• 定期验证模型(根据政策)。

    Validate model periodically (according to local policy).a.


  • 多个合作伙伴应用程序的身份验证需求变得非常明显了,需要能够借此提高员工满意减少成本

    The need for authentication across multiple partner applications to improve employee satisfaction and reduce costs became obvious.


  • 成熟成熟和经验证技术经常使用不太成熟新兴技术。

    Maturity High, proven technologies Frequent use of less mature and emerging technologies.


  • 优化结果得到试验验证,为优化射序提高射击密集提供了直接方法

    The optimizing results are validated by test and the direct method is presented to improve dispersion of fire.


  • 通过例就各参数随机性结构动力可靠影响进行分析验证本文方法的可行性

    Finally, the influence of the random of structural physical on the structural dynamic reliability is analyzed through the examples, validating the feasibility of this method.


  • 许多因素能够降低形式验证提供信心

    Many factors can betray the confidence offered by formal verification.


  • 最后实现一种表面工艺例子初步验证实现框架时间精确可行性

    Finally, an example of surface silicon process is implemented, which verifies the feasibility of implementation on both time and precision primarily.


  • 研究表明,其中第32谐振频率探头灵敏最高这一分析结果实验结果基本一致验证所建立理论模型有效性

    It was found that the transducer has the highest sensitivity at the 32nd order resonant frequency, which agrees with the experimental result. This indicates the validity of the model.


  • 理论这些措施有效地提高系统的灵敏稳定性

    Theory and experimental results proved that these methods can improve the sensitivity and stability effectively.


  • 步法误差分离技术测量精确进行理论分析实验验证研究基础提出的。

    It is suggested based on research to the accuracy of multistep er - ror separation technique by theoretical analysis and practical experiment.


  • 最后通过实证分析说明顾客满意测评模型构建方法以及验证不确定性情况测评方法实际应用适用性。

    Finally, using the case analysis, it illustrates the construction of the customer satisfaction assessing models and the applicability of the assessing method under the uncertainty cases.


  • 验证使用测定重复样品改良准确情况来说,未知样品也采取相同程序

    In the case where replicate samples should be measured during the validation to improve accuracy, the same procedure should be followed as for unknown samples.


  • 一旦选定切换硬件重要就是计算系统不确定验证满足所有准确要求

    Once the switching hardware has been selected, it is important to calculate the uncertainties and speed of the system to verify that it meets all accuracy requirements.


  • 这种方法构建振动传感器体积质量轻、价格便宜,并且具有很高灵敏准确

    Experiments have proved that the micro vibration sensor constructed by this new method has many advantages of small volume, low weight, low cost, high sensitivity and high accuracy.


  • 原始样品稀释过标准曲线上限能力应用准确精密参数验证中证明

    The ability to dilute samples originally above the upper limit of the standard curve should be demonstrated by accuracy and precision parameters in the validation.


  • 通过沥青混合料马歇尔稳定试验CPN车辙验证实了以上结论正确性

    These conclusions are then proved by Marshall stability test and CPN rutting test of asphalt mixtures.


  • 分别采用了方法配对试验电工电阻测试不确定进行了试验评估相互验证比较。

    The measurement uncertainty of round aluminium rods for electrical purposes in resistivity was tested and evaluated by means of the test method of square sum root and the test method of pairing .


  • 本文应用一类线性微分方程了非均质变截面弹性直杆振动问题的精确,我们应用一精确解验证渐近解的精确

    This paper gives an exact solution for free vibration of a physically nonuniform straight bar with varying section by the use of a class of integrable linear ordinary differential equation.


  • 并且依验证方法实际检测中的灵敏适用性

    By this way, the applicability and sensitivity of the method to detection of VTEC sample can be tested.


  • 实例验证证明用布修正法获得重力可以满足气压测量准确要求

    It has been verified by examples that the gravity used with Bouguer correction is enough accurate for atmospheric pressure measurement.


  • 运用正交试验设计原理验证所确定最优关节机械手姿态影响显著性。

    This paper uses the intersection experiment design principle to verify outstanding performance of the optimal joints, determined by redundancy method, for the manipulator posture.


  • 加工表面粗糙预测模型有效性,从而实现加工前在确定切削条件下预测控制表面粗糙的目的。

    It proves that this prediction model is effective by machining experiments. Using prediction model can predict and control surface roughness under certain condition.


  • 经过误差分析验证模型可靠均满足设计要求,可供生产设计单位使用。

    By the verification of error analysis, the accuracy and reliability of the model accord with the designing demands, and can be used by the production and design units.


  • 拍卖商佳士得拍卖所有名酒经过不同反复检验他们出具的葡萄酒情况真实详单逐一对比验证

    Christie's, an auctioneer, says all the wines it auctions are inspected three times by different people, using detailed checklists for condition and authenticity.


  • 这项发现利美1999年住房调查中再次得到验证

    That finding was reinforced by Fannie Mae's 1999 Annual Housing Survey.


  • 本文通过因子分析发现,在中国的文化情境下沟通满意8个,而工作倦怠3结构得到验证

    Through the method of factor analysis, it's found out that under China's cultural context, communication satisfaction has 8 dimensions and the 3 dimensional structure of job burnout has been verified.


  • 验证振动势能项将与平动、振动、转动自由一样权重分配分子能量理论

    We verify the theory of same weight for distribution in molecular energy about the term of vibrational potential as well as various degrees of freedom of the molecules.


  • 验证振动势能项将与平动、振动、转动自由一样权重分配分子能量理论

    We verify the theory of same weight for distribution in molecular energy about the term of vibrational potential as well as various degrees of freedom of the molecules.


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