• 风雨洪水看起来同样不可能是凶手。

    Severe storms or floods look equally unlikely causes.


  • 树叶掉了树干仍旧高大牢固地扎根大地上,没有风雨冰雹掀翻

    Leaves fell, but the trunk stood tall, thick and firmly rooted in the ground. No wind, rain or hail could upset it.


  • 河流的沉淀物中含有大量放射性物质,这些放射性物质被风雨洪水冲上河滩,使那里的土壤成为放射性污染源之一。

    Its sediments remain highly contaminated and tainted floodplain soils that wash up during storms and floods have now become a source of radioactive materials.


  • 总的来说,如果走进花园发现郁金香金盏花牵牛花都合上了花瓣,你可以肯定,这天会有风雨,不适合野餐长时间散步

    On the whole, you may be pretty sure, if you go into your garden, and find many flowers — as tulips, marigolds and morning glories — shut, it will be a stormy day, unfit for picnics or long walks.


  • 要未雨绸缪项目早期忍受捍卫你开发日程而导致的风雨而不是迎接项目延期成本超支飓风

    Batten down the hatches and endure the thunderstorm of an unwelcome estimate early in the project instead of the hurricane of schedule slips and cost overruns later on.


  • TC4工程研究出关于的各种资料这种云层大气上层通过受热量驱使对流风雨变化过程中形成的,而风雨也是与热带海洋上空的状况密切相关。

    The TC4 project will generate new data on the icy cirrus clouds that are formed in the upper atmosphere by heat-driven, or convective, storm systems that coalesce over warm waters in the tropics.


  • 晚上第二回来也不知道在哪里,他所经受风雨越大饥饿越难挨,他越感到快乐越感到健康

    He would come back in the evening or maybe the following day, having slept who knows where, and the more storms and hunger he had endured the happier and healthier he was.


  • 平均每天风雨无阻是否匹配衣服

    And I mean everyday, rain or shine, whether it matched her outfit or not.


  • 今天可能晴天会有风雨但是不管天气如何,下午必须出去

    It bids fair to storm today; but I may go out this afternoon, be the weather as it may.


  • 玛丽亚女校只经过稍微雕琢普通白石,但是随着时光的流逝,也许会尘埃染污,受风雨侵蚀破裂成片片碎石

    Mary Academy is still a simple piece of white stone briefly carved, but as time marches on, duanwenw, . com it may be spoiled by dust, worn out by weather, or broken into separate pieces.


  • 风雨旗帜不要仅仅抽屉盒子里

    Fold your flag when storming. Don't just stuff it in a drawer or box.


  • 现在每年春节一些重要日子村民们依然会拿出崭新,照着原有的联重新书写,然后覆盖在被风雨吹打得破旧发白的旧联上。

    Nowadays, for the Spring Festival or other important days, villagers still copy the original couplets on red paper and paste them over the weather-beaten old ones.


  • 大气温度的分布也极不均匀,因此风雨无日停。

    Temperatures in different places were different. Therefore, storms show everyday.


  • 舷窗内盖一种坚固的百叶窗厚金属舷窗上窗玻璃上,用在风雨天气中。

    A strong shutter or plate fastened over a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather.


  • 经过风雨洗礼中国互联网行业更加成熟。

    Through stormy ablution , internet industry of China or more will mature.


  • 没有风雨交加,没有电闪雷鸣,没有任何可怕异常情况增强效果

    There was no wind, no rain, no lightning, no thunder, no awful or unwonted circumstance, of any kind, to heighten its effect.


  • 泥水匠、装潢工人其他一些工人负责建筑美观居民商业房的防风雨装置。

    Plasterers, trim installers, and others provide aesthetic beauty and weatherproof finish to any residential or commercial building.


  • 一种用于娱乐遮蔽风雨等的轻型的、有时为装饰有顶结构公园交易市场

    A light, sometimes ornamental roofed structure, used for amusement or shelter, as at parks or fairs.


  • 下雨开车时关闭兜盖,则风雨不能进入结构简单实用

    The wind pocket cover is closed in cold day or in raining and the wind and rain can not enter. The improved motorcycle helmet has the advantages of simple structure and practicality.


  • 风雨来临之前鸟儿会寻找安全地方有时发现,鸟儿们会栖息树上建筑物较进的电线

    Birds also seek safe places before a storm, You will sometimes see birds settling in trees or gathering together on a wire close to a building.


  • 早已不再梦见风雨不再梦见女人发生大事,不再梦见大鱼人打架比力道,也不再梦见亡了。

    He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife.


  • 这场飓风预计周三周四早上席卷墨西哥湾沿岸随之而来风雨将使水位超出正常潮汐水位16英尺

    The hurricane was forecast to thunder into the Gulf coast late on Wednesday or early on Thursday, bringing storm surge flooding of up to 16 feet above normal tide levels.


  • 欧式太阳各类门窗组合体。在寒冷冬天风雨里您可不受任何干扰置身于盛开鲜花绿荫丛中。

    European Sun Room is the combination of all kinds of Windows and doors. It creates a fresh spring environment with flowers and trees even in winter and storm.


  • 我能户外应对10月暴风雪风雨吗?

    Deal with a blizzard in October or a rainstorm while out in the open?


  • 因为蓝色风雨有关希腊神话中,宙斯伤心时会降雨生气时会风雨

    This is because blue was related to rain, or storms, and in Greek mythology, the god Zeus would make rain when he was sad (crying), and a storm when he was angry.


  • 冲出野外去痛风雨

    Or let me rush out and have a rainstorm pour on me in the wild.


  • 陆地时间上升下沉,并会由于风雨侵蚀花岗岩高山变成碎尘土

    Land comes and goes over time transforming from mountains of granite to sand and dirt due to the weathering of water and wind.


  • 无论平静忧伤孤单,无论受试探遇敌攻击时,遇暴风雨中飘摇时,是万世磐石藏身主

    In the calm of the noontide, in sorrow's lone hour, in times when temptation casts o 'er me its power; in the tempests of life, on its wide, heaving sea, Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee.


  • 无论平静忧伤孤单,无论受试探遇敌攻击时,遇暴风雨中飘摇时,是万世磐石藏身主

    In the calm of the noontide, in sorrow's lone hour, in times when temptation casts o 'er me its power; in the tempests of life, on its wide, heaving sea, Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee.


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