• 那些卖淫赌博贩毒有关的罪犯判罪驱逐出境。

    He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.


  • 外国记者驱逐出境。

    Foreign journalists are being expelled.


  • 移民局官员试图交送驱逐出境令。

    Immigration officers tried to serve her with a deportation order.


  • 这些事件导致一些高级外交官驱逐出境。

    These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country.


  • 尽管那次斗殴事件真凶确认,但那些男人驱逐出境。

    All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.


  • 20世纪30年代数百万乌克兰人或因饥饿驱逐出境。

    In the 1930s, millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported.


  • 驱逐

    He was turfed out of the party.


  • 他们武力土著人驱逐更加肥沃土地

    They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land.


  • 该国首脑5名外国记者驱逐出境。

    The country's leaders kicked five foreign journalists out of the country.


  • 已经在驱逐出境人员名单见到名字了。

    I've seen your name on the list of deportees.


  • 有些官员表示这次逮捕行动美国缉毒2008年遭玻利维亚驱逐出境的报复手段。

    Some officials said that the arrest was revenge by America’s Drug Enforcement Administration for its expulsion from Bolivia in 2008.


  • 有些官员表示这次逮捕行动美国缉毒2008年遭玻利维亚驱逐出境的报复手段。

    Some officials said that the arrest was revenge by America's Drug Enforcement Administration for its expulsion from Bolivia in 2008.


  • 虽然其中有158人莫名其妙的的获得了难民身份然而美国其他国家对其重新安置期间,又驱逐出境了。

    And although 158 of them did get somehow get UN refugee status, pending resettlement by America and others, they were deported anyway.


  • 为了腾出外籍罪犯占用的床位他们中间反对驱逐出境的请求不再被驳回,而其它罪犯则在拿到一笔钱后返乡

    Foreign convicts' appeals against deportation will no longer be contested, in order to liberate their beds. Others will be paid to go home.


  • 拒绝之后便苏联永久驱逐出境了。

    When he refused, he was expelled, permanently, from the Soviet Union.


  • 如果再次美国被抓住就要非法再次入境罪是一项最多判十年监禁然后驱逐出境的重罪。

    If caught in the United States again, they're convicted for illegal re-entrya felony that carries a maximum ten-year sentence followed by deportation.


  • 幸运提决定离开,而一个同事却被驱逐出境,回到伊拉克阿布·哈里卜监狱中度过接下来20

    Mr Siti was fortunate in only being made to leave; one of his colleagues was deported to Iraq and spent the next 20 years in Abu Ghraib prison.


  • 巴基斯坦官员表示他们不会受到杀死巴基斯坦指控美国外交官雷蒙德.戴维斯驱逐出境。

    The move comes as Pakistani officials say they will not deport the American diplomat Raymond Davis who is accused of killing two Pakistanis.


  • 贩卖应该被拘留指控、起诉、被草率地驱逐出境,强调

    People who have been trafficked should not be detained, charged, prosecuted or summarily deported, she stressed.


  • 他们可能公寓里,可能没有身份证件,还可能被驱赶或者驱逐出境

    She says they may be living in apartments, may lack documents and may face eviction or deportation.


  • 如果工作机会枯竭外包公司鼓励他们H1B工人当地高校上学,避免驱逐出境。

    If work dries up the outsourcing companies encourage their H1B workers to take classes in local colleges to avoid being deported.


  • 有着158名难民单独小队已位于边界拘留中心驱逐出境。

    A separate group of 158 refugees were deported from a detention centre on the border.


  • 驱逐出境一个被释放

    One has been deported and the other released.


  • 他们普通美国人一样在美国长大我们国旗宣誓效忠美国,他们每天生活都面临着被驱逐出境危险

    They grew up as Americans and pledge allegiance to our flag, and yet they live every day with the threat of deportation.


  • 不会驱逐出境。

    They could not be deported.


  • 又有9%嫌疑犯其它方式处理绝大多数驱逐出境少数精神健康法规处理。

    A further 9% were dealt with in some other way: most of them deported and a handful sectioned under mental-health laws.


  • 所以如果约翰驱逐出境,洋子继续留在美国。

    So John, if he had been deported, Yoko would've stayed behind.


  • 如果证明国家不可能养育全部人口,那么外国侨民(非德国公民)驱逐出境。

    If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) must be deported from the Reich.


  • 同时规定任何藐视地方习俗不恰当行为可能导致罚款遭到诉讼驱逐出境

    But it also stipulates that improper behaviour that flouts local customs may lead to fines, prosecution or deportation.


  • 同时规定任何藐视地方习俗不恰当行为可能导致罚款遭到诉讼驱逐出境

    But it also stipulates that improper behaviour that flouts local customs may lead to fines, prosecution or deportation.


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