• 现在还处于最初职业生涯,并且令人高兴的找到了一些自己成功之处。我专注于学习以及增强自己技能

    I'm still early in my career, and while it's nice to find some success, I'm mostly focused on learning and growing my skills.


  • 现在还处于最初职业生涯,并且令人高兴的找到了一些自己成功之处。我专注于学习以及增强自己技能

    I'm still early in my career and while it's nice to find some success I'm mostly focused on learning and growing my skills.


  • 要回答,总的来说你对目前为止职业生涯高兴满意的。

    Say that, all-in-all, you're happy with the way your career has progressed so far.


  • 不管挑战者切尔西如何地紧追不舍,通过一场胜利弗格森爵士获得了16年执教生涯以来的第10座英格兰超级联赛奖杯总是很值得高兴的

    Victory was always going to be good enough for Sir Alex Ferguson to celebrate his 10th Premier League title in 16 seasons, no matter what closest challengers Chelsea did.


  • 所工作过的所有公司都非常赞赏解决问题方法所以,我非常高兴职业生涯初期就能学到一点。

    I'm glad that I learned that early in my career because my problem-solving approach has been vauled and appreciated by all my past employers.


  • 中德联合设计应该研究生生涯重要经历感谢那些帮助一个高兴认识很多朋友

    Sino-Germany joint design , it should be an important experience of my graduate career, thanks to those who help me every person, but also very happy to know a lot of friends.


  • 承认为是一个球员想在回顾职业生涯时候能为自己成就感到高兴

    You want to be recognised as a good player, but also you want to look back on your career and feel proud of what you achieved.


  • 但是确实承认职业生涯尾声到来时挂靴是个痛苦经历但是他很高兴现在阿森纳球队的一部分

    However he did admit that hanging up his boots at the end of his career would be a difficult experience, because he is so happy to be part of the current Arsenal set-up.


  • 熟悉那位化学师的人们非常高兴的是,终于意识到,一个板凳科学家不是人生使命出于着想起见,他们希望她能够在职业生涯早期就意识到这一点。

    Those who knew the chemist were delighted she finally realized that being a bench scientist was not her calling, but wished for her sake she had realized it earlier in her career.


  • 高兴直到教练组还关注的租借生涯

    It's great to know the staff care when you're out on loan.


  • 当然令人高兴我职业生涯打的最好比赛因为是一场决赛,而我们也拿了冠军

    I came out of there very happy and I think that was my best game ever because it was a final and because it gave us a trophy.


  • 素性旷达埋藏本人的恋爱享用大学时代高兴生涯

    Natural disposition is open-minded, she buried up their love, enjoy college age of happy life.


  • 锤炼时,人们大脑会开释内啡肽。内啡肽会使心境高兴觉得愉快。正是人们所期看的生涯吗?

    When you exercise the brain releases endorphins that put you a better mood, make you feel happy and isn't that what life is all about?


  • 高兴机会一位技术好沉着成熟临床医生职业生涯提供支持

    I am delighted with the opportunity to support the career of a skillful, poised and mature clinician. I think his experience, poised and mature clinician.


  • 职业生涯高兴的事得说第一上海威斯酒店工作的时候

    The happiest time in my career was probably the Westin Shanghai in the first year.


  • 瑞恩·吉格斯可以职业生涯末期打中路位置感到高兴

    Ryan Giggs is relishing the chance to be centre stage in the twilight of his remarkable career.


  • 15个月离开后高兴大家宣布,我决定开始第二个网球生涯

    After 15 months of absence, I am pleased to announce to you that I've decided to begin my second tennis career.


  • 现在礼物书桌告诉我(一直不能告诉我),她对于我选择写作生涯高兴

    Now the present of her desk told, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work.


  • 有钱平易近快乐,糊口生涯水准过去50年夜的高涨异国美国人高兴

    And while the rich are happier than the poor, the enormous rise in living standards over the past 50 years hasn't made Americans happier.


  • 但是假如露着牙齿笑哈哈的跳进程序员小房间,然后告诉,您发现职业生涯糟糕的一个bug,而且这个bug就是她写出来的,高兴不起来的。

    But, if you bounce into a programmer's cubicle with a huge grin on your face and tell her that you just found the nastiest bug of your career and it's in her code, she won't be happy.


  • 沃尔科特:“非常高兴能与俱乐部签订新的长期合同,我在这非常高兴每一职业生涯帮助声谢谢

    Walcott added: "I'm absolutely delighted to have signed a new long term contract. I'm so happy here and just want to say thanks to everyone who has helped me get to this point in my career."


  • 成为娇兰设计师——实际上过去一直渴望,我真的高兴终于机会演艺生涯第一次参与设计工作

    Being a designer for Guerlain Actually, this is something I've longed for in the past and I am really glad that I finally got the chance to design my 1st piece of work in my showbiz career!


  • 成为娇兰设计师——实际上过去一直渴望,我真的高兴终于机会演艺生涯第一次参与设计工作

    Being a designer for Guerlain Actually, this is something I've longed for in the past and I am really glad that I finally got the chance to design my 1st piece of work in my showbiz career!


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