路的安全

    the issue is relevant beyond HSR as the New Mexico rail Runner Express rail Runner commuter rail operation between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico USES the median of Interstate 25.


  • 卡扎菲儿子最近英国权重的首席大臣罗德•曼德尔森(此君正在科孚度假了面,更是助长了这样猜测:英国和利比亚之间有着某种私下联系。

    The fact that his son recently bumped into Lord Mandelson, Britain’s powerful first secretary, on holiday in Corfu, has fuelled speculation about a stitch-up.


  • 3种猛犸象种群一直俄罗斯弗兰格尔存活3700年前它们现代大象有很近的血缘关系

    A population of 3 metre-tall dwarf mammoths survived on Russia's Wrangel Island until 3, 700 years ago. They were closely related to the modern elephant.


  • 洛克奥古·斯塔学院威廉·哈默领导第二小组比尔德·莫尔冰川附近1.3万英尺山顶发现了距今有两亿年的食草恐龙化石

    A second team led by William Hammer of Augustana College in Rock Island found the 200 million-year-old plant-eater's fossils on a mountaintop 13,000 feet high near the Beardmore Glacier.


  • 157收藏家很欣赏Kali出产古代等身泥土雕像长期以来不清楚Kali艺术家如何能够如此精确度刻画人体

    157collectors prize the ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on Kali Island but have long wondered how the Kalinese artists were able to depict bodies with such realistic precision.


  • 美国国家航空航天局发布12月3 - 10日北极涛动示意图显示加拿大巴芬格陵兰中部部分地区气温2002年2009月的平均气温15度。

    Nasa's Arctic oscillations map for 3-10 December shows that parts of Baffin Island and central Greenland were 15c warmer than the average for 2002-9.


  • 枝野幸男有些以外肉牛也是同样铯含量的草料饲养。

    Edano says that some beef cattle outside Fukushima prefecture were also fed rice straw with high levels of radioactive cesium.


  • 位于东爪哇泗水东南2392攀爬罗摩火山的人,印尼其他火山

    East Java, Surabaya south-east, 2392 meters high, climbing Mount Bromo, Indonesia other than the volcano would need to make more.


  • 日本科学省向外界透露,在远离核电站40公里处土壤检测到超过平常值400辐射污染。

    Japan's science ministry says radiation exceeding 400 times the normal level was detected in soil about 40 kilometers from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.


  • 恶魔只有不到600英尺宽,希尔解决办法:“变大前,金字塔一角非常海底塔架上。”

    Alcatraz is less than 600 feet across, but Hill has a solution: "One corner of the pyramid will have to rest on a very tall undersea pylon until I can make the island bigger, " he said.


  • 餐厅通向厨房酒吧脚凳座位一个

    The dining room opens into the kitchen and has an island with barstool seating.


  • 湖上风光好,学习汉语兴致

    At the beautiful Qiandao Lake, We're learning Chinese enthusiastically.


  • 宾馆非常我们能看到美丽海景

    The hotel was very high up and we had a wonderful view of the sea and the island.


  • 这位56岁女性一月12非洲西海岸佛得角出发,战胜了30英尺海浪狂风周日抵达特立尼达

    The 56-year-old left Cape Verde Islands off Africa's west coast January 12, battling waves of up to 30 feet and strong winds. She arrived in Trinidad Sunday.


  • 这位56岁女性一月12非洲西海岸佛得角出发,战胜了30英尺海浪狂风周日抵达特立尼达

    The 56-year-old left Cape Verde Islands off Africa's west coast January 12, battling waves of up to 30 feet and strong winds. She arrived in Trinidad Sunday.


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