• 已经自己身份已经积累了自己的资源而且正是因为根基现在机会承担更大风险

    Your identity has been formed; you've built up your resources; and now you have the chance to take the big risks precisely because your foundation is already secure.


  • 过程我们实现中引入了潜在缺陷漏洞不断增加潜在风险形式积累

    This process introduces latent defects and vulnerabilities into our implementations, which accumulate in the form of growing potential risk.


  • 第二道防线风险减轻策略这种情况下是阻止作物中新材料积累

    A second line of defense is a risk mitigation strategy, in this case blocking accumulation of the new material in the grain.


  • 但是积累更深层组织脏器——像是肌肉肝脏中的脂肪大大增加患上类疾病风险

    But fat accumulated in deeper tissues and organs, within muscle and embedded in organs like the liver, for example, can put you at greater risk of these diseases.


  • 是趁着非常时期,抛下经济繁荣年代积累包袱,实现风险战略改变,以期变身为轻装从简,更为强健组织

    Do they exploit the tough times to lose the ballast accumulated during the boom years and make risky strategic changes in the hope of emerging as lighter but stronger organisations?


  • 那些评级机构只是查看以前累积下来的数据继续那些债券最高评级,但随着时间的推移房地产市场出现的波动这些债券正在积累大量风险

    The agencies, looking backward at the accumulated data, continued to give their top rating to securities that were piling up risk as each week went by and the real estate markets started to wobble.


  • 积累到一定程度,“白点”可以删掉轻微违章纪录,如果遇到重大违章,“白点”还可以减少被扣风险

    The accumulated “white points” can help them in scrapping simple offences or reducing car impounding period in case of major traffic violations.


  • 知识就是力量的当今时代,知识积累小行星威胁地球风险要素评估的调低起到了至关重要的作用。

    It's a situation where knowledge is power, and just knowing where the asteroids are has decreased Earths 'estimated risk factor tremendously.


  • 说:“多年来,我们号称金融业为财富创造者直到有一,我们领悟到,金融业积累如此风险以至于我们陷入混乱之中。”

    "For years, we proclaimed the financial world a creator of wealth, until we learned one day that it had accumulated so much risk that it plunged us into chaos," he said.


  • 这些国家一方面希望长期通过积累外汇储备,压低本国币值,另一方面别人承担持有这么多美元风险

    These countries want to perpetuate this system of accumulating foreign currencies to hold down the value of their own, but they want someone else to bear the risk of holding those dollars.


  • 事实上缺乏积累项目历史学习的能力却给项目时间表带来了大的风险,这种风险很可能其他许多因素总和还要大。

    In fact, the inability to learn from a cumulative project "history" probably puts a new project's timetable at greater risk than all other factors combined.


  • 这种情况下不可能为银行风险管理通过积累消耗储量

    In this case it will not be possible for Banks to manage risk through the accumulation and depletion of reserves.


  • 正是因为我们难以理解那些风险是怎么积累成大风险的,所以才引起了那么意外怀孕。

    Our difficulty in understanding how small risks add up accounts for many unplanned pregnancies.


  • 我们务必要承受今日风险将来积累经验。

    We must take risks today to learn lessons for tomorrow.


  • 一切进展顺利情况下,许多有钱有势的金融行业风险则不断积累

    When this game is going well, a lot of rich and powerful people make money while risk builds up in the financial sector.


  • 我们必须承担风险未来积累经验教训

    We must take risks today to learn lessons for tomorrow.


  • 西方商业银行利率风险管理理论经过几十积累,形成了较为严谨体系

    In west commercial bank the theory of interest rate risk management generated precise system based on accumulation during decade years.


  • 我们这样没有原始积累所谓原罪”的企业家风险投资很大帮助

    We do this primitive accumulation and the so-called "original sin" entrepreneurs, venture capital has a great help.


  • 长期计划财政积累我国财政支付风险集中表现为赤字膨胀债务

    The long-term planned finance has accumulated the risk of the financial payment of our country, which is centralized reflected by the debt of deficit and expansion.


  • 国外学者们已经研究多年已经形成了一套完整体系资产证券化发行机构它们投资者还没有积累不同经济背景下应对风险经验

    The foreign scholars have researched the projected for many years and formed an integrated system, but they have not experience to cope with the risk in different economics background.


  • 采用磷肥有机肥田间定位试验作物产量效应土壤积累的环境风险相结合的方法。

    The yield response of crop to phosphate fertilizer and organic manure and the loss risk of phosphorus in soil were studied using a long-term experiment.


  • 商业银行信贷风险成为国民经济运行中的一种系统风险主要表现为商业银行积累大量不良贷款

    Commercial bank's credit risk has become a risk system in national economic operation. It's mainly embodied by large amounts of bad loans accumulated in commercial Banks.


  • 风险投资方面已经逐步形成了完备组织形式积累丰富经验

    In venture capital aspect, it has come into being self-contained organize form, accumulate abundant experience.


  • 这份最新研究报告,发表美国流行病学杂志研究人员发现终身处于劣势之中可能心脏病积累风险”。

    In this latest study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that lifelong disadvantage may translate into an "accumulation of risk" for heart disease.


  • 我国学术界商业银行本身对于操作风险研究起步较,各种内部数据积累工作完善

    Academia and the commercial Banks in China began the research of operation risk be later, the accumulation of the internal data is not complete.


  • 1994年以前,美国一直采用单一费率使银行体系风险不断积累,最终爆发了二十世纪八十年代末的储贷危机

    Before 1994, the United States has been adopting single fee rate system, making the risk of bank system continuously accumulate, broke out great crisis of deposit institutes in 1980s at the end.


  • 此外项目为载体技术整合过程获取、开发和积累技术知识随着项目的完成将面临被丢失遗忘风险

    Moreover, with the project finishing, the knowledge that acquired in the process of technology integration, is facing the risk of lost and forgetting.


  • 目的积累流行病学资料显示维生素D缺乏症2型糖尿病代谢风险关联

    OBJECTIVEAccumulating epidemiological evidence suggests that hypovitaminosis D may be associated with type 2 diabetes and related metabolic risks.


  • 目的积累流行病学资料显示维生素D缺乏症2型糖尿病代谢风险关联

    OBJECTIVEAccumulating epidemiological evidence suggests that hypovitaminosis D may be associated with type 2 diabetes and related metabolic risks.


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