• 此外一个基本食品油人类动物蛋白质主要来源

    In addition, it was a primary source of essential food oil and protein for humans and animals.


  • 超市货架上棕榈油一种估计使用率第三食品配料饼干人造黄油洗发水糖果都有它的足迹。

    Palm oil is an ingredient in an estimated third of all products on supermarket shelves, from biscuits and margarine to shampoo and confectionery.


  • 禁令规定任何食品中只有超过百分之二脂肪可以含有反式脂肪。

    Under this ban no more than two per cent of the fats and oils in any food product can contain trans fats.


  • 那些费尽心机下水道污水管收集地沟油的人知道一个食品涨价餐馆消费者备受冲击的国家,食用油具有何等价值

    Those people drudging it up from the drains and sewers know its worth in an economy in which rising food prices have hit restaurants and consumers hard.


  • 可以保健食品商店大蒜或者自己

    You can buy garlic oil in health food stores, or make your own.


  • 这些食品中所转移中,然后被呼出来。

    These foods contain oils that are transferred to the lungs and exhaled.


  • 全球食品生物燃料需求持续增加则更是火上浇油。

    Rising global demand for food and biofuels adds even more to the heat.


  • 根据他们研究,被浪费掉的最多食品脂肪奶制品谷物鸡蛋水果以及蔬菜

    According to the study, the most wasted foods were fats and oils, dairy products, grains, eggs, fruits and vegetables.


  • 分离出来的食品合成肥料经过过滤的便开始转换过程

    The separated food products are composted, and the filtered oil begins its transformation.


  • 金属食品价格一直飞涨本周铜价一系列历史最高

    As well as oil and food, metals prices have been soaring: the price of copper hit a series of record highs this week.


  • 比如说很多这样食品标签都能找到对人危害很大的氢化深加工(非天然)的高浓度玉米糖浆

    Many foods with the label have dangerous hydrogenated oils or highly processed (and unnatural) high-fructose corn syrup, for example.


  • 研究人员白鼠试验片中使用奥利·斯特拉油(Olestra,一种油脂代用品,不含胆固醇,低卡路里),发现其它脂肪食品一起食用时,会导致体重增加。

    While conducting experiments using the low-calorie food substitute Olestra in potato chips, researchers found the substitute resulted in weight gain when consumed with other high-fat foods in mice.


  • 卡里亚饮食中含有大量橄榄油水果蔬菜以及很少加工食品

    The Icarian diet also contains large amounts of olive oil, fruit and vegetables and very little processed food.


  • 超市货架上棕榈油一种估计使用率第三食品配料饼干人造黄油洗发水糖果都有它的足迹。

    Palm oil is an ingredient in an estimate third of all products on supermarket shelves, from biscuits and margarine to shampoo and confectionery.


  • 西方癌症病例上升是与工厂农业的上升使用含有植物油食品添加剂加工食品的上升相平行的。

    The rise in cancer in the West has paralleled the rise in factory farming and the use of processed foods containing vegetable oils and additives.


  • 有经验节食者知道一些研究人员显然清楚的事情某些食品似乎能够增进食欲,就火上浇油一样。

    But veteran dieters know something that some researchers apparently don't: Certain foods seem to fuel the appetite like pouring gasoline on a fire.


  • 产品的包装显示沙拉含奶黄酱成分列表中却标明食品配料含有蛋黄葡萄酒——这些正是制作奶黄酱的原料。

    The label specified that it had no mayonnaise but the ingredients list revealed that it contained egg yolk, oil and white wine vinegar--which are all used to make mayonnaise.


  • 辐照杀菌典型特点是对哪些脂肪含量较高产品杀菌效果因为食品辐照的过程中会变质而产生陈腐的味道。

    Irradiation typically does not work so well on products with high amounts of fat or oil like peanut butter because they can turn rancid during the process.


  • 而且今年关于食品购买规则的提案也包含棕榈油

    And proposed rules due this year on food purchases won't include palm oil either.


  • 可以植物中,亚麻仁核桃大豆菜籽油强化食品比如蛋类中获取欧米茄3。

    You can also get omega-3s in plant-based foods, like flaxseed, walnuts, soy, canola oil, and fortified products such as eggs.


  • 含有反式脂肪的食物包括油炸食品、快餐烤食品,比如花生酱以及含有氢化人造黄油植物油的食品。

    They are in fried foods, fast foods, commercially baked goods, such as peanut butter and items prepared with partially hydrogenated oil, margarine and vegetable oil.


  • 著名地中海饮食富含橄榄油新鲜农产品豆类如今垃圾食品所取代,由此带来了一系列发达国家的常见弊病——肥胖症糖尿病更低预期寿命。

    The famous Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, fresh produce and beans, is giving way to junk food, bringing with it familiar rich-world maladies like obesity, diabetes and lower life expectancy.


  • 平均使用炸锅会用去整整一品脱油,如果这些使用,每一锅油炸食品的成本几乎等于在餐馆一顿饭的价钱了。

    The average deep fryer uses almost an entire quart of oil, and if it is only used once, the cost of a batch of fries can amount to just as much as an entire restaurant meal.


  • 自己烘焙食品,或是使用氢化油的面包店烘焙购买面包点心这样就能避免食用氢化油。

    Avoid hydrogenated fats by baking your own baked goods or buying bread and pastries from bakeries and bake shops that don't use them.


  • 刚到达那个岛时候,他,他的船上满载罐装食品,包括300面粉30加仑橄榄油好几瓶酒

    When he arrived, he said, he brought a boat stocked with canned goods, 300 pounds of flour, 30 gallons of olive oil and several cases of wine.


  • 2008年石油商品价格下跌使石油和食品进口国获利不少

    The drop in oil and commodity prices in 2008 benefited oil - and food-importers.


  • 其它研究结果也说明适量使用橄榄油——适量的定义每天2汤匙的量——能够通过降低LDL胆固醇来改善你的心健康美国食品药品管理局称。

    Other research has shown that moderate olive oil consumptiondefined as 2 tablespoons of olive oil per daycan improve your heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol, according to the FDA.


  • 橄榄油最有营养的最有益由于高温,所以不适合做高温油炸食品

    Olive oil is a beneficial and nutritious oil but does not survive high temperatures so it is not good to use for very hot frying.


  • 棕榈油豆油人们食物来源,而用咖啡作燃料另外一个好处就是它不是食品来源。

    The coffee has the added benefit of not being a food source, like palm oil and soybeans.


  • 棕榈油豆油人们食物来源,而用咖啡作燃料另外一个好处就是它不是食品来源。

    The coffee has the added benefit of not being a food source, like palm oil and soybeans.


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