• 该机的首次飞行测试2011年进行,攻击能力测试采用模拟的方式进行。

    The first flight test will take place in 2011 and weapons capabilities will be simulated.


  • 音速飞行能力高达1.2万攻击距离至少为直径2000公里

    It's capable of subsonic flying as high as 12 thousand meters with an attack range of at least 2000 kilometers.


  • 飞行重型攻击单位称为深广领主地区,以及现代报道,“他们致命攻击地面目标。”

    Flying heavy assault units known as Brood Lords are in the area, and as Horner reports, “they’re lethal against ground targets.”


  • 这种类型卫星在执行轨道攻击任务发射攻击需要不到15分钟飞行时间

    Total flight time from launch to impact for these types of weapons is usually less than 15 minutes when attacking low orbits.


  • 就使得飞行迅速地确认敌人飞机以便进行必要的攻击

    This allowed the pilots to quickly identify the enemy planes in order to attack as needed.


  • 伍尔弗汉普顿工厂欧洲台风战斗机提供飞行系统,也为美国STOVL联合攻击战斗机劳斯莱斯引擎提供发动机提升系统。

    Wolverhampton also provides primary flight controls for the European fighter, Typhoon, and a main engine lift system for the Rolls-Royce engine on the STOVL version of the U. S. Joint Strike fighter.


  • 隐形科技相比之下更难完全掌握关键系统可以装载能获得足够信息飞行攻击敌人保证不暴露目标。

    Stealth technology is even more difficult to master because it relies on systems to hide the presence of the plane while equipping the pilot with enough information to attack an enemy.


  • 这种攻击通过模拟ads - B数据报文地面空管人员显示屏飞行跟踪显示屏建立飞机信号

    This attack mimics the format of ADS-B data packets to create fake aircraft signals, either on the ground controller's screen or on the pilot's tracking display.


  • 伍尔弗汉普顿工厂欧洲台风战斗机提供飞行系统,也为美国STOVL版联合攻击战斗机劳斯莱斯引擎提供发动机提升系统。

    Wolverhampton also provides primary flight controls for the European fighter, Typhoon, and a main engine lift system for the Rolls-Royce engine on the STOVL version of the U.S.Joint Strike fighter.


  • 可能听起来一部小说中的情节洛杉矶战”(影片《洛杉矶之战》讲述的是洛杉矶市遭遇了外星人的攻击——译者注)无疑发生2月25清晨永远给不明飞行阴谋增添了谈资。

    This may sound like the storyline from a work of fiction, but "The Battle of Los Angeles" definitely happened in the early morning of Feb. 25 and will forever fuel UFO conspiracy theories.


  • 难道就任由无人飞行仅仅依据数据分析发动攻击吗?

    Does it follow that an unmanned aircraft should be allowed to fire a weapon based entirely on its own data analysis?


  • Parrish最后送到佛罗里达在那里飞行架B - 26轰炸机,执行空对空目标任务,空战培训攻击

    Eventually Parrish was sent to Florida where she flew a B-26 bomber for air-to-air target practice, training gunners for combat.


  • 弹道导弹是火箭发动机推进,在控制系统作用预定弹道飞行至预定攻击目标

    According to a predetermined trajectory, ballistic missile with rocket engine propulsion takes a flight to intended targets under the action of the control system.


  • 本文运用飞行力学原理现代控制理论攻击地面固定目标飞行再入机动制导方法进行了研究。

    In this paper, the method of reentry maneuver guidance applying to attack the ground fixed target is described by using flight dynamics principle and modern control theory.


  • 相信已经黑客攻击手机进入飞行模式像相信一个醉酒的判断自己是否足够清醒可以开车

    Trusting a phone that has been hacked to go into airplane mode is like trusting a drunk person to judge if they are sober enough to drive.


  • 飞行强大魔法然后就可以超越空间进一步攻击敌人游戏

    Dragon Flight is a game that attacks enemies with powerful magic, which then allows you to move further beyond that space.


  • 克隆人飞行无法原力天赋把握精确攻击惊人战术时机

    The clone pilots did not have the gift of the Force to time their precision attacks and stunning maneuvers.


  • 对于攻击地面固定目标飞行提出一种非线性制导控制方法

    A nonlinear guidance law and control strategy is proposed for aircraft applying to attack the ground fixed targets.


  • UFO爱好者们宣称段视频展现航天飞机外星人飞行跟踪随后地面激光攻击逃离的情形。

    UFO enthusiasts claim the video shows that the space shuttle was being followed by extraterrestrial spacecraft, which then fled in response to a ground-based laser attack.


  • 黑色斯芬克司-拥有强大魔法能力的大型飞行单位可以使用“魔法吞噬“ 毁灭球” 。攻击地面空中单位

    Black sphinx - large flying unit with powerful anti - caster abilities. can cast devour mana and orb of annihilation. attacks land and air units.


  • 空地攻击中,F-16飞行500英里(860公里)以上距离后,极高精确度投放武器,摆脱敌机威胁返回出发地点

    In an air-to-surface role, the F-16 can fly more than 500 miles (860 kilometers), deliver its weapons with superior accuracy, defend itself against enemy aircraft, and return to its starting point.


  • 斯芬克司形态-黑曜石雕像变为一个强大的飞行单位攻击地面空中单位

    Sphinx form - Transforms the Obsidian Statue into a powerful flying unit. Attacks land and air units.


  • 俄罗斯军机本周近距离飞越波罗美国驱逐舰进行模拟攻击飞行,美国对此表示关注

    The U. S. expressed concern over Russian military aircraft flying apparent simulated attack passes near a U. S. destroyer in the Baltic Sea over the course of two days this week.


  • 该机设计难点在于用户要求保持UH-60原有攻击运输能力,又要在携带外部大型水箱的情况下保持飞行安全

    Qualification issues include design and testing required to maintain the combat capabilities of the UH-60 Black Hawk and the safe flight envelope of the aircraft with the tank.


  • 被捆上后,步行使自身翻倒,使得义军雪地飞行直接攻击步行机较

    With its legs roped, the walker's raw strength brought it crashing down, where the Rebel snowspeeders were able to get a clear shot at its weaker neck column.


  • 精灵-快速小型飞行单位能有效对抗敌人施法单位具有相位变换魔力闪耀”的能力魔法免疫攻击地面空中单位

    Faerie Dragon - Small quick flying unit, effective against enemy casters. Has the Phase Shift and Mana Flare abilities. Immune to magic. Attacks land and air units.


  • 精灵-快速小型飞行单位能有效对抗敌人施法单位具有相位变换魔力闪耀”的能力魔法免疫攻击地面空中单位

    Faerie Dragon - Small quick flying unit, effective against enemy casters. Has the Phase Shift and Mana Flare abilities. Immune to magic. Attacks land and air units.


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