• 公司拉响警报世界最大经济共同体20国集团食物保障置于2011工作计划首位。

    Companies are sounding the alarm and the G20 grouping of the world's largest economies has put "food security" top of its 2011 to-do list.


  • 现在马铃薯士兵们日常食物一部分。秘鲁首都利马国际土豆中心土豆至少可以二十个亚洲国家提供更好食物保障

    Soldiers are now being served potatoes as part of their daily food. The International potato Center in Lima, Peru, says potatoes could offer better food security for at least twenty Asian countries.


  • 研究我们看到各种有关食物保障政策干预对于健康的积极影响,”柯克帕特里克

    "The research really pushes us to look at the impact that various policy interventions on food insecurity can have on health," says Kirkpatrick.


  • 一旦空间站建成,毕格罗公司不仅证明可以保障食物空气及时供应,而且在出现各种不可避免的小故障时,他们能搞

    Once the stations are up, Bigelow still needs to demonstrate that it can juggle the logistics of supplying food, water and air, as well as fix the inevitable glitches that will arise.


  • 一旦空间站建成,毕格罗公司不仅证明可以保障食物空气及时供应而且在出现各种不可避免的小故障时,他们

    Once the stations are up, Bigelow still needs to demonstrate that it can juggle the logistics of supplying food, water and air, as well as fix the inevitable glitches that will arise.Mr.


  • 一旦空间站建成,毕格罗公司不仅证明可以保障食物空气及时供应,而且在出现各种不可避免的小故障时,他们能搞

    Once the stations are up, Bigelow still needs to demonstrate that it can juggle the logistics of supplying food, water and air, as well as fix the inevitable glitches that will arise. Mr.


  • 保障食物原理齿动物昆虫

    Protect food from rodents and insects.


  • 缺乏土壤中长的食物含硒量每天巴西坚果摄取硒提供了有益的保障

    Selenium can be low if the food is grown in selenium deficient soil, so a Brazil nut a day provides a useful insurance policy.


  • 与此同时人们身体状况将得到能够更好地保障寿命更长某些地区,贫富差距问题也越来越突出,数千万的人们受到了食物饮用水短缺的困扰。

    While more people are living longer and healthier lives, gaps are widening between the rich and the poor in some nations and tens of millions of people are vulnerable to food and water shortages.


  • 飞机餐厅食物料理过敏有权查询这些保障过敏者的健康。

    From restaurant foods to dishes served in airplanes, the allergic person has the right to enquire and ensure that the food is safe for him.


  • 缺乏足够食物职位医疗保障社会,信徒却是信仰者更加乐观。

    In societies that lack proper food, jobs, or health care, religious people are indeed happier than those who are not religious.


  • 出来脂肪作用母乳哺育提供更多精力,在食物不足时候保障

    The purpose of the extra fat is to give additional energy for breastfeeding and is insurance against times when food may be scarce.


  • 我们发现如果孕期食物保障,孕妇体重指数偏高体重增加更多同时妊娠期糖尿病风险更高

    We found that food insecurity is associated with a higher body mass index, greater weight gain during pregnancy, and a higher risk for the development of gestational diabetes.


  • 这些研究结果我们提供了个机会,一早期欧洲人生活状态。食物方面,脂肪含量食物生存重要保障

    These results give us a glimpse into early European life. A preference for food with a higher fat content would have been important for survival.


  • 朱尔斯·皮雷蒂全球粮食产量未来30- 40增长50%- 100%,保障全球日益增长人口食物供给。

    Jules Pretty said that global food production will have to increase by 50-100% in the next 30 to 40 years, in order to feed Earth's growing population.


  • 生活食物富足全民医保、没有住房困扰的国家人们那些生活得不到保障的国家里的人们,上帝信任程度要低一些

    In countries where food is plentiful, health care is universal and housing is accessible, people believe less in God than in those countries where their lives are insecure.


  • 这个数百亿美元项目背后构想:通过发放身份证,提供更好安全保障,使食物发放分配更加公平,提供更加公平就业机会

    The idea behind the multi-million dollar scheme is to provide better security, fairer distribution of food handouts and more equal employment opportunities.


  • 严寒气候教会了人们尽可能多家里储存食物提供生存保障

    The harsh climate taught people to keep all possible stores of food at home as a guarantee of survival.


  • 减少控制食物中毒保障大众健康

    Reduce, control food poisoning, protect public health.


  • 瓦米博士相信人们饥饿的时候,他们寻找那些能为自己提供物质保障伴侣。如果一个对象体态丰腴,正说明他(她)很会寻找食物的。

    Dr Swami believes that when hungry, people are looking for partners who can supply them with sustenance, and a larger person suggests they have been successful at finding food.


  • 金钱不能买到健康清新空气营养丰富食物良好卫生习惯健康保障

    Money can't buy health. Fresh air, nutritious food and good habits is the guarantee of health.


  • 目的查明一起旅游者食物中毒发生原因提出预防控制措施保障人们身体健康。

    Objective To find out the reason of food poisoning and put forward some preventive and controlling measures for the people's health.


  • 目的查明一起旅游者食物中毒发生原因提出预防控制措施保障人们身体健康。

    Objective To find out the reason of food poisoning and put forward some preventive and controlling measures for the people's health.


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