• 太多马拉松人强调训练数量而不是品质

    Too many marathoners emphasize volume of training over quality.


  • 有些马拉松认为比赛过程中走一走可以提高他们的成绩。

    Some marathoners actually think that walking during the race will improve their times.


  • 但是大多数跑步专家告诉那些非专业马拉松人训练过程中,一次性20英里以上不是一个主意

    But most running experts will tell recreational marathoners that it's not a good idea to run more than 20 miles at one time during training.


  • 茉莉·韦斯特兰让印象深刻马拉松比赛赤脚拿到了第一名。

    What was so impressive about Jasmine Westland's victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.


  • 特里·福克斯开始马拉松比赛第一独自一

    For the first days of his marathon, Terry Fox was alone.


  • 另一些详细描述小时保姆工作如何常常变成场令伤痛的马拉松

    Others would detail how an hour of baby-sitting often turns into a crying marathon.


  • 克铭从未想过自己有一天会成为英雄,但他恰恰在周六,在甘肃省白银市举办的山地马拉松比赛中拯救了6名参赛者的生命,在这场比赛中,有21丧生。

    Zhu Keming never thought he would be a hero one day, but he was just that on Saturday when he saved the lives of six runners during the mountain marathon in Baiyin, Gansu Province, in which 21 people lost their lives.


  • 身体不断需求能量食物获取卡路里维持身体各项机能,让行走坐,甚至参加马拉松长跑

    Your body has a constant demand for energy and USES the calories from food to keep functioning. Energy from calories fuels your every action, from fidgeting to marathon running.


  • 一封邮件说:“打个比方,如果我们100名性别相同年龄都是20年轻开始马拉松训练。”

    “Let's say we ask 100 people, all same age, all same gender, to start a marathon training program at the age of 20 years,” Dr. Volders wrote in an e-mail.


  • “有多少加入马拉松100俱乐部?”或者接受大量训练

    How many people are going to join the 100 Marathon clubor undertake a comparable amount of training? he asked.


  • 一年一度纽约马拉松赛于上周日举行,“阿汤嫂”凯蒂·赫尔姆斯也出现数万参赛队伍中,她5小时2948完了比赛全程。

    Holmes was among the tens of thousands of runners participating in the annual New York City Marathon on Sunday, finishing the race in 5 hours, 29 minutes and 58 seconds.


  • 敢于挑战的话,还可以来参加10月30日洛桑马拉松路线是沿内瓦湖滨至梯田山坡

    Or, if you're up to the challenge, join the thousands of runners expected for the Lausanne Marathon on October 30, which follows the shore road between Lake Geneva and the terraced hillsides.


  • 对于那些纽约镇股权交易所工作经纪来说,过去两个星期就像是疲惫不堪但又以令兴奋的马拉松比赛一样

    For the brokers who work the floor of the Big Board, the past two weeks have been as exhausting and exhilarating as a triumphant run in a marathon race.


  • 纽约经过马拉松谈判美联储勉强同意使用纳税金钱向该集团提供为期两年的贷款,以换取其79.9%股份。

    After a marathon day of negotiations in New York, the Federal Reserve reluctantly agreed to lend taxpayers' money on a two-year basis in return for a 79.9% stake in AIG.


  • 马拉松比赛开始一周他们来到纽约一起探索这个水泥森林生活

    With one week to go before the marathon they all went to New York and explored the city and life in the urban jungle.


  • 吉鲁2008年北京奥运夺得男子马拉松金牌成为赢得奥运马拉松赛金牌第一肯尼亚,成绩是2小时632,刷新奥运纪录。

    In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Wanjiru became the first Kenyan to win a gold medal in the marathon, finishing with an Olympic-record time of 2hr, 6min 32sec.


  • 那些全程马拉松半程马拉松日子里,相对于一个奋斗,能够成为更好的事情的一部分振奋的。

    In the days when I ran marathons and half-marathons, being part of something greater than my singular effort was exhilarating.


  • 火星来飞船降落Boston马拉松队伍中间外星不明飞行物跳出来冲着经过身边的选手,“你们,”。

    A spaceship from Mars landed right in the middle of the Boston Marathon. An alien popped out of the UFO and shouted to a runner going by, "take me to your leader."


  • 3月14日瑞士-莫里茨举行全长26.2英里滑雪马拉松比赛大概11200参加了此次比赛

    The 26.2-mile length of ski marathon was held around Saint - Moritz on March 14. Probably 11, 200 people took part in the competition.


  • 所有马拉松跑步者开始比赛日厚望并不是每一个能够实现他们目标

    While every marathon runner starts with high hopes on race day, not everyone is able to realize their goals.


  • FredLebow纽约马拉松共同创始

    Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder.


  • 根据美国跑步协会调查,20092010年,跑完半程马拉松增加的大道24%,从2009年的1100万到2010年的1400万

    From 2009 to 2010, the number of half marathon finishers grew an incredible 24%, from 1.1 million finishers in 2009 to nearly 1.4 million finishers in 2010, according to Running USA.


  • 马拉松参与者美国将近1,500万经常跑步中的一小部分。

    Marathoners represent only a small fraction of the nearly 15 million frequent runners in the U.S..


  • 尽管参加者研究开始体能相对较好,但是无一曾经成功完成马拉松

    Although the participants were reasonably fit at the start of the study, none of them had successfully completed a marathon.


  • 1992年夏季残奥会上,4金牌,1996年残奥会,她获得铅球银牌马拉松金牌

    She won four gold medals in the 1992 summer Paralympics. In the 1996 Paralympics she won silver in the shot put and gold in the Pentathlon.


  • 波士顿马拉松爆炸嫌疑名大学朋友逮捕。

    Three college friends of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect have been arrested.


  • 马拉松运动认真放松使运动停止运动之间有一个缓冲的过程。

    Relaxation after marathon helps to make a buffering and adjustment from movement to static situation.


  • 执法官员报告波士顿马拉松爆炸案调查进展,这起爆炸案造成至少3死亡,170余受伤

    Law enforcement officials are reporting progress in the investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing that killed at least 3 people and wounded more than 170.


  • 执法官员报告波士顿马拉松爆炸案调查进展,这起爆炸案造成至少3死亡,170余受伤

    Law enforcement officials are reporting progress in the investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing that killed at least 3 people and wounded more than 170.


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