• 最后外科医生两侧的髋两边的肩换了

    Eventually, surgeons replaced both hips and both shoulders.


  • 于是,找了名牙医9奴隶嘴里拔牙齿移植

    So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw—having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.


  • 如果大腿旋转不够充分巨大压施加半月板上——胫大腿就好像巨大钳子

    If the thighbone doesn't rotate enough, you'll apply huge pinching pressure to the meniscusas if your shinbone and thighbone were a giant pair of pliers.


  • 没有浪费一点时间交给澳大利亚dna检测中心之后驱车赶往阿得雷德南部奥尔丁格,去向84海伦·布莱克伯恩请求一份的DNA标本

    He didn't waste any time. After handing the jawbone over to the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, he drove south of Adelaide to Aldinga, to ask 84-year-old Helen Blackburne for a sample of her DNA.


  • 管理方法多样,简单的使用吸收致癌物然后当作有毒废物扔掉,高级使用化学方法转化良性的结构。

    Management tactics range from using bone charcoal to soak up the carcinogen and then dispose of it as toxic waste to chemically transforming hexavalent chromium to a more benign form.


  • 请你电影吧,演少女开颅手术,第一个镜头就是的脸皮头盖下来……你会觉得好看吗?

    Would you enjoy watching a movie of head surgery being performedon a young girl, starting with her face pulled away from her skull?


  • 现在外科医生通常病人髋关节借用然后用人工方法它们巧妙加工缺失似的形状。

    Surgeons nowadays borrow bits of bone, typically from the patient's hip or shin, and manually craft them into something akin to the missing facial fragments.


  • 兰金送到得雷德实验室以后,收到了一直期盼着的消息——奥斯丁已经提取到有用基因物质

    Three weeks after delivering the jawbone to the Adelaide lab, Blenkin got the news he'd been hoping for - Austin had extracted usable genetic material.


  • 一些猎奇者要作纪念,他们鲨鱼颌放在水里煮,除去留下整副剃刀般的牙齿

    He'd boil it to remove the flesh and retain just the bones and those deadly lines of razor teeth.


  • 五十之后欧洲共同体已经脱胎变成欧盟而且范围扩至超出原本六个会员国

    Fifty years later the European Economic Community has changed out of all recognition, having metamorphosed into the European Union and grown far beyond the original six members.


  • 提取出原始DNA如今已经回到无名水兵里,同时,各种暂时性计划打算这个杰拉尔顿。

    The jawbone from which he had the crucial DNA extracted is now back with the rest of the Unknown Sailor’s remains, and there are provisional plans to bury the man in Geraldton.


  • 不管怎样脊椎肢体进行比较的时候,就得推测它们的体型。

    "When comparing vertebrae to limbs, you have to extrapolate, no matter what," she said.


  • 看见一刻就像似的了上去,它连皮带地生吃了。

    The instant I saw it, like an eagle I pounced upon it and ate it, living, raw, dying - fur, skin, bones and all.


  • 比如可以很多结构上变动-方下巴变窄突出改成不那么突出。

    For instance, you can make lots of structural changes - taking a broader chin and more prominent eyebrow bones and changing them to a smaller chin and a less prominent eyebrow bones.


  • 而松崎自己则偏好鸭汤和“浪花”拉面种手工乌冬切成细条浇头拉面日本300年历史

    For his own meals, he likes to make it with duck-bone broth and naniwa noodles, a type of high-quality thinnish udon that has been handcrafted in Japan's Akita Prefecture for over 300 years.


  • 雨伞纷纷打开,互相戳来戳去,一些伞布被撕裂,只剩下锋利的头顶摇晃

    Umbrellas unfurled poked and were ripped from their rigging leaving sharp spiders dangling overhead.


  • 石器配件仿佛我们带回了11000年前大拿冰河时代狩猎场景。

    An array of stone points, knives, and bone spear parts date to Ice Age hunters roaming Montana 11, 000 years ago.


  • 依据动物计算表明15万牛顿力度猎物伤,咀嚼力度霸王龙的

    Calculations based on the animal's jaw bones suggest it could have bitten into its prey with a force of 150 kilonewtons, or four times the force thought to be exerted by the jaws of a T. rex.


  • 片无牛排放进圆面包里。

    He put a fillet steak in the bun.


  • 格里弗斯知道一旦加入分离主义势力,就意味着共和国长期作战,因此,他没有简单地盔上画上条纹,而是条纹深深地了上去,以此作为永久的宣言

    Since he knew in joining the Separatists he would be in for a long battle with the Republic, he carved the lines, instead of painting them, to make it a permanent statement.


  • 一种多孔通常类制成,检验中贵重金属低劣物质铝中分离出来。

    Cupel: a porous cup often made of bone ash used in assaying to separate precious metals from base elements such as lead.


  • 一种多孔通常类制成,检验中贵重金属低劣物质铝中分离出来。

    A porous cup often made of bone ash used in assaying to separate precious metals from base elements such as lead.


  • 复合胺联系起来开始一种导致易碎失明的罕见遗传病

    The story of the serotonin-bone connection began with reports of a rare inherited condition causing fragile bones and blindness.


  • 他们尝试供应冷却汤,发现汤“凝胶似的过粘稠”,于是决定干脆冰冻再变得甜。

    Though they tried just serving the broth cold, they found that it was 'too gelatinous', and instead decided to simply freeze it and sweeten it up.


  • 我们

    We take skin and bone out of the fish.


  • 放血需要锋利去皮

    A sharp skinning or boning knife is appropriate for this part of the operation.


  • 下,将鸡肉拿出去锅里剩下部分一起搅拌直至冷却后装喂食。

    After removing the large pot from heat, remove all the chicken from the bone and with all the sliced chicken in the pot, stir carefully and allow to cool, prior to dishing up.


  • 运动鞋换成了油光可鉴皮鞋头发摩斯整的溜平脑瓜上。

    He had exchanged his sneakers for shiny leather designer boots, and his hair was slicked down with so much mousse that the outline of his skull was visible.


  • 运动鞋换成了油光可鉴皮鞋头发摩斯整的溜平脑瓜上。

    He had exchanged his sneakers for shiny leather designer boots, and his hair was slicked down with so much mousse that the outline of his skull was visible.


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