• 飞机噪音震耳,费油,还留下屁股烟雾

    The plane was deafeningly noisy, guzzled fuel, and left a trail of smoke.


  • 飞机噪音旅客不明智所至。

    Aircraft noise is unwitting of passengers.


  • 飞机噪音问题1998年四月机场搬迁圆满解决

    This noise problem will be satisfactorily resolved when the airport is relocated in April 1998.


  • 在这儿飞机噪音是个严重问题因为我们希斯罗机场近。

    Aircraft noise is a particular problem here since we're close to Heathrow Air port.


  • 飞机东北部起降,主要途经水面飞机噪音污染家庭数目由此极大地减少

    Planes would fly in from the north-east, primarily over water, greatly reducing the number of homes that would be affected by aircraft noise.


  • 本文介绍英国美国日本一些科学家降低飞机噪音铁路噪音空调噪音方面所做出的探索。

    This article introduces the efforts made by some of British, American and Japanese scientists to reduce airplane noise, railway noise and air conditioning noise.


  • 喷气式飞机机器所产生噪音使人们生活困难不愉快

    The noise which is produced by jet planes or machines will make people's life difficult and unpleasant.


  • 英国机场管理局以及政府认为由于飞机噪音污染在降低,额外的航班便将可允许的范围之内。

    BAA and the government think that because aircraft are getting quieter and cleaner the extra flights will be bearable.


  • 飞机造价2500万英镑可以大型喷气式飞机承载更重载荷同时产生噪音排放更少的污染

    The aircraft cost 25 million pounds and can carry heavier loads than huge jet planes while also producing less noise and emitting less pollution.


  • 电台播音员声音发麻飞机背景噪音则会让她身体不舒服

    A radio announcer's voice made her tingle. Background noise in a plane felt physically uncomfortable.


  • 俄罗斯航空公司最近退出服务- 154机队主要是因为飞机符合国际噪音限制使用太多燃料

    The Russian carrier Aeroflot recently withdrew its Tu-154 fleet from service, largely because the planes do not meet international noise restrictions and use too much fuel.


  • 小型压电声传感器安装这种构造部位上,检测航空级铝材裂纹所致特定频率噪音这样就能监测飞机裂纹。

    It does this by fitting small piezoelectric acoustic sensors to parts of the structure to detect the particular frequency of noise caused by a crack in aircraft-grade aluminium.


  • 项目中的“绿色飞机设计图中被描绘一个飞碟,它可以减少各种污染物质噪音符合欧洲航空研究顾问委员会推荐指标。

    The project's "greenliner"—depicted in design illustrations as a flying saucer—would also reduce other pollutants and noise, in line with recommendations from the European Aerospace Commission, ACARE.


  • 正逢其时,正好可赶上区域航空公司需要时尚更快小型客机替换传统噪音涡轮螺旋桨飞机

    It has timed its push to take advantage of regional airlines' desire to replace traditional, noisy turbo-prop aircraft with sleeker, faster small jets.


  • 因为机场往往“机”满为患飞机频繁地被告知必须首都上空盘旋打转,这徒噪音之大给人们带来的痛苦

    Because the airport is often congested, aircraft are frequently directed to circle over the capital, increasing the misery.


  • 蒸汽火山灰火山喷气口涌出时发出飞机发动机样(巨大)噪音,人们在公里之外能听见

    The “jet-type noiseof gas and ash rushing out of fumaroles was heard several kilometers away.


  • 索尼新款降噪耳塞,也采用MEMS技术,声称可以消除90%背景噪音耳塞三种不同设置飞机火车公交一般办公室喧哗

    It claims these can eliminate more than 90% of background noise. The earbuds have three separate settings: one for planes, one for trains and buses, and one for general office hubbub.


  • 2002年对飞机研究中心的人说:如果你们我们一样时常需要到处就会感激飞机设计巨大进步更少噪音更多舒适

    If you travel as much as we do, you appreciate the improvements in aircraft design of less noise and more comfort, provided you don’t travel in something called economy class, which sounds ghastly.’


  • 高空飞行飞机不同,直升机容易雷达发现因为的飞行高度较低常常地形所隐藏因此最大问题噪音

    Unlike high altitude aircraft, helicopters aren't so vulnerable to being seen by radar, as they fly low and are often hidden by the terrain. The big issue is the sound.


  • 波士顿铁路系统环境噪音水平飞行中的飞机不相上下,虽然它们听起来不大一样

    On the subway system here in Boston, the ambient noise levels are very comparable to the level on an airplane, although it sounds very different.


  • 通过更加符合空气动力学的形状一个曲线尾巴飞机结构这些发动机使飞行有效率同时会将绝大部分的噪音传向空气上方

    With a more aerodynamic shape and framed by a curved tail plane, these engines would make for a more streamlined aircraft, as well as directing most of their noise upward.


  • 所以研究人员增加了人们来回走动声音走廊里噪音飞机到处飞以及其他类似干扰性的事物、声音。

    So, the researchers added people walking around, noises coming from the hallway, paper airplanes flying every which way, and other distractions.


  • 另一半元凶则飞机自身结构问题:颠簸不平气流穿梭过往时同起落架襟翼结构相遇制造另一半噪音

    But the frame of the aircraft itself is to blame for the other half: the bumpy air flow over the undercarriage and the slots and flaps of the wings creates the rest of the racket.


  • 飞机其它类型飞行器以超音速飞过头顶时地面听到的类似雷声噪音

    A sonic boom is the thunder-like noise a person on the ground hears when an aircraft or other type of aerospace vehicle flies overhead faster than the speed of sound or supersonic.


  • 小型飞机通常很昂贵噪音也大,驾驶这种飞机需要数月训练不少资金,这一切都使得飞去上班”成为大多数不切实际的幻想。

    Small planes are generally costly, loud, require months of training and lots of money to operate, making flying to work impractical for most people.


  • 此外由于引擎(发动机)外部运动较慢空气覆盖了高温燃气排出引擎后部时噪音,“高道比”(高涵道比)飞机噪音指数下降了80%左右。

    They are also some 80% quieter because the mass of slower-moving air shrouds the noisy hot gases coming from the rear of the jet.


  • 讨厌喷气式飞机震耳欲聋噪音

    He hated the deafening noise of a jet plane.


  • 一位在希思罗机场附近、名叫朱莉娅·朱克50岁妇女表示很乐于每天见到这种外观优雅飞机并不在乎噪音

    Julia Zuk, 50, who lives near Heathrow, said she enjoyed her daily glimpses of the elegant jet and didn't mind the noise. "It's."


  • 伴因为飞机越来越高噪音逐渐消失了

    The noise died away with the plane flying higher.


  • 伴因为飞机越来越高噪音逐渐消失了

    The noise died away with the plane flying higher.


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