• 我们这个字指明人性

    We use the word firstborn with respect to His human nature.


  • 爱子不能看见,是生的在一切的以先。

    Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature?


  • 信徒啊见证基督上帝,又是死里复活那位吗?

    Believer, you can bear your testimony that Christ is the only begotten of the Father, as well as the first begotten from the dead.


  • 特里希可用她的名曲标题来概括。

    The title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life.


  • 倘若含义深刻诗篇那么大学一定最为清丽的语句

    If life were a meaningful poem, college life would be one of the most beautiful words.


  • 许多中国古代诗人他们的诗文中表达了对月亮的渴慕,比如诗仙李白就写超过320跟月亮有关

    Many ancient Chinese poets also showed their preference for the moon through wonderful words. For example, the poetic genius Libai wrote more than 320 poems about the moon in his lifetime.


  • 当时最大豪华“永不沉没的船”1912年撞上冰山,2200名乘客有1500人葬海底

    When the "unsinkable" ship, the largest, most luxurious ocean liner of its time, crashed into an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912, it took more than 1,500 of its 2,200 passengers to the bottom.


  • 当时最大豪华“永不沉没的船”1912年时即撞上冰山,2200名乘客中有1500人葬海底

    When the "unsinkable" ship, the largest, most luxurious ocean liner of its time, crashed into an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912, it took more than 1, 500 of its 2, 200 passengers to the bottom.


  • 击杀埃及首生,因为仁慈永远常存。

    He slew the firstborn of Egypt, his kindness endures forever.


  • 为此在三十年前离别故乡远途写作诗歌时,我暗暗发誓:此,我不会一个不洁文字

    For this, thirty years ago, when I wrote the first poem on the way of parting homeland, I had sworn inwardly: in lifetime, I will not let an unclean word get in poem.


  • 著名歌手高枫短暂我们留下许多优美动听歌曲歌曲《大中国就是创作的其中一

    The famous song skilled maple tree leaves behind many exquisite interesting to listen to songs in his short life for us, the song "China" is he creates.


  • 相逢悠扬,相识是醇香相处飞的,相知是根古老的藤,愿幸福平安伴随着

    It is a melodious song, the wine is acquainted with cups, along the south wild goose is the root of the old friend, is willing with peace and happiness, the cane with your life.


  • 白居易写下了数百精妙诗篇,这些诗既表明了诗人结下的非同寻常缘分,同时还揭示了诗人复杂内心世界

    Bai Juyi produces hundreds of fine poems concerning drinking in his life which reveals the unusual fate between the poet and wine and which discloses the complicated inner world of him.


  • 唱着得到就意味着失去放弃有时候反而意味着拥有。

    All my life is singing a song to me: Gets means lost and abjuration sometimes means regain.


  • 费列德里克·佛索瓦·肖邦是波兰作曲家著名钢琴家,他一创作了55部马祖卡舞曲13部波罗涅滋24序曲27练习曲19夜曲4叙事曲以及4部诙谐曲

    Frederic Francois Chopin, Polish-born composer and reed pianist, was the creator of 55 mazurkas. 13 polonaises. 24 preludes, 27 etudes. 19 nocturnes. 4 ballads, and 4 scherzos.


  • 李白作为伟大浪漫主义诗人创作了诗歌。

    As a most famous romantic poem in Tang Dynasty, li BAI created nearly thousands of poems in his whole life.


  • 倘若含义深刻诗篇那么大学一定最为清丽的语句。

    If life were a meaningful poem, college life would be one of the most beautiful words. College life is an especially important period of time.


  • 透露台大有望在2011年招收来自内地研究(论坛)(硕士博士),包括本科

    He discloses, stage big hopeful recruited the graduate student that comes from inland first 2011 (forum) (Master and doctoral), but do not include an undergraduate students.


  • 称为钢琴《新约全书》32奏鸣曲创作贯穿贝多芬记录了贝多芬一生的心路历程尤其晚期奏鸣曲。

    Known as the "New Testament" of the 32 sonatas of Beethoven's life throughout creation can be said to record Beethoven's spiritual path, particularly in his later five sonatas.


  • D大调小提琴协奏曲勃拉姆斯精力充沛时期所创作的,也是勃拉姆斯唯一创作的一小提琴协奏曲

    "D Major violin concerto" was written in Mr. Brahms' most energetic period of his life, but also is the only one creation of Mr. Brahms' violin concertos.


  • 认为李斯特非常伟大不仅是因为伟大的钢琴演奏家,更是因为他还是一个伟大的作曲家,他写了伟大的音乐作品

    We listened to Liszt and Schumann music. I think Liszt was great. He was not only a great pianist, he also was a great composer. He wrote almost a thousand music works in his life.


  • 无论访问华盛顿结果如何,麻看来必定连续宝座上待不到第三

    No matter what the outcome of his trip to Washington, Mr. Aso looks set to be Japan's third consecutive prime minister to serve in office for less than one year .


  • 宁静春天作为艺术中心2010年三位北京年轻女性艺术家近期作品组成

    As the first exhibition of Yan Club Arts Center in 2010, "My Serene Spring" is composed of the recent works by three young female artists living in Beijing.


  • 共写了4万余

    He wrote 40 thousand poems in his life.


  • 就像一

    I think that human life almost reads like a poem.


  • 就像一

    I think that human life almost reads like a poem.


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