• 飞机飞行高度那个风筝的

    The plane flew ten times as high as the kite. (


  • 飞机向左高度倾斜飞行

    The plane banked steeply to the left.


  • 飞机大约三万英尺高度水平飞行

    The aircraft levelled out at about 30,000 feet.


  • 尼泊尔一个小国12,000英尺高度向东飞行飞机的舷窗望出去,可以清楚地看到左侧窗外30英里高耸的喜马拉雅山脉明亮白色海市蜃楼。

    Nepal is a small country, and from the windows of our plane floating eastward at 12,000 feet, one can see clearly the brilliant white mirage of the high Himalayas thirty miles off the left window.


  • 正常飞行高度超音速飞机制造的。1.5到2之间可能引起一些公众反应

    Overpressures of 1 to 2 pounds are produced by supersonic aircraft flying at normal operating altitudes. Some public reaction could be expected between 1.5 and 2 pounds.


  • 飞机在白天利用太阳能爬升较高高度然后利用高度把势能转换成飞行速度,给电池组充电,用来维持夜晚的航行。

    The plan is to climb to higher altitudes during the day, and trade that altitude for airspeed, supplemented with battery power, to continue flying during the night.


  • 有了这种雷达经过特别训练空军机组飞机可以低的高度夜间不利天气条件下飞行

    With this radar system and a specially trained Air Force crew the aircraft can operate at a low altitude and in night or adverse weather conditions.


  • 飞机飞行轨迹最高点什么时候,此时距离出发点就是关闭引擎时刻高度相差多少?,什么时候开始自由落体

    When is the plane at its highest point of its trajectory and how high is it above the point where it started when it turned the engines off when it went into free fall?


  • 正常飞行高度超音速飞机制造的。

    Overpressures of 1 to 2 pounds are produced by supersonic aircraft flying at normal operating altitudes.


  • 飞机飞行高度在35000英尺时速每小时521英里空军报道

    The jet was flying at an altitude of 35, 000 feet and a speed of 521 MPH, the air force said.


  • F-16C型喷气式战机机头下、以分钟8400英尺(42.5米/秒)的速度呼啸着地面的时刻,特技飞行克里斯·斯特里克林猛然意识到:表演无法完成!恐怖的时刻到了……(注:事后事故调查表明,他错飞机显示的海拔高度当成飞机地面之间的实际距离——可地面本身还有将近200米的海拔高度

    Pointed nose-down and hurtling toward the ground at 8, 400 feet per minute, F-16C fighter jet pilot Chris Stricklin came to a terrible realization: I'm not going to make it.


  • 但今天试飞表现证明了这飞机不仅能够飞得起来而且可以基本飞行试验高度上续航相当长的时间。

    Today's flight demonstrates that the airplane can not only fly, it can do so for an extended period at altitudes high enough for basic flight testing.


  • 高空飞行飞机不同,直升机容易雷达发现因为飞行高度较低常常地形所隐藏因此最大问题噪音

    Unlike high altitude aircraft, helicopters aren't so vulnerable to being seen by radar, as they fly low and are often hidden by the terrain. The big issue is the sound.


  • 19601970年代大部分个人企业飞机飞行高度低于喷气式飞机螺旋桨涡轮螺旋桨式飞机

    In the 1960s and 1970s, most personal and corporate planes were propeller or turbo-prop aircraft, which fly at a lower altitude than jetliners.


  • 这种螺旋桨通常飞行后面一个桅杆上起飞的时候升起在帮飞机实现更高高度航程的时候),随后收入机身

    The propeller is usually mounted on a mast behind the pilot and raised for take-off (or to gain more height or distance once airborne) and then lowered back inside the fuselage.


  • 如果我们太空定义地球轨道比如大概距地面高度160至350公里航天飞机飞行的轨道,两点可以揭穿长城传言

    If we take "space" to mean a low Earth orbit such as the one traveled by the space Shuttle roughly 160 to 350 miles above Earth, the Great Wall claim fails twice.


  • NTSB称,西北航空公司188航班空客A320飞机圣地亚哥飞往明尼阿波利斯,于当地时间下午7时与航管失去无线电联络当时飞机飞行高度为37 000英尺

    The NTSB said Northwest flight 188, an Airbus A320, was flying from San Diego to Minneapolis and lost radio contact with controllers just before 7 pm local time when it was at 37, 000 feet.


  • 联邦航空局的准则里有,安德森先生客户们娱乐飞行必须使无人机在400英尺以下高度飞行远离其它飞机而且操纵者视线之内飞行

    Under F. A. A. guidelines, recreational fliers like Mr. Anderson and his customers must keep unmanned aircraft lower than 400 feet, away from other aircraft and within the operator's sight.


  • 飞行操纵系统监控余、飞机传感器动力液压产生,这些构成高度有效性的电传操纵。

    Monitoring and redundancy within the flight control system, aircraft sensors, power and hydraulic generation ensure a high degree of availability of the electrical control.


  • 飞机飞行高度这么,以致于我们几乎看不到

    The aircraft was flying at such a high altitude that we could hardly see it.


  • 飞机接近海平面机场高度开始飞行、爬升、巡航下降接近海平面的机场着陆

    The airplane starts its flight at an airport altitude near sea level, ascends, cruises, and descends to a landing airport near sea level.


  • 飞机飞行高度是多少

    What altitude did the aeroplane reach?


  • 发动机使ChinookMk 3飞机快速部署阿富汗实现苛刻高温高度飞行条件下的高可靠性

    The new engines will enable the Chinook Mk3 to be quickly deployed to Afghanistan, and to operate more reliably in its harsh, hot and high flying conditions.


  • 夜间飞行高度3000英尺飞机,远红外线扫描仪可以测量植物散发出来热量

    Mounted on a plane flown at 3, 000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops.


  • 爬升飞机高度不断增加飞行阶段

    CLIMB, Phase of flight where the altitude is increasing.


  • 这个高度听着,在保持这个速度整个飞机空着情况下,飞行还剩七个小时燃油

    And at this altitude, listen, and at this speed, with the plane empty, the pilot says there are six or maybe seven hours of fuel left.


  • 这个高度听着,在保持这个速度整个飞机空着情况下,飞行还剩七个小时燃油

    And at this altitude, listen, and at this speed, with the plane empty, the pilot says there are six or maybe seven hours of fuel left.


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