• 平时马陆看起来像是人类无害生物

    Normally, a millipede looks like a harmless creature to humans.


  • 平时马陆看起来像是人类无害生物

    Normally, a millipede looks like a harmless creature to humans.


  • 上海奥美尼齿轮有限公司成立于1994年,位于嘉定区马陆镇。

    Omni Shanghai was established in year 1994 and located in Jiading district.


  • 茨勒:“有没有掀起块石头看到下面有鼻涕马陆丑陋动物出来?”

    "Have you ever lifted up a rock and seen slugs and millipedes and other ugly creatures come out?" Penzler asked me.


  • 欧亚大陆内部大草原上出现游牧主义尤其如此因为所有主要游牧形式具流动性的。

    This is particularly true of the horse pastoralism that emerged in the Inner Eurasian steppes, for this was the most mobile of all major forms of pastoralism.


  • 正是交通运输战争中的使用解释了为什么欧亚大陆内部游牧主义是所有主要游牧形式流动性和最具军国主义色彩的。

    It is the use of horses for transportation and warfare that explains why Inner Eurasian pastoralism proved the most mobile and the most militaristic of all major forms of pastoralism.


  • 事实上塔斯马尼亚岛上看到一些几何图形镌刻遗址,该岛大约一万年前大陆分离出来

    Indeed, sites with engravings of geometric shapes are also to be found on the island of Tasmania, which was separated from the mainland of the continent some 10,000 years ago.


  • 款车平时能够悍马一样在陆地驰骋,但是遇到紧急情况,只需要轻轻按一下按钮,它就变成台直升飞机

    It would be similar to a Humvee vehicle for patrolling on the ground but could turn into a helicopter at the touch of a button in an emergency.


  • 先生110多个大陆学生只有个将给予退款还有其他名学生只要了全额学费就能拿到美国学校的录取

    Mr. Ma said that out of 110 mainland students, only one has needed a refund, though two clients have been granted admission only if they pay full tuition.


  • 逝世时,他已经阻止无情奥特曼帝国在欧洲大陆的入侵,并且他自己统治王国疆域宽广无比——黑海到达尔马提亚,从摩维亚波斯尼亚。

    By the time he died, he had stemmed the relentless Ottoman advance through Europe and himself ruled over an empire that stretched from the Black Sea to Dalmatia and from Moravia to Bosnia.


  • 使测试都变得相同很明显复杂的,可能事实上是可能的。比如说生活水中海豚生活陆地上的马。

    Making the tests equivalent, however, for say a dolphin that lives in the water and a horse that lives on the land is obviously complicated and may prove to be virtually impossible.


  • 这些南边的纬度地区在整个地球版图中,几乎毫无障碍一马平川的陆地,所以风力几乎不会减弱

    There is little to weaken them, for these far southern latitudes circumscribe the entire globe almost without interruption by land.


  • 云南省陆良县农民牵着一只马已经干涸河床上。

    A farmer and his horse walk on a dry reservoir bed in the drought-hit Luliang County, Yunnan province.


  • 多少年来平平静静,现在却出了事;天空陆地海洋数千千万万,出事时候出头上……马那张叫人难以容忍的马脸在我眼前浮现,驱散了我的胡思乱想

    There are countless men in the air, on land and at sea, and all that really happens happens to me…The almost unbearable memory of Maddens long horseface put an end to these wandering thoughts.


  • 欧洲大陆火车旅行热中西班牙可谓一马当先,上个月新开通了马德里巴塞罗纳间的高速列车,全程只需35分钟,比原来整整缩短两个小时

    Spain, which is at the forefront of the rail boom, got high-speed service connecting Madrid and Barcelona last month.The journey was slashed by two hours: Now it takes just two hours, 35 minutes.


  • 就是说发现全新大陆全新世界,属于马奇亚·维利全新世界。

    That is to say, discover an entirely new continent, a new world, so to speak, the new world of Machiavelli.


  • 协议上签字的人西蒙·佩雷斯马哈茂德·阿巴斯——广为人知的名字是阿布马齐恩这两人都密切地参与了在奥斯陆秘密谈判

    The agreement would be signed by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas, better known as Abu Mazen, both of whom had been intimately involved in the Oslo negotiations.


  • 先生预期通缩丝毫没有减退迹象,这多得数因素包括联系汇率大陆相对的成本港府减免措施

    The deflation Mr Ma predicted has shown no signs of abating, thanks to a number of factors that include the currency peg, cheaper costs on the mainland and government relief measures.


  • 另外,马沃斯山谷表层暴露平原表面探测器易于着陆导航

    The layers are exposed at the surface on plains that would be easy for the rover to land on and navigate.


  • 马尼恩的妹妹最后告诉记者,与以往一样鲁尼家人参加今年海军陆战队马拉松比赛

    Manion's sister said that the Looney family will be attending the Marine Corps Marathon this year, like usual.


  • 探险家马休·弗林德斯也一样,30年后登陆弗雷泽岛。

    Likewise explorer Matthew Flinders, who landed here some 30 years later.


  • 2006年,英国年轻的妈妈来自西陆新的阿马代尔的特瑞萨·迷德顿市,在她12做了母亲。

    Britain's youngster mother, Tressa Middleton, from Armadale, West Lothian, gave birth aged 12 in 2006.


  • 夜幕降临塔斯马尼亚著名的布里迪·斯托村的薰衣草花田的时候,紫色陆地天空着上美丽的颜色。

    Purple tints land and sky as night falls over lavender fields at Tasmania's famed Bridestowe Estate.


  • 这个想法导致赵恩•马汀断言,“油轮一个冰河时代。”赵恩•马汀位于加利福尼亚的陆海洋实验室领导

    It was this thought that caused John Martin, once head of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in California, to declare, "give me half a tanker of iron, and I'll give you an ice age."


  • 19世纪早期旅行者经常不厌其烦不惜血本地将教练船运至欧洲大陆,而后者的雇佣成本通常很高。

    The English tourist of the early part of the century frequently went to considerable pains and expense to ship to the continent horses and coaches, the latter often luxuriously appointed.


  • 19世纪早期旅行者经常不厌其烦不惜血本地将教练船运至欧洲大陆,而后者的雇佣成本通常很高。

    The English tourist of the early part of the century frequently went to considerable pains and expense to ship to the continent horses and coaches, the latter often luxuriously appointed.


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