• 一点不明晰,即人行目前是否避免上调存款准备金作为对抗通胀首选方法

    What is unclear is whether the PBoC has now decided to avoid the RRR hike path as the preferred approach to combating inflation.


  • 这个计量标准仍然低于2%,太低了,美联储首选通胀

    This measure is still below 2%, the Fed's preferred inflation rate, and thus too low.


  • 丁酸共聚物作为均聚物PHB降解一般用途首选正常熔体加工温度

    PHB copolymers are preferred for general purposes as the degradation rate of PHB homopolymer is high at its normal melt processing temperature.


  • 结论妇产科急腹症超声诊断确诊较高目前最有价值检查方法,应作为首选

    Conclusion: Ultrasonic diagnosis for gynecological acute abdomen has the higher diagnostic rate, which should be of choice as the most valuable examination method.


  • 结论超声检查创伤,图像清晰直观诊断准确较高,作为附睾肿瘤检查首选方法

    Conclusions: Ultrasound is a noninvasive and intuitionistic method with clear image and might be the best choice for diagnosis of epididymal tumor.


  • 结论腮腺肿瘤手术治疗治愈高,首选治疗方式。

    Conclusion: Surgery is still the first choice for parotid gland neoplasm.


  • 目前市场进口产品用水节约,故障价格100左右,建议作为家庭装修首选品种

    Import products on the market at present, water saving, low failure rate, the price is in 100 yuan or so, the proposal as a family to decorate the first choice of varieties.


  • 相对于以前的视频压缩标准来说,H . 264现在首选标准保障视频质量的同时又大大降低了视频文件的比特

    H. 264 is the preferred video encoding compression standard capable of providing good video quality at substantially lower bit rates than previous standards.


  • 结论彩色多普勒超声检查诊断睾丸扭转首选辅助检查,早期诊断手术探查可以提高睾丸的存活

    Conclusion Color doppler ultrasound is the first choice in assistant diagnosis of testicular torsion. Earlier diagnosis and operations research could improve the testicular survival rate.


  • 结论外侧腰椎间盘突出症CT扫描确诊较高一经确诊手术治疗首选

    Conclusion the confirmed diagnostic rate of CT is higher among patients with extremely lateral herniation of lumbar intervertebral disc, once diagnosed, operation is the first choice.


  • 光学剖面测量遥感反射首选方法

    The profiling method is the preferred way to measure remote sensing reflectance.


  • 鼻烟窝动静脉内制作简便,远期通畅高,并发症少,保留血管可以腕部标准内瘘,血管条件良好尿毒症患者首选的永久性血管通路

    It can retain the proximal vessels to build standard fistula in wrist in the future, so it is a good choice for the uremia patients who need a permante vascular access with good vascular condition.


  • 这个数字大多数富裕国家首选2%通胀目标2- 3%长期潜在增长相吻合。

    That corresponds in most rich countries to inflation around the 2% target now generally preferred and long-term potential growth of 2-3%.


  • 实验表明基于语音学分类子单元对识别性能有明显改善系统首选误识相对基线系统降低了28%。

    Experimental results show that phonetic classification based on the triphone can greatly improve system performance. The proposed method reduces the error rate by 28% compared with a baseline system.


  • 超检查胆囊小隆起性病变术前诊断首选方法,本组检出为88.2%。

    Preoperative diagnosis was usually established on B-ultrasonography, the detection rate of which has been 88.2%.


  • 帐户没有达到您的首选检查大小积分通过您的个人支付来计算。未付款项自动结转

    Your account has not reached your preferred check size. Your points are calculated on the basis of your individual pay rate. Unpaid amounts will be automatically carried over to the next month.


  • 对于周围肺部应用CT引导下穿刺活检阳性并发症少,宜作为首选检查。

    CT guided lung biopsy can be the first means for the peripheral lung mass because of the higher positive rate and lower complication.


  • 结论彩色多普勒超声提高诊断输尿管囊肿准确做为本病的首选检查方法。

    Conclusion: CDFI can improve the diagnostic accuracy of ureter cyst, and can be regarded as the first choice met...


  • 结论高频超声鉴别胆管闭锁及非胆管闭锁性黄疸较高的准确作为首选检查方法

    Conclusion HUS has high diagnostic accuracy, and can be considered as the first choice to differentiate BA from non-BA.


  • 非相干激光雷达目前测量先进技术之一可以提供高精度、高分辨的大气风场信息,是星载测风激光雷达的首选技术。

    Incoherent wind lidar is one of the most advanced wind measurement techniques. It can provide high accuracy and high-resolution wind information, and it is premier choice of space-borne wind lidar.


  • 结论潜伏梅毒发病晚期梅毒发病青霉素仍然是治疗梅毒首选药物。

    Conclusions the incidence of latent syphilis is high, while the incidence of late syphilis is low. Penicillin remains the treatment of choice for syphilis.


  • 结论钢板内固定相比较具有术中出血量并发症发生安全性大,可以作为肱骨干骨折的首选治疗方法

    Conclusion Compared with plate fixation, intramedullary nailing with less blood loss, low complication rate, safety, can be used as the preferred treatment.


  • 结论复杂输尿管结石治疗首选ursl,ESWL失败配合URSL治疗提高复杂输尿管结石治愈

    Conclusion Ureteroscopic lithotripsy is treatment of choice for the patients with complicated stone, and can also improve the cure rate after failure of ESWL.


  • 揭示联合用药治疗眼肌型重症肌无力治愈,减少了用药量药物并发症复发作为本病的首选治疗方法

    Ocular myopathy myasthenia gravis which had a higher success rate, few complications, lower re1apse rate and may be the first method.


  • 揭示联合用药治疗眼肌型重症肌无力治愈,减少了用药量药物并发症复发作为本病的首选治疗方法

    Ocular myopathy myasthenia gravis which had a higher success rate, few complications, lower re1apse rate and may be the first method.


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