• 他们清理第二颗炸弹爆炸了

    They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded.


  • 炸弹附近爆炸。

    A bomb exploded somewhere near.


  • 炸弹一家旅馆爆炸,6死亡、5受伤

    A bomb exploded in a hotel, killing six people and wounding another five.


  • 隶属美国能源部国家安全局称,拆除最后一炸弹工作比计划提前

    The US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has said the programme, which was completed once this final bomb had been dismantled, is a year ahead of schedule.


  • 修正了个“分为”的错误如果扔了颗炸弹敌人站在0像素远离

    Fixed a "divide by zero" bug that would occur if you threw a bomb at an enemy while standing 0 pixels away from it.


  • 他们差点毁灭金门大桥但是炸弹离大桥500英尺地方优良美国空军击毁。

    They almost succeeded at destroying the Golden Gate bridge, but the superior air force of the U. S. defeated them after only 2 bombs were dropped with both missing the bridge by at least 500 ft.


  • 同时内政部表示5阿富汗平民周一阿富汗东部库纳尔Dangam遭到两颗炸弹袭击身亡。

    Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior said five Afghan civilians died in twin explosions Monday in the Dangam district of Kunar province in eastern Afghanistan.


  • 即使很远,飞机仍然发出巨大轰鸣——起码有炸弹直接落在叛军当中,而叛军的车队顿时消失片烟雾沙尘之中

    Even from a distance they made a spectacular roar-at least seven bombs were dropped directly onto the rebels, whose convoy disappeared into a cloud of smoke and sand.


  • 结论煽动性的因为我们社会物质主义下起爆颗炸弹富裕国家经济增长并没有明显升华的精神。

    The conclusion is provocative, because it explodes a bomb-shell underneath our society's materialism: Economic growth in affluent countries provides no apparent boost to human morale.


  • 四月二日发生罗南·科尔谋杀案地点而显得特别受关注:奥玛附近。1998年在这里颗炸弹杀死了29个人

    The murder of Ronan Kerr on April 2nd was especially resonant because of its location: near the County Tyrone town of Omagh, where in 1998 a bomb killed 29 people.


  • 今天早上放在垃圾袋中的炸弹爆炸炸伤15

    This morning a bomb in a garbage bag exploded and injured 15 people.


  • 这本炸弹”,如果将其出版藏身之所。

    The book is dynamite, and if she publishes it, there will be no hiding place for her.


  • 们就像一美味的小炸弹,在你的嘴里爆炸。

    They explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.


  • 一般大小炸弹能否炸毁一架飞机取决于飞机大小引爆的位置贴近机身位置比较理想)。

    Whether a bomb of this size could bring down a plane would depend on the size of the aircraft and where in the hold it was placed (next to the hull would be ideal).


  • 科学家们周三向亚原子理论世界重磅炸弹可见世界块基石——质子——先前人们认为得要

    Scientists lobbed a bombshell into the world of sub-atomic theory on Wednesday by reporting that a primary building block of the visible Universe, the proton, is smaller than previously thought.


  • 调查人员袭击者周三入住万豪酒店18房间组装炸弹,爆炸后在此房间发现引爆炸弹

    Investigators say the bombers had checked in to the Marriott on Wednesday and assembled the bombs in a room on the 18th floor, where an unexploded device was found after the blasts.


  • 美国一共投下了28,000“宝石路”炸弹但是,“他们并没能能阻止美国的失败,”历史学家MaxBoot说, “丛林中的游击战敌人不是容易遭到空袭

    Butthey did not save the United States fromdefeat, ” historian Max Boot notes. “A guerrilla foe hiding in thejungles was not very vulnerable to air attack.”


  • 美国一共投下了28,000“宝石路”炸弹但是,“他们并没能能阻止美国的失败,”历史学家MaxBoot说, “丛林中的游击战敌人不是容易遭到空袭

    Butthey did not save the United States fromdefeat, ” historian Max Boot notes. “A guerrilla foe hiding in thejungles was not very vulnerable to air attack.”


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