• 胶原蛋白或者衍生物一种存在于骨骼软组织中的生化物质

    Collagen (or its chemical derivatives) is exactly the kind of biochemical material that one would expect to find in association with bone tissue.


  • 方法骨骼软组织肿瘤3941个病灶进行对比剂增强MR灌注成像检查

    Methods 39 patients with 41 musculoskeletal neoplasms underwent contrast enhanced perfusion weighted MR imaging.


  • 目的研究对比剂增强MR灌注成像技术骨骼软组织肿瘤恶性鉴别诊断中的应用价值

    Objective To assess the diagnostic value of contrast enhanced perfusion weighted MR imaging technique in differential diagnosis between benign and malignant musculoskeletal neoplasms.


  • 化石包括不完整头骨,还有部分其余骨骼甚至还有毛发一类的残留软组织压痕。

    The fossils include an incomplete skull, part of the skeleton, and even impressions of residual soft tissues, such as hair.


  • 疾病引发的损害侵蚀骨骼软骨皮肤软组织造成患者嘴唇鼻子部位溃烂为空洞

    Lesions develop that eat bone, cartilage, skin and soft tissue, leaving victims with gaping holes where their lips or noses should be.


  • 因为处在身体末端脚部动物最先吃掉的身体部位,又因为脚部是很多骨骼软组织构成,它们容易被毁掉

    Being at the extremities of the body, feet are often the first parts of a body that scavengers will chew on, and being made up of lots of small bones and soft tissue they are easily destroyed.


  • 我们已经知道温暖国家软组织骨骼感染时,有时候兰氏阴性病菌和兰氏阳性病菌一样重要甚至重要。

    In soft tissue and bone infections in warm countries we've known for some time that Gram-negative organisms can be as important or more important than Gram-positive infections.


  • 最新研究成果显示,高频率沿着人体骨骼向上,而低频率的力会沿着肌肉软组织向上。

    Earlier research has shown that high-frequency forces tend to move up the body through a person's bones. Lower-frequency forces typically move through muscles and soft tissue.


  • 体腔用蓝色标识软组织用米棕色血管红色骨骼白色

    Air pockets are shown as blue, soft tissues as beige, blood vessels as red and bone as white.


  • - 90主要通过食物进入人体摄入锶- 90会导致骨癌(骨骼附近软组织癌症)和白血病。

    Strontium-90 mainly enters the body through food and water, and its ingestion has been linked to bone cancer, cancer of the soft tissue near the bone, and leukemia.


  • 这些数据可以用来制作病人截面,有助于提供病人软组织骨骼结构详细描述

    The data can be used to create a cross-section of the patient, which provides detailed depiction of soft tissue and bone structure.


  • 积累血液骨骼软组织中。难以被排出体外,影响血液,肾脏肝脏神经系统

    Lead (Pb) accumulates in the blood, bone and soft tissues. It is not readily excreted and can affect the blood, kidneys, liver and nervous system.


  • 软组织被甘油浸泡除去骨骼茜草素染成红色

    The soft tissues have been cleared by immersion in glycerol and the bones stained red with alizarin.


  • MRI不但可以发现骨骼信号强度改变可以发现同时存在脓肿渗出以及软组织改变蜂窝织炎炎)。

    MRI demonstrates not only signal intensity change within the bone but also coexisting findings such as abscesses, effusion, and soft-tissue changes (cellulitis, myositis).


  • 矿物质许多代谢功能关键因素它们骨骼牙齿软组织肌肉血液神经细胞重要成分

    Minerals are critical elements for many metabolic functions. They are important constituents of the bones, teeth, soft tissues, muscles, blood and nerve cells.


  • MRI利用强大的磁场强度无线电频率脉冲数据处理软件得到软组织肌肉神经脂肪骨骼精细图像

    MRI USES a powerful magnetic field, low intensity radio-frequency pulses, and data-processing software to create detailed images of soft tissue, muscles, nerves, fat and bones.


  • NCI称,系统性alcl一种罕见恶性肿瘤(非霍奇金淋巴瘤),可见身体多个部位包括淋巴结皮肤骨骼软组织

    Systemic ALCL is a rare malignant tumor (non-Hodgkin lymphoma) that may appear in several parts of the body including the lymph nodes, skin, bones, soft tissue, lungs or liver, according to the NCI.


  • CT扫描结合一系列不同角度X光提供骨骼软组织复合视图

    CT scans combine a sequence of X-rays from different angles to offer a composite view of bone and soft tissue.


  • 更进一步检查表明其实骨骼软组织上面覆盖精美的羽毛

    But closer inspection showed that it was actually bone and soft tissue covered with delicate feathers.


  • 记住截肢组织骨骼重要好的软组织覆盖假肢装配关键

    Remember that the soft tissue is more important than the bone in the amputation. A mobile durable soft tissue envelope is critical for good long-term prosthetic fitting.


  • 骨骼常规影像减少了软组织肩胛骨影像清晰

    Results Bone image removes soft tissue image, compared to general image, scapula radiography shows more clear.


  • 膝关节mri图像骨骼精确分割进一步分割与定量分析膝部软组织的前提。

    Bone segmentation in knee MRI can be regarded as the groundwork of segmenting and analyzing soft tissue in knees.


  • CDFICDE骨骼软组织、周围血管外周神经系统疾病诊断中的应用进行综述。

    It details the wide application of diagnose of bone disease, soft organic disease, vessel disease and nerve system disease using the CDFI and CDE.


  • 肺部皮肤感染比较常见骨骼以及软组织感染少见

    Lung and skin involvement are frequent, whereas bone and cerebral and soft tissue involvements are rare.


  • 脸部并前颅底侵犯肿瘤切除后留下复杂骨骼软组织的缺损。

    Resection of malignancies of the midface with anterior cranial base involvement may result in complex bone and soft tissue deficiencies.


  • 关于桥台组织护理最新理念就是对于软组织骨骼方面尽可能保留对于美学义齿结构建立

    The modern concept of tissue caring abutment design means that abutment should help to preserve the soft and hard tissue as much as possible and help to build up esthetic prosthetic structure.


  • 这个技术能够做到积极清创软组织骨骼修整骨折稳定早期软组织覆盖

    The radical wound debridement, soft tissue and bone revision, fracture stabilization, and early soft tissue coverage were achieved by this technique in a one-stage procedure.


  • 造成髌股关节原因主要有过度使用软组织不平衡、下肢骨骼排列不正确

    Factors that cause patellofemoral pain include: over use, soft tissue imbalance, and malalignment of lower extremity.


  • 推断年龄目前主要依据人体骨骼软组织细胞生物大分子以及组织中各类物质物理化学特性等随年龄增长的时序性变化

    The main methods of age estimation at present mostly rely on characteristic physical and chemical changes of skeleton, soft tissue, cells, biomacromolecules and the other substances.


  • 采用了单元线性弹簧-阻尼单元来模拟骨骼软组织

    The model was constructed using shell and linear spring-damper elements.


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