• 还是李艾科前任马克·赫德拼命削减成本结果。

    And all this was in spite of severe cost cutting by Mark Hurd, Apotheker's predecessor.


  • 鲁迪·克鲁罗拉·埃塞曼应当给惠普董事会马克·赫德一点启示。

    Rudy Crew and Laura Esserman have much they could teach the HP board and Mark Hurd.


  • 上周五惠普ceo马克·赫德被迫辞职,正式原因是报销单据不实负责。

    The CEO of HP, Mark Hurd resigned last Friday, ostensibly for fudging his expense reports.


  • 上一任CEO马克·赫德那位导致卷铺盖走人漂亮公关之间丑闻就更加不用了。

    Let's not even get into the whole scandal of Mark Hurd and the pretty pr woman that got him booted from HP.


  • 马克·赫德因为利用个人关系虚报一位承包商费用报销问题而被惠普公司董事会辞退。

    Mr. Hurd resigned from H. P. one month ago, after an investigation by the board into a personal relationship with a contractor turned up questionable expense reports.


  • 惠普3月29日宣布,这个人就是马克·赫德并且赫德引人注目特点就是,和前任正好相反。

    His name, HP announced on March 29th, is Mark Hurd, and his most noticeable characteristic is that he is very unlike his predecessor.


  • 惠普邀请了一位真正的门外汉,马克·赫德主持公司复兴大业,力图将公司打造成世界最大科技公司。

    Mark V. Hurd, to engineer H.P. 's resurrection and to create the world's largest technology company.


  • 2011年4月弗兰克特隆的引荐下,Autonomy马克·赫德进行了大约三十四十分钟会谈

    In April 2011, there was a meeting for approximately thirty or forty minutes between Autonomy and Mark Hurd, which was set up by Frank Quattrone as an introduction to Mark Hurd.


  • 马克·赫德女性承包商交往存在不当消费记录惠普公司炒掉了,但,这位前首席执行官又开始春风得意。

    Just one month after Hewlett Packard ousted Mark Hurd for expense report improprieties in his relationship with a female company contractor, the ex-CEO is riding high.


  • 另一合著马克·赫德莱德来自英国布里斯托尔大学,他补充说,“那个时候我们甚至知道这种植物靠蝙蝠传粉的。”

    Study co-author Marc Holdereid of the U.K.'s University of Bristol added, "We didn't even know this plant was bat-pollinated at the time."


  • 2010年,惠普公司前任CEO马克·赫德公司一名承包商传出桃色丑闻,选择与其分道扬镳,此举遭到外界的广泛指责。

    HP was widely criticized over the 2010 departure of former CEO Mark Hurd amid a scandal involving a personal relationship with a company contractor.


  • 惠普首席执行官马克·赫德(Mark Hurd)20096月这样说过:“在接下来年中创造数据超过之前总和。”

    HP CEO Mark Hurd put it this way in June 2009: "more data will be created in the next four years than in the history of the planet."


  • 甲骨文公开展示幻灯片1月份时发给马克·赫德,是Qatalyst准备的,用于我们独自甲骨文推介autonomy

    The slides Oracle posted publicly were sent by me to Mark Hurd in January, were prepared by Qatalyst and were for the purpose of our independently pitching Autonomy as an idea to Oracle.


  • 惠普公司内部消息人士告诉财富》杂志(Fortune),李艾科因为具备前任首席执行官马克·赫德那样数字天赋而饱受折磨。

    Sources inside HP also told Fortune Apotheker suffered for not having former-CEO Mark V. Hurd's aptitude for Numbers.


  • 比如去年八月份马克·赫德便是一次较为严重管理层危机中辞去惠普公司(Hewlett - Packard)CEO职位的。

    For example, Mark Hurd's resignation from his position as CEO of Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) last August happened in the midst of a larger management problem.


