• 在拿着那个篮子,到纯酒酒店去,告诉他们派一匹马和马车带着仆人赶快到这儿来,接我回家。

    Now take up that basket, and go on to the Pure Drop Inn, telling them to send a horse and carriage with a servant here quickly, to carry me home.


  • 汽车实际上代替马车

    The automobile has practically displaced the horse and buggy.


  • 汽车普及不再使用马车了。

    When automobiles become popular, the use of the horse and buggy passed away.


  • 马车等候

    My horse and carriage await me!


  • 亨利·福特喜欢如果听从客户会去生产更好马车

    Henry Ford was fond of saying that if he had listened to his customers he would have produced a better horse and buggy.


  • 好比不适合生存孔雀不能长出美丽的雀,不适合生存的人类不能出美妙的歌曲,跳起迷人的舞蹈(唱歌跳舞好比马车一样紧密结合),抑或流畅演奏

    Just as unfit peacocks cannot grow splendid tails, so unfit people cannot sing well, dance well (for singing and dancing go together, as it were, like a horse and carriage) or play music well.


  • 商业工资税收其他一切都依靠财富制造者;丘吉尔曾经商业比作拉着整个马车的悍”。

    Businesses are the generators of the wealth on which incomes, taxation and all else depends; "the strong horse that pulls the whole cart", as Churchill put it.


  • 母亲最先看出来,第二第一辆车一样,它不是简陋寒酸马车而是一辆漂亮整洁的单双轮马车,又叫狗车,漆光发亮,设备齐全

    Her mother perceived, for the first time, that the second vehicle was not a humble conveyance like the first, but a spick-and-span gig or dogcart, highly varnished and equipped.


  • 或许我们回头使用马车自行车

    Perhaps we will go back to horses and carriages and bicycles.


  • 安西走过去一个套二轮单马车起来,别的孩子等着

    Anthea went to talk to a man who had a horse and cart, and the others waited.


  • 我们印象中的闪电战相反,75%德军行军(想象一下需要多少粮草运粮草的马车才能满足750 000。)

    Contrary to our images of a motorized blitzkrieg, 75% of German transport was horse-drawn (think how much hay and how many hay wagons are needed to feed 750, 000 horses.)


  • 柏雪龙一种产自法国灰色黑色用来火炮四轮大马车现在其它国家大量养做它

    Any of a breed of gray or black draft horse originally used in France for drawing artillery and heavy coaches but now bred in other countries for general purposes.


  • 乾隆年间以前,北京交通工具多为轿、马车

    In the Qianlong emperor of Qing dynasty, the popular traffic tools in Beijing were cars(held by four people), horses, donkeys, carriages and donkey carts, etc.


  • 婚礼通常充满童话故事的气氛四轮马车一应俱全威廉密道顿的婚礼可能完全不同。

    Royal weddings always have a fairy tale aura complete with horses and carriages. But a wedding between William and Middleton might be different.


  • 具有鲜明头部形状马车阿拉伯世界上容易辨认品种之一

    With a distinctive head shape and high tail carriage, the Arabian is one of the most easily recognizable horse breeds in the world.


  • 仕的历史可以追溯到1837年。 这家公司制造马车使用的挽具起家,还曾获荣誉奖项,很快转而生产

    In business since 1837, Hermès originally made award-winning harnesses and bridles for horse-drawn carriages, and soon moved into saddlery.


  • 酒吧服务员、一个警察一个马车维尔藏了起来,然后等着隐身人的来临

    Barman, a policeman, and a cabman awaited the Invisible man's arrival after hiding Marvel.


  • 如果我们相信电视电影中的场景,那么,在拥有汽车之前,似乎每个美国家庭马车或者每个人都有自己的马和鞍。

    If we believe television and movies, every American family before the car had a horse and wagon or had horses and saddles for everyone.


  • 着套着的四轮旅行轿式马车,在群少年侍从副官卫队的簇拥下,沿着通往波森、托仑、但肯尼斯堡的大道向前进发

    He drove a travelling carriage, drawn by six horses and surrounded by pages, adjutants, and an armed escort, along the route by Posen, Thorn, Danzig, and K?nigsberg.


  • 今天高兴因为今天CTVE冬令营第一。我看见了、狗、骆驼孔雀。我今天是第一次马车。我很高兴

    Today, I felt happy. because it's the first day of CTVE winter camp. and I saw horses, dogs. camel and peacock. today I'm the first time to ride by horse car. I am happy.


  • 我们前往那里路上看到Wilson一辆辆看,我想知道这是怎么回事?我看到门上弹片子弹累累痕迹时,我对说,,我们就要迟到了。

    We went there and in the way I saw Wilson staring at the Humvees and I wondered why?But when I saw the door of the Humvee with some shrapnel and bullet marks in it I told him let's go, we'll be late.


  • 我们前往那里路上看到Wilson一辆辆看,我想知道这是怎么回事?我看到门上弹片子弹累累痕迹时,我对说,,我们就要迟到了。

    We went there and in the way I saw Wilson staring at the Humvees and I wondered why?But when I saw the door of the Humvee with some shrapnel and bullet marks in it I told him let's go, we'll be late.


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