• 频率平衡稳定平衡特例

    The frequency equilibrium is a particular case of the stable equilibrium.


  • 一个扩张时期锚定在平衡更高频率

    And that has been a period of expansion and of anchoring balance and higher frequencies.


  • 这样就能够垃圾回收周期频率长度之间实现最佳平衡

    This creates the best balance between the rate and length of garbage collection cycles.


  • 配置垃圾回收运行频率垃圾回收器进行垃圾回收操作的时间长度之间进行平衡

    This configuration provides a balance between how often the garbage collector runs and how long it takes the garbage collector to collect garbage.


  • 我们知道有一段时间频率非常强烈自然以至于很难保持平衡

    And we know that there have been times when the frequencies have been of such a strong nature that the balance has been difficult at times to hold.


  • 分派时,必须在可用端点之间实现工作负载平衡并且可能的情况下请求发送活动频率最低的端点。

    When dispatching, the workload must be balanced between the available endpoints and when possible the requests should be addressed to the endpoint with the lowest activity rate.


  • WAS CE一个规律的发行周期,通过比较可预测的发行频率平衡获得最新特性功能需求

    WAS ce will have a more measured release cycle that balances the need to get the latest feature or function with a release frequency that is more predictable and spaced.


  • 总共平衡时间工作平衡时间及其平衡时间—平衡时间实际不会考虑使用频率

    Total Balance Time: the total of the sub work item's Balance Time and its own Balance Time - the Balance Time is the actual value, and no utilization rate considered.


  • 这股能量常常能够用来平衡行星地球能量极性-有助于意识第三维空间更高频率空间

    This energy can be used to balance the polarities of the planet - and help move consciousness from third dimension to higher frequencies of light and love.


  • 因为电子惯性它们冲过平衡位置特征频率围绕它们的平衡位置振荡

    Because of their inertia, the electrons will overshoot and oscillate around their equilibrium positions with a characteristic frequency known as the plasma frequency.


  • 故障导致供电系统电网断开后,此时供电系统因有功平衡出现频率崩溃现象导致大面积停电事故

    When disconnected with external power grid due to certain fault, it will result in frequency collapse, and even leads to large-scale blackout owing to the active power imbalance.


  • 自动电源控制频率自动调整负载平衡使更为灵活稳定建立大规模网络

    Auto power control, frequency auto-adjustment and load balance make it more flexible and stable to establish large scale network.


  • 提出一种附加控制策略附加控制策略根据系统频率变化改变直流系统功率电流指令从而实现系统功率的平衡

    The authors propose an additional control strategy, which changes the power or current order according to the variation of system frequency, thus the power balance of the grid can be implemented.


  • 而其它方面的特性频率、电压波形各相平衡很少被用户认识到这恰恰受到电力部门工程师时刻关注

    Other characteristics, such as frequency, wave shape, and phase balance are seldom recognized by the consumers but are given constant attention by the electric power utility engineers.


  • 更进一步目标通过不断优化策略达到交易频率成功率平衡

    The further mission is to balance high frequency and success rate by continuous strategy optimization.


  • 提出一种基于改进能量矩形平衡频率测量算法给出框图程序。

    A frequency measure algorithm based on the improved energy rectangular balance method was presented in this paper.


  • 强调水文频率计算统计参数设计进行综合平衡合理性分析重要性

    It is emphasized on the importance of comprehensive balance and rationality analysis of statistical parameters and design values in hydrologic frequency computation.


  • 研究德尔遗传定理-维恩伯格平衡假设三元家庭基因型数据单体分型和单体型频率估计问题

    The problems of haplotyping and haplotype frequency estimation on trio genotype data under the Mendelian law of inheritance and the assumption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are studied in this paper.


  • 结果表明C1166基因频率0.034,所检验的群体遗传平衡群体。

    The results show that the frequency of allele gene C1166 is 0.034, the population is not genetic equilibrium.


  • 利用水量平衡模型求得未来不同气候变化情况下月均流量过程,探讨气候变化对洪峰流量洪水频率的影响。

    Using the monthly water balance model, the sensitivity of flood frequencies and discharge peaks for changing climate conditions have been analyzed and tested.


  • 陷波滤波器采用通用式结构中心频率分布转子转速附近抑制平衡振动

    The filter used a kind of general structure, whose central frequency located nearby the rotation speed to reduce the unbalance vibration.


  • 本文讨论了框架平衡振动系统自然频率运动方程、振动中心等问题;

    The natural frequencies, the equation of motion and the node of vibration are discussed for the vibration system of a cradle dynamic balancing machine.


  • 分配功能模块实现耗损平衡策略需要考虑数据更新速度块擦除频率之间关系

    Implementing the policy in block allocation module needs to consider the relation between the rate of data refreshment and the block-erasing frequency.


  • 系统结构采用平衡通道频率补偿技术中频跟踪技术校正技术。

    In the system, we adopt a balance channel frequency offset structure, phase locked IF tracking technique and opened loop precorrection.


  • 歧义结构义项认知理解频率往往平衡的。

    The cognition frequency of the single item is often unbalanced in the ambiguity structure.


  • 目前我国电能质量国家标准主要规定五个指标频率谐波电压偏差三相平衡电压波动闪变

    At present, our country power quality national standard was chiefly stipulated five quotas: frequency, harmonic and voltage deviation, three-phase unbalance and the voltage fluctuation and flicker.


  • 曲轴配置平衡重后,可以通过调整飞轮惯量,使系统自振频率不但不下降,还能略有提高

    In a certain inertia of the system, the natural frequency can be increased a little by adjusting the inertia of the flywheel when the crankshaft is fitted with a balancer.


  • 介绍电荷平衡电压频率转换器电路设计工艺制作,给出了研究结果。

    A charge balanced voltage to frequency converter is jpresented in this paper, and the circuit design and the process technology are also described.


  • 分布平衡时间爆震频率升高而减小,且基本上呈线性关系

    The thermal equilibrium time of wall temperature decreases linearly with the detonation frequency increasing.


  • 分布平衡时间爆震频率升高而减小,且基本上呈线性关系

    The thermal equilibrium time of wall temperature decreases linearly with the detonation frequency increasing.


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