• 但是首都银行分开顶尖的信息技术系统

    But what really sets Metro Bank apart is its state-of-the-art it system.


  • 这座城市大部分保存完整,首都银行所在玻璃幸免于难,依旧闪闪发光。

    The city itself escaped largely unscarred, the glass blocks housing the capital’s banks continuing to gleam unshattered.


  • Oakworth首都银行总经理食物价格专家JohnNorris联邦储备利率降低不会缓解通货膨胀

    The Federal Reserve's rate cuts won't lessen this inflation, said food price expert John Norris, managing director at Oakworth Capital Bank.


  • 上个月宣布所有外国银行被国有化没有意义举措因为外国首都电脑开关轻轻一击,所有的资金已经冻结

    Last month he announced that he had "nationalised" all the foreign Banks: a meaningless gesture, since all their funds had been frozen by a flick of a computer switch in foreign capitals.


  • 根据中央银行的说法,到2011年年中,首都加拉加斯食品价格比最初开始价格管制高出工资上涨幅度则低于40%。

    By mid-2011, food prices in Caracas, the capital, were almost nine times higher than when the controls were introduced, according to the Central Bank; wages had risen by 40% less.


  • 日前,在韩国首都汉城,世界克隆先锋黄武树先生表示计划今年年底之前建立干细胞银行,以此来满足医疗领域逐渐增长对于器官移植需求

    South Korean cloning pioneer Hwang Woo-suk said Wednesday he plans to open a stem cell bank by the end of the year to help speed up the quest to grow replacement tissue to treat diseases.


  • 首都也是银行商业中心

    Headlights blur past the Metropolis Building, a Madrid landmark. The Spanish capital is also its banking and business center.


  • 随着英镑跌至几十年来最低点英国银行需要注入更多纳税人资金观察员伦敦“泰晤士河畔的雷克雅末克(冰岛首都)”也就毫不为奇了。

    With the pound at a multidecade low and British banks requiring ever-larger injections of taxpayer cash, it is no wonder that observers have started to refer to London as “Reykjavik-on-Thames.”


  • 标准银行初期报告表明,位于智利首都以北大型铜矿包括EscondidaCollahuasiChuquicamata等均未受到严重影响。

    Early reports indicate that the large copper mines north of the capital, including Escondida, Collahuasi and Chuquicamata, weren't affected significantly, Standard said.


  • 首都银行21岁的罗宾朗士顿从一名穿制服警官身边经过把一张抢劫字条递给出纳

    21-year-old Langston Robins walked right past a uniformed police officer at the Metropolitan Bank and handed a robbery note to the teller.


  • 加上苏格兰首都金融业核心、曾经辉煌的银行——苏格兰皇家银行苏格兰哈利法克斯银行肆意挥霍拖垮,看来问题根源深刻

    With its once-mighty Banks, RBS and HBOS, the heart of the Scottish capital's financial industry, brought low by reckless profligacy, the problems look deep.


  • 但是当年初德国商业银行(Commerzbank)设法收购首都批发银行——柏林州立银行时,嘴边肥肉却储蓄银行协会以高价抢走。

    But when Commerzbank sought to buy Landesbank Berlin, the capital's wholesale bank, earlier this year, it was outbid by the savings Banks association.


  • 今年德意志银行收购柏林银行首都一家短小精悍的银行Noris银行,一家面向低收入人群零售银行。 但收购备受争议观点认为德意志银行买贵了。

    This year the bank bought, and arguably overpaid for, Berliner Bank, a smart bank in the capital, and Noris Bank, a down-market retail bank.


  • 除了适当联系沟通之外,使馆银行业务的特征行事谨慎,里银行的一位发言人如是说,该行美国首都其他任何银行拥有更多分行

    A hallmark of embassy banking, in addition to having the right sort of connections, is discretion, says a spokesman for Riggs bank, which has more branches than any other bank in the US capital.


  • 阿克拉,加纳首都那里的银行商人会面

    He went to Accra, the capital, to meet with bankers and business people.


  • 检察官这些警察闯进首都特古西加尔一家银行,将所有的保安都捆绑起来

    Prosecutors say the policemen forced their way into the bank in the capital, Tegucigalpa and tied up the security guards at gunpoint.


  • 个欧洲国家,在法国德国意大利之间,我没有参与世界大战,我因为旅游银行和手表而被世人知晓,首都伯尔尼

    I'm European country that's between France, Germany and Italy, I didn't get involved in either world war, I'm known for tourism, banking and watches and my capital is Bern.


  • 现在,蒙古国首都乌兰巴托,除了在银行可以兑换人民币外,所有货币兑换点都可以兑换人民币。

    In Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia, you can exchange RMB either in Bank or at all the currency exchange places.


  • 这次首都东南部巴黎国民巴黎巴银行(BNPParibas支行

    This time, it was a branch of BNP Paribas in the southeast of the capital.


  • 银行家们一直观望阿布扎比是否出手干预这个富裕首都阿联酋央行的资金提供者,同时也是保障迪拜金融健康关键因素

    Bankers have been waiting to see if Abu Dhabi, the wealthy capital that bankrolls the central bank and is key to Dubai's financial well-being, will intervene.


  • 银行家们一直观望阿布扎比是否出手干预这个富裕首都阿联酋央行的资金提供者,同时也是保障迪拜金融健康关键因素

    Bankers have been waiting to see if Abu Dhabi, the wealthy capital that bankrolls the central bank and is key to Dubai's financial well-being, will intervene.


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