  • 阿梅利奥很了解自己对手,作为一名后勤供应链专家不仅曾经戴尔工作曾经在NCR惠普现任首席执行官马克·赫德共事过。

    Amelio knows his competition. A logistics and supply-chain expert, he worked not only at Dell but also with HP's CEO Mark Hurd at NCR.


  • 九月情况变得更糟了,当时甲骨文(Oracle)雇用惠普总裁马克·赫德(Mark Hurd),前一个月已经被迫退出惠普。

    Things got worse in September when Oracle hired HP's ex-boss, Mark Hurd, who had been pushed out the previous month.


  • 此外我们指出马克·赫德没有求职限制就可能带来这样一个担忧,即是否转投惠普竞争对手担当某些职位(董事会成员CEO顾问)。

    Moreover, we note that Mark Hurd has no employment restrictions, which raises the question of whether he could serve in some capacity (Board member, Executive, consultant) at an HP competitor.


  • 惠普很幸运马克·赫德掌管的关键时期做到了上下一心通力合作前任卡莉·菲奥莉娜可是风格完全不同,公司她手里狂奔年头一直到2005年。

    Luckily for HP, it pulled itself together in the Nick of time under Mark Hurd, a very different kind of boss from his predecessor, Carly Fiorina, who was fired in 2005 after a wild five-year ride.


  • 惠普现任CEO马克·赫德(Mark Hurd)2005年执掌惠普,49亿美元收购MercuryInteractive,2006年又发布了惠普软件项目

    Mark Hurd, HP's current CEO, came on board in 2005. He backed the $4.9 billion acquisition of Mercury Interactive, launching HP's software initiatives in 2006.


  • 作为马克·赫德(年前,赫德因为性骚扰丑闻离任)继任者,惠普现任首席执行官李艾科指责赫德忽视了上述两大业务,相比于硬件业务,网络和服务业务能带来更高的利润率。

    CEO Leo Apotheker has blamed the regime of former CEO Mark Hurd (who was ousted a year ago amid scandal) for neglecting these areas, which offer much better margins than hardware does.


  • “茱莉亚·查尔德让烹饪变得不再那么神秘”,史密斯森美国历史国家博物馆的负责人马克·帕赫特2002谈到,“我们家里向我们展示厨艺,尤其是法国菜的烹饪,非常有意思,而且任何人可以自己家里动手去做。”

    She came into our homes and showed us that cooking, especially French cooking, was fun and something that anyone could do in their own home.


  • 同时还建议事先准备一些有关头版新闻谈资,比如现在HP总裁马克.赫德辞职事件

    And he suggests you always be prepared with some conversation starters drawn from news headlines, like, right now, Mark Hurd's resignation as Hewlett-Packard's ( HPQ - news - people ) chief executive.


  • 珀金斯惠普公司(HP)担任董事,并于2006年5月辞职认为公司能招募到马克赫德并出任CEO自己功不可没

    Perkins, who was a director at HP (HPQ) before his resignation in May 2006, has said that he helped recruit Mark Hurd to the CEO spot at that company.


  • 不过上周四,甲骨文决定反戈一击。 它发布份幻灯片,林奇2011年4月一次会议上向甲骨文总裁马克赫德演示时使用的。

    Today Oracle laid down the boom, posting a slide-deck that Lynch gave to Oracle president Mark Hurd during an April 2011 meeting.


  • 曼联陷入乱战。第68分钟马克·威尔逊大力劲射赫亚双手击出。

    United were rocking and a Mark Wilson piledriver in the 68th minute stung the palms of De Gea.


  • 里尼奥安德莱赫特队一战前面临小型队员伤病危机马克莱莱格兰·约翰逊上场成

    Jose Mourinho faces a mini injury crisis ahead the clash with Anderlecht as Claude Makelele and Glenn Johnson are doubtful.


  • 里尼奥安德莱赫特队一战前面临小型队员伤病危机马克莱莱格兰·约翰逊上场成

    Jose Mourinho faces a mini injury crisis ahead the clash with Anderlecht as Claude Makelele and Glenn Johnson are doubtful.


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