• 举例来说,如果我们视力更好,那么,争取某种职业时,也许就能处于有利的位置比如在争取成为看重视力的飞行员宇航员的时候。

    For instance, if we have better eyesight, we might be in a stronger position to access certain professions where this is important, such as being a pilot or an astronaut.


  • 飞机好像一个跷跷板,当飞行员飞机昂头飞行或者俯冲飞行时候前面最后面的位置有较大幅度摆动

    An airplane is like a teeter-totter.When the pilot moves the nose of the plane up or down, the seats in the extreme front and back are going to move a greater distance.


  • 飞机就好像一个跷跷板飞行员让飞机昂头飞行或者俯冲飞行时候前面最后面的位置有较大幅度摆动

    An airplane is like a teeter-totter. When the pilot moves the nose of the plane up or down the seats in the extreme front and back are going to move a greater distance.


  • 飞机就好像一个跷跷板飞行员让飞机昂头飞行或者俯冲飞行时候前面最后面的位置有较大幅度摆动

    An airplane is like a teeter-totter. When the pilot moves the nose of the plane up or down, the seats in the extreme front and back are going to move a greater distance.


  • 随着ADS - B全球范围使用,它改进了空管人员飞行员用于确定附近飞机位置速度的雷达系统

    Gradually being deployed worldwide, ADS-B improves upon the radar-based systems that air traffic controllers and pilots rely on to find out the location and velocity of aircraft in their vicinity.


  • 台机器因此适合不同飞行员通过移动水平位置座位起飞

    The machine, therefore, is suited to different pilots by moving the horizontal position of the seat prior to take-off.


  • 位于飞行员右侧发动机油门位于飞行员左侧驾驶杆的安装位置可以根据飞行员外形大小进行最大可能的调整。

    The engine throttle on the pilot's right and the side stick on the pilot's left are positioned to be compatible with the widest possible range of pilot shapes and sizes.


  • 使用头盔内嵌显示器飞行员可以看到真实位置FLIR图像,因此极大增强他们霎时环境感知能力。

    With HMD, pilots can view the FLIR imagery in its true location, thereby greatly enhancing their awareness of the immediate environment.


  • 而且,飞行员空间非常狭小他们很难交换位置

    And space for the pilots was so tight they had great difficulty changing places.


  • 近距离空中支援势态下飞行员能够确定敌人位置进行离轴瞄准,然后转身接近并投放武器这样就可以使暴露地面威胁最小化

    In a close air support situation, the pilot can locate and off-boresight target the enemy, come around and release weapons, and thus minimize exposure to ground threats.


  • 由于夜里有大雾飞行员不能判断直升机位置返回机场路线

    Due to the darkness and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position and course to get back to the airport.


  • 意味着飞行员正在通过收集器(界面),看见一个特定标题显示器的标题实际位置窗外

    "Conformal" means that when the pilot is looking through the collector (HUD) and sees a particular heading on the display, that heading corresponds to it's actual location out the window.


  • 飞行员接通电池辅助动力部件油门推到怠速位置的启动工作就完成了。

    The pilot turns on the battery and auxiliary power unit puts the throttles in idle and he's done.


  • 飞行员:早上法兰克福塔台KLM 242请求滑出停机位置,准备起飞。

    PILOT: Good morning, Frankfurt ground, KLM 242 request start up and push back, please.


  • 倾向看到穿制服军人消防队员执法官员或者不当班飞行员乘务员坐在那些位置

    I prefer to see uniformed military, firefighters, law-enforcement officers, or off-duty pilots and flight attendants sitting in those seats.


  • 疲劳有关的失误包括飞行员起飞忘记放下襟翼空中无意关闭发动机最后关头找不到飞机位置轨迹等。

    Fatigue-related mistakes have included pilots forgetting to extend flaps before takeoff, inadvertently shutting down engines in midair, and losing track of a plane's position on final approach.


  • 所以如果用来执行侦察任务,侦察机可能完全隐形,否则就不能飞行因为飞行员需要知道飞机地面相对位置

    Thus, a spy plane could not be completely invisible if it were to be used for espionage or, indeed, flown at all, since its pilots would need to know its position relative to the ground.


  • 关于阿尔卑斯越野赛觉得居住中国相对于那些在阿尔卑斯附近的飞行员是否使您处于不利的位置,?

    In terms of the Red Bull X-Alps, do you think you are at a disadvantage living in China as opposed to the guys in the Alps?


  • 美联航波音747-400机长教员的位置退休波音的子公司Alteon谋模拟器教官职位,训练韩亚的飞行员

    After rI retired from UAL as a Standards Captain on the -400, I got a job as a simulator instructor working for Alteon (a Boeing subsidiary) at Asiana.


  • 美联航波音747-400机长教员的位置退休波音的子公司Alteon谋模拟器教官职位,训练韩亚的飞行员

    After rI retired from UAL as a Standards Captain on the -400, I got a job as a simulator instructor working for Alteon (a Boeing subsidiary) at Asiana.


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