• 图片提示打破构图规则题材要求不要惧怕倾斜地平线

    Photo Tip: Break rules of composition, and don't be afraid to tilt the horizon when the subject matter calls for it.


  • 图片提示打破构图规则题材要求,不要惧怕倾斜地平线

    Photo Tip: Break rules of composition, and don’t be afraid to tilt the horizon when the subject matter calls for it.


  • 摆放作品展会巧妙避免了同题材作品在二维简单对照

    The exhibition deftly avoids a two-dimensional confrontation between simple pairs of paintings.


  • 贝里开始这项工作这个放荡不羁贵族了“”,因为后者想要意大利杰出的艺术家画布为他展示古典纵酒狂欢的题材

    Bellini had begun the job by painting "The Feast of the Gods" for the libertine duke, who wanted the best artists in Italy to paint canvases on themes of classical drunken revels.


  • 不知什么缘故,纽约人都希望杰克·鲍尔来帮助我们保护纽约。 现在让我们来说说这部以反恐题材杰出作品,福克斯电视台夯美剧-----“24小。”

    Somehow, we’ve managed to get by without help from Jack Bauer, the ne plus ultra of counterterrorism on Fox’s long-running “24.”


  • 最近几年一些军旅题材电视剧一直备受批评尤其是作品标榜自己军旅生活真实描写

    In recent years, several military-themed TV shows have been criticized, especially when they are characterized as realistic portrayals of military life.


  • 谈到独特的编舞创作夏琳指出依据各类不同题材分别考虑而不会拘泥于严苛古典芭蕾

    When refering to her unique choreography, Charlene pointed out that she would take into account of the various of topics, not circumscribed by the severe classical ballet.


  • 结合实践,介绍科技论文特征结构临床医学工程可选论文题材以及论文投稿的注意事项。

    This paper introduced the characteristic and construction of the technology thesis, thesis topics for a clinical engineer, and announcements for contribution.


  • 大业拾遗记》《隋炀》(《海山记》、《开河记》、《迷楼记》)是晚唐出现篇历史题材传奇小说。

    Supplied A Deficiency on the Daye and Three records About Emperor Yangdiare the four historical theme tales in the Late Tang Dynasty.


  • 当然同一出现如此众多相同题材基调盗墓小说使作品过于集中读者出现审美疲劳等诸多问题。

    Of course, at the same time in so many different themes and tone of "Grave Robbers Novel" would work too be concentrated, there will appear the tire from readers and many other issues.


  • 一点通过考察一系列相似题材话本变迁可以得更加明显

    This can be seen more clearly when we look into changes in Huaben novels on a series of similar subject matters.


  • 女性艺术家创作关于方面题材作品还是应该考虑本国具体文化环境,文化背景因素寻找自己表达方式

    Women artists in creating works of themes in this regard or should be considered when their specific cultural environment, cultural background and other factors, to find their own means of expression.


  • 然而许多教师都会感到辅导学生创作没有什么题材可以

    However, many teachers can feel when counsels the student creation, does not have what theme to be possible to draw.


  • 我们只能作为人物画背景山水题材窥见山水画面貌

    At that time, we can only from the landscape as a background figure painting subjects that period to show the landscapes look.


  • 荷包中国民歌常见题材表现少女情人绣荷包兴奋羞涩心态。

    Embroidering pouch is a very popular theme among Chinese folk songs. It shows the excitement and shyness of young girls when embroidering pouch for their lovers.


  • 题材决定论影响,当代中国人物画家创作往往题材过于关注,而忽视在题材表现主题的升华。

    Influenced by the theme determinism, contemporary figure painters in China tend to over-emphasize the presentation of the subject matter;


  • 不得不承认开始知道有人拍摄僵尸题材(基于漫画系列)的作品一点都不来电。最后,事实证明我的想法是错的。

    I'll be the first to admit that when I heard that series about zombies was being made (based on the comic book series), I had absolutely no interest in tuning in — boy was I wrong.


  • 我们研究平民风格影视剧人们一定想起擅长拍摄平民题材影视剧导演杨亚洲

    When we are studying popularize style of the movies and TV plays, people must think of the director Yangyazhou who takes movies and TV plays about the common people specially.


  • 针对这些问题,提出在今后高考化学主观试题命题注意挖掘题材隐性要素的策略在化学高考中增加实验考查建议。

    In order to solve these problems, we must pay attention to the latent elements of the test materials, and increase the experiment test in NMCT.


  • 备受欢迎三国题材世代累积的阶层精神内容使得明清受众既充满阅读期待又阅读情感认同

    For its popular theme and spirit at all levels of generations or the content, so the audience full of Ming and Qing Dynasties expect there to read when reading the emotional identity.


  • 每日电讯报》报道,美国热播的犯罪题材电视剧《犯罪现场调查》制片人卡罗尔·曼德森表示,准备巴黎取景拍摄一部2小长的电影版《犯罪现场调查》。

    Carol Mendolson, a producer of the U. S. TV crime show CSI, said she was preparing to make a two-hour CSI TV movie set in Paris, the Daily Telegraph reported.


  • 每日电讯报》报道,美国热播的犯罪题材电视剧《犯罪现场调查》制片人卡罗尔·曼德森表示,准备巴黎取景拍摄一部2小长的电影版《犯罪现场调查》。

    Carol Mendolson, a producer of the U. S. TV crime show CSI, said she was preparing to make a two-hour CSI TV movie set in Paris, the Daily Telegraph reported.


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