• 马萨医师营养专家认为有时候大家会忘却斋戒节制课题这个月中增加体重

    Dr. Ziaodin Mazhari is a nutrition specialist. He thinks that sometimes individuals forget Ramadan's lesson of abstinence and put on weight during the month.


  • 马萨公路每小时100的速度行驶,结果警拦下。

    He is doing 100 miles an hour down the Mass Pike and gets pulled over by a state trooper.


  • 1876年85生于印第安纳首府印第安纳波利斯;1958年8月14日卒于亚利桑那州首府菲尼克斯。是伊莱·福斯特(Eli Foster)马瑞萨·洛克·伍德·尔(Marassa Lock wood Ritter)女儿;1900年,与查尔斯·奥斯·比尔德(Charles Austin Beard)结婚

    Born 5 August 1876, Indianapolis, Indiana; died 14 August 1958, Phoenix, Arizona Daughter of Eli Foster and Marassa Lockwood Ritter; married Charles Austin Beard, 1900.


  • 年前婚姻破裂,打以来吉尔四个孩子一直哥哥家中的间单人房间内。 她哥哥的位于首都波哥达以北160处名叫萨马卡的小镇中。

    Since the breakup of her marriage three years ago, Gil and her four children have lived in a single room in her brother's house on the outskirts of a small town, Samacá, about 160 kms north of Bogotá.


  • 那个轻若小包致命速度头盔弹簧,将马萨击倒飞速行驶法拉方向盘上。

    Weighing the same as a small bag of sugar, but careering into his helmet with deadening force, the spring knocked Massa cold at the wheel of his speeding Ferrari.


  • 圆脸,浓密的黑发笼在头巾穷困潦倒,身无分文。他的丈夫身无长物,好吃懒做,丢了工作,而且没人愿意雇用他。

    A round-faced woman with thick black hair tucked into a head scarf, Saima had barely a rupee, and her deadbeat husband was unemployed and not particularly employable.


  • 据说亨利命人安妮的掏了出来,然后把放在个心型的盒子并保存萨克福马一座教堂壁龛。 人们在1836年发现了它,把它原先安葬在教堂的遗骸一起安葬。

    Allegedly, Henry secretly kept it in a heart-shaped casket in a church alcove in Suffolk, until it was rediscovered in 1836 and reburied underneath the church's organ.


  • 因为电影一个JamesBond火车顶上跳进大海的镜头,所以他们请求古吉拉特邦的萨巴尔马提(Sabarmati)河或果阿邦进行拍摄

    They had asked for Sabarmati in Gujarat or Goa for a site to shoot in, since the film has to show Bond jumping into a sea or a big water body from the train top.


  • 过去7个,69岁的先生每周两次在萨克拉曼多附近大学城开车向北人行道上仔细找寻动物被车撞死的蛛丝马迹。

    Nearly every week for the last seven months, Mr. Ringen, 69, has driven the roads north of this college town near Sacramento, scanning the pavement for telltale bits of fur and feathers.


  • 一封于 1498年3月8写给卡多·贝奇的信马基雅以严厉批评口吻叙述了萨沃纳罗拉的次慷慨激昂布道

    In a private letter to Ricciardo Becchi dated 8 March 1498, Machiavelli described one of Savonarola’s impassioned sermons quite critically.


  • 15世纪佛罗伦萨居民包括了布鲁内,吉贝尔蒂,多纳太罗,马萨因扎吉,法兰克福机场安吉利哥,韦罗基奥,波提切利,达芬奇米开朗琪罗

    The inhabitants of fifteenth century Florence included Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Donatello, Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, Fra Angelico, Verrocchio, Botticelli, Leonardo, and Michelangelo.


  • 一封信朱丽叶房子,在著名马志尼店吃饭在科二门博尔参观舞台剧场,老城堡城堡,美术馆的。

    Write a letter to Juliet at her house, shop on the famous Mazzini, dine on the Corso di Porta Borsari, and visit the Arena Amphitheatre, Castelvecchio Castle, and Art Gallery.


  • 能够本能地动物交流,还马萨西神殿自己房间办了个动物园,养许多小动物。

    He could instinctively communicate with animals, and kept a large menagerie of small critters in his quarters in the Massassi temple.


  • ·沙欣球队7-1战胜奥萨苏纳的比赛中完成了皇马,他在下半场替补赫迪拉出场。

    Nuri Sahin made his Real Madrid debut in the team's 7-1 victory over Osasuna, coming on for Khedira in the second half.


  • 阿马特·西种以猪肉番茄为基本原料做成的酱料,其起源一般会追溯到马特切——位于罗马东北部萨宾山中的一座边远小镇

    The origins of Amatriciana, a cured pork and tomato-based sauce, are traditionally traced to Amatrice, a provincial town in the Sabine Hills northeast of Rome.


  • 波尔多中场球员奥。马武经纪人日前透露,佛罗伦萨希望签下法国国脚

    The agent of Bordeaux midfielder Rio Mavuba has revealed Fiorentina are keen on the France international.


  • 包括一名意大利球员米兰过去几天逐渐表现出了他们对于皇马并不如意的卡萨诺兴趣

    That includes an Italian, so over the past few days Milan have come out into the open with their interest in Real Madrid misfit Cassano.


  • 包括一名意大利球员米兰过去几天逐渐表现出了他们对于皇马并不如意的卡萨诺兴趣

    That includes an Italian, so over the past few days Milan have come out into the open with their interest in Real Madrid misfit Cassano.


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