• 实际上我们应该叫做世界饥饿而不是世界粮食

    Really, we should be calling this world hunger day, not world food day.


  • 10月16世界粮食联合国从1979年开始设立这个纪念,用来提醒人们不要浪费粮食,与饥饿斗争。

    Oct. 16 is World Food Day. The UN started the day in 1979. It's used to remind people not to waste food and fight hunger.


  • 著名北美探险先驱路易斯克拉克1805年11月14饥饿情况到达哥伦比亚河口

    Famous explorers of the north American frontier, Lewis and Clark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14, 1805, in nearly starved circumstances.


  • 合国将每年的10月16定为世界粮食,旨在告诉人们珍惜粮食,并多多关注饥饿问题。

    The UN set October 16th as World Food Day to tell people to value food and care more about the hunger problem.


  • 近,该基金会发起了另一项名为“全国红围巾”的活动。在这一天,人们会捐出20美元,戴上红围巾,支持加拿大饥饿和无家可归的人。

    More recently, the foundation began another campaign called National Red Scarf Day—a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada's hungry and homeless.


  • 上周针对今年世界粮食纪念VOA记者们调查目前引起饥饿原因。

    For this year's World Food Day observance last week, VOA reporters examined the current causes of hunger.


  • 2000年世界粮食电视粮食集资题为“没有饥饿千年”的致辞。

    "A Millennium Free from Hunger" Message on the occasion of World Food Day and TeleFood 2000.


  • 为了纪念世界粮食(World FoodDay),我们回溯科技缓解饥饿危机中的作用

    To commemorate World Food Day, we look back on science's role in alleviating the hunger crisis. Whale breeding, desert sugar factories, and oyster soup capsules, yum.


  • 比赛饥饿活动源自粮农组织欧洲职业足球协会联盟2008年签署一项协议

    Match Day against Hunger was born out of an agreement signed in 2008 between FAO and the Association of European Professional Football Leagues.


  • 这么建议病人我们尝试一下摄入热量方面一个缓慢或者切实可行的改变,这样并不觉得过于饥饿而且可以复一地坚持下去

    That's what I recommend to my patients, let's try to pick a gradual or realistic reduction in calories that's not going to make you really hungry a lot and that you can sustain day after day.


  • 几乎总是情绪上的“饥饿驱使配偶吵架不舒适工作环境工作的暂时呆滞贫穷(母)或者小孩生活,你的未来,你的过去

    It \ 's almost always emotional hunger that drives you: a fight with a spouse, an uncomfortable work situation, a lull in your work day, a needy parent or child, your life, your future, your past.


  • 那些三餐饱的来说,血糖供应降低所导致的“饥饿型头痛”很可能造成严重的影响。

    The "hungry headache", caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply, can be a real problem for people not eating enough at mealtimes.


  • 足球运动员、裁判员球迷上周末共同参与“欧洲比赛饥饿”活动,强调世界9.25亿食不果腹困境

    Footballers, referees and fans united this past weekend for a "European Match Day against Hunger" highlighting the plight of 925 million people in the world who do not have enough to eat.


  • 10月16,全球150个多个国家举行世界粮食”活动提升人们贫困饥饿意识。

    On October 16, more than 150 countries will observe World Food Day to raise awareness of poverty and hunger.


  • 2005年84,华盛顿:—世界银行粮食危机做出回应现有项目资金拨付1.2多亿美元用于紧急援助濒临饥饿边缘人民

    August 5, 2005—The World Bank has responded swiftly to the food crisis in Niger making funds from existing operations available for emergency food aid for people on the brink of starvation.


  • 2007年10月16粮农组织今天呼吁再次做出承诺确保世界上千百万饥饿人口食物

    October 2007 - FAO today called for a renewed commitment to guarantee the right to food for the world's hundreds of millions of hungry people.


  • 1015粮农组织大使计划知名人士一起参加圆桌会议讨论突出他/她们帮助粮农组织战胜世界饥饿方面作用

    On 15 October, renowned celebrities from the FAO Ambassadors Programme came together in a Round Table discussion to sharpen their role in helping FAO combat world hunger.


  • 渴望现在消耗1比赛你的饥饿消耗3比赛

    Your thirst now depletes in 1 game day and your hunger depletes in 3 game days.


  • 世界粮食一次世界范围活动,目的是消除饥饿

    The world Food Day is a worldwide event to fight hunger.


  • 1979年,粮农组织决定设立一年一度世界粮食鼓励人们团结一致地消除饥饿贫困营养不良

    In 1979, the FAO proclaimed an annual World Food Day to unite people in the struggle against hunger, poverty and malnutrition.


  • 饥饿在横跨全美的居家消费社区渐增长议题常常是一个被隐藏的问题

    Hunger is a growing issue in high housing cost communities across the United States, and yet too often it remains a hidden problem.


  • 的效果优于饥饿法。

    High zinc method is better than starvation method.


  • 近年来,上周世界食品VOA报导当今对付饥饿所产生费用

    For those years, world food day observance last week, VOA reports examined the current costs of hunger.


  • 农业部此次调查并非用以衡量美国饥饿人口数量后者需要确定多少美国人存在卡路里摄取不足的问题。

    The USDA survey doesn't attempt to directly gauge the prevalence of hunger in the U. S. , which would involve determining how many Americans don't receive an adequate number of calories daily.


  • 饥饿乞食这个少年乞丐,也是来自于大其力附近地区的阿卡部落土著3月31大其力指望旅游者慷慨解囊解决生计

    Hungry for help: This child beggar, also from the Akha tribe indigenous to the area near Tachilek, looks to tourists' generosity for her daily subsistence on March 31 in Tachilek.


  • 饥饿乞食这个少年乞丐,也是来自于大其力附近地区的阿卡部落土著3月31大其力指望旅游者慷慨解囊解决生计

    Hungry for help: This child beggar, also from the Akha tribe indigenous to the area near Tachilek, looks to tourists' generosity for her daily subsistence on March 31 in Tachilek.


